Alpacas & Llamas

Alpacas guard against foxes (1)

Guard Alpacas: What Farm Animals Can Alpacas Protect?

How can you offer 24/7 protection for your farm animals? Well, an unconventional choice may be employing guard alpacas. While alpacas have limits as guard animals, they have been proven to be effective against certain predators.  In their natural habitat, alpacas often group together to chase predators away from aging alpacas or crias. Some alpacas […]

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10 best companion animals for alpacas (1)

Do Alpacas Need a Companion? 10 Alpaca Companion Animals

Alpacas are inherently social animals with an intricate, matriarchal herd structure. They graze together, warn each other of danger, and sleep in the safety of numbers.  On a farm, alpacas thrive best when this herd structure is replicated with at least three other alpacas. Some alpaca owners, however, can’t fulfill this requirement. In some areas,

Do Alpacas Need a Companion? 10 Alpaca Companion Animals Read More »

profitable animals for homesteaders1 (1)

Most Profitable Farm Animals For A Small Farm

  Do you have a few acres or are you looking to purchase a small homestead? Raising farm animals for a profit with a few acres is a different endeavor than if you have hundreds of acres to raise large herds of animals. Check out this article on the most profitable livestock to raise if

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The best guard animal to protect chickens

What is the Best Animal to Protect Chickens?

  Recently, a mountain lion was found in an empty irrigation ditch on my neighbor’s land. But, big cats are not the only predator attacking chickens. Foxes, weasels, rats, snakes all eat and kill chickens. Don’t forget about the neighborhood cats and dogs, who kill and eat chickens. There are many ways to protect chickens

What is the Best Animal to Protect Chickens? Read More »

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