Cheapest meat per pound

What’s the Cheapest Meat Per Pound for Saving Money

When it comes to grocery shopping, finding the cheapest meat per pound can help you save money. With the cost of cattle and poultry rising, exploring affordable meat options and budget-friendly meat prices will help you can find the lowest cost meat and economical protein sources. This article will provide you with information on where to find inexpensive meat cuts, the best meat deals, and cost-effective meat choices.

When it comes to stretching your grocery budget, understanding how to find the cheapest meat per pound is essential. By seeking out affordable meat options and taking advantage of budget-friendly meat prices, you can maximize your savings without compromising on the quality of your protein choices.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Exploring affordable meat options can help you find the cheapest meat per pound.
  • Look for budget-friendly meat prices to maximize savings.
  • Economical protein sources offer cost-effective nutrition.
  • Inexpensive meat cuts and best meat deals are key to saving money.
  • Cost-effective meat choices allow you to stretch your grocery budget.

What is Considered Cheap Meat?

Cheap meat refers to meat that is available at affordable prices. The term “cheap” is subjective and can vary depending on factors such as location and time of year. However, the average prices for meat can give you a baseline to determine what is considered a good deal. Evaluating meat prices based on the average prices can help you identify affordable meat options and low-cost protein sources.

Meat TypePrice Range (per pound)
Ground Beef$2.99 – $4.99
Chicken Breasts$1.99 – $3.99
Pork Shoulder$2.49 – $4.99
Beef Brisket$5.99 – $9.99
Turkey$0.99 – $2.99

Note: These price ranges are approximate and may vary depending on location and store.

Evaluating meat prices can help you make informed choices when shopping for affordable meat. By comparing prices at different stores or online platforms, you can identify the best deals and save money. It’s also worth considering seasonal sales or promotions, as they often offer discounted prices on certain cuts of meat.

When evaluating meat prices, don’t forget to consider the quality of the meat. While cheap prices can be enticing, it’s important to ensure that the meat is still of good quality and safe to consume. Look for reputable brands or sources that prioritize animal welfare and sustainable practices.

How to Find Cheap Meat at the Grocery Store

When it comes to finding cheap meat at the grocery store, there are several strategies you can use to save money. By being strategic and aware of the best deals and options available, you can make affordable meat shopping a reality.

1. Look for Yellow Tag Sales

One effective way to find cheap meat is by keeping an eye out for yellow tag sales. These tags indicate discounted prices on meat that is nearing its expiration date. While the meat may still be perfectly safe to consume, grocery stores often mark it down to encourage quick sales. These deals can help you save significantly on your meat purchases.

2. Buy in Bulk and Freeze

Another money-saving tip is to buy meat in bulk and freeze it for later use. Purchasing larger quantities of meat often comes with discounted prices per pound. You can portion it out into individual servings or meal-sized portions, then freeze what you won’t be using immediately. This allows you to take advantage of lower prices while ensuring you always have meat on hand.

3. Consider Shopping at Local Butchers

Shopping at local butchers is another great way to find affordable meat. Local butchers often offer competitive prices and can provide advice on using cheaper cuts of meat. They may also have special deals or promotions that can help you save even more. Additionally, you’ll be supporting small businesses in your community.

4. Compare Prices at Different Grocery Stores

Don’t limit yourself to just one grocery store when shopping for meat. Take the time to compare prices at different stores in your area. Prices can vary significantly between retailers, and by doing some research, you can find the best deals. This can be especially beneficial if you have multiple grocery stores near you or are willing to travel a bit for better prices.

Grocery StorePrice per Pound for Chicken BreastPrice per Pound for Ground Beef
Store A$2.99$3.49
Store B$1.99$2.99
Store C$2.49$3.19

Comparison shopping allows you to make informed decisions and get the most value for your money. Be sure to take note of prices for different cuts of meat as well, as some cuts may be more affordable than others.

