About Best Farm Animals

Welcome to BestFarmAnimals!
If you have owned farm animals for years or are just starting on your homesteading journey, BestFarmAnimals is your destination.
We are a team of homesteaders, vets, professional animal trainers, and professional researchers.
We are passionate about farm animals. We own horses, donkeys, chickens, ducks, pigs, alpacas, cows and other animals! Collectively, we have 100+ years of experience. Best Farm Animals is the ultimate resource for learning everything you need to know about your farm animals.
Please follow us on YouTube or Instagram to learn more about farm animals. You can also join our Facebook Group if you’d like to connect with us. We are excited to have recently started this so the community can ask questions and show off their farm animals!
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Join our private Facebook Page, watch our helpful Youtube Videos, or check out our artwork on Instagram. You’ll get lots of helpful tips and tricks, see us behind the scenes, and can share your favorite photos and facts.
Meet the Contributors to This Site
Annemaria Duran
IHi, I’m Annemaria Duran. I moved out to the country seven years ago to have more land. I love all aspects of country living. From my big garden (and greenhouses we built) to the animals that teach my kids responsibility.
First, we got chickens, then ducks. Now we also have a turkey, sheep, goats, and rabbits. I’m always learning and love sharing it!
You can check out my Author page here to read my articles.

Cesar Duran
I own a homestead with my wife and kiddos. I enjoy caring for our goats with my 14-year-old daughter, feeding our chickens with my 11-year-old, and fixing goat fences with my 8-year-old son. We have lots of various farm animals all of which my family love.
You can check out my articles on my Author Page
Talithia van Niekerk
Hi, I’m Talitha van Niekerk, and I made the leap to farm animal ownership when I decided to fulfill my lifelong passion to own horses.
Now, over a decade later, I run a public stable facility on 180 acres of land, caring for over 75 horses of all breeds and sizes. I love to write about my experiences, share the knowledge I have gained and help others achieve their life’s passion to live on the land.
You can check out my Author page here to read my articles.
Talithia’s Awards and Recognition
- Homesteader who trains horses win lots of awards
- Expert about all things horses!
Nicky Hoseck
I’ve been around horses since the age of six and, 15 years ago, I leapt at the chance to leave behind my London-based career in journalism and start life on a small holding in South Africa.
Sharing my experiences with horses, goats, and other farm animals allows me to flex my writing skills and help others find their way to a happy, healthy herd.
You can check out my articles on my Author Page
Nicky’s Experience and Accomplishments
- Helped thousands of people better care for their farm animals
- Consultant, guide, and an awesome guru when it comes to horses