By following these tips and strategies, you can find cheap meat at the grocery store and save money on your purchases. Whether it’s taking advantage of yellow tag sales, buying in bulk, shopping at local butchers, or comparing prices, being proactive and resourceful can make a significant difference in your grocery budget.

finding cheap meat

Unconventional Ways to Stock Up on Cheap Meat

When it comes to buying meat, there are more options than just grocery store shopping. Exploring unconventional methods can help you stock up on cheap meat and save money. Here are some alternative strategies to consider:

  1. Buying Wholesale Meat: Purchasing meat in bulk from suppliers can provide you with larger quantities of meat at lower prices. Look for wholesalers in your area or consider online options for buying wholesale meat.
  2. Shopping at Local Farms: Visit local farms or farmers markets to buy meat directly from the source. Not only can you support local farmers, but you may also find competitive prices on fresh, locally sourced meat.
  3. Using Meat Coupons: Keep an eye out for coupons or discount codes for meat products. Many grocery stores offer digital or paper coupons that can help you save on your meat purchases.
  4. Changing Shopping Patterns: Be flexible with your shopping habits and take advantage of sales and discounts. Consider buying meat when it’s on sale, even if it’s not on your regular shopping list.
  5. Planning Ahead: Plan your meals in advance to make the most of your meat purchases. This can help you avoid food waste and ensure that you utilize cheaper cuts of meat in your recipes.
  6. Shopping at Ethnic Grocery Stores: Explore ethnic grocery stores or markets in your area. These stores often have a wide variety of meat options at competitive prices, including cuts that may be cheaper than those found in mainstream grocery stores.
  7. Comparing Grocery Store Prices: Take the time to compare prices at different grocery stores in your area. You may find that certain stores consistently offer better deals on meat, allowing you to make the most cost-effective choices.
  8. Cooking Cheaper Cuts: Experiment with cooking cheaper cuts of meat that may be less expensive but still delicious. Slow cooking or marinating can help tenderize and enhance the flavor of these cuts.
  9. Grinding Your Own Meat: Consider investing in a meat grinder and grinding your own meat. This can be a cost-effective way to enjoy ground meat, allowing you to control the quality and quantity of the meat you use.
  10. Buying in Bulk and Dividing: If you have the freezer space, buying meat in bulk and dividing it into smaller portions can result in significant savings. Look for bulk meat options at warehouse stores or ask your local butcher if they offer bulk discounts.

By exploring these unconventional ways to buy meat, you can find affordable options and save money on your grocery bills. Remember to always prioritize quality and freshness when making your purchases.

Cutting Down on Meat Per Meal for Savings

If you want to save money on meat, there are effective strategies that can help you reduce your meat consumption and still enjoy delicious and nutritious meals. By incorporating budget-friendly meal planning and incorporating affordable protein alternatives, you can achieve significant savings while maintaining a balanced diet.

Reducing Meat Consumption

  • Control portion sizes: By reducing the portion sizes of meat in your meals, you can stretch your meat purchases and make them last longer. Focus on filling your plate with more vegetables and other sides to create a well-balanced meal.
  • Choose cheaper cuts of meat: Opt for less expensive cuts of meat that still offer flavor and tenderness. These cuts can be just as delicious when properly cooked and seasoned.
  • Experiment with meatless meals: Incorporating meatless meals into your weekly menu is an excellent way to reduce meat consumption and save money. Try substituting meat with beans, lentils, tofu, or other affordable protein alternatives.

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly reduce your meat consumption and lower your grocery bill, all while maintaining a nutritious diet.

Budget-Friendly Meal Planning

Budget-friendly meal planning is another effective way to save money on meat. Here are some tips to help you plan your meals while keeping your budget in check:

  • Create a weekly meal plan: Plan your meals in advance to avoid impulsive purchases and wastage.
  • Utilize leftovers: Repurpose leftover meat from one meal into another dish for the next day. This way, you can make the most out of your meat purchases.
  • Batch cook and freeze: Prepare larger portions of meat dishes and freeze the leftovers for later use. This allows you to buy in bulk and take advantage of cost savings.

Incorporating Affordable Protein Alternatives

In addition to reducing meat consumption, incorporating affordable protein alternatives into your meals is both budget-friendly and nutritious. Here are some options to consider:

  • Beans and legumes: These are inexpensive sources of protein that can be used as the main ingredient in various dishes, such as soups, stews, and salads.
  • Tofu and tempeh: These soy-based products are affordable and versatile options for replacing meat in recipes.
  • Eggs: Eggs are a cost-effective source of protein that can be incorporated into different meals, including breakfast, salads, and sandwiches.

By incorporating these affordable protein alternatives, you can not only save money but also explore different flavors and diversify your diet.

reducing meat consumption

By implementing these strategies, such as reducing meat consumption per meal, budget-friendly meal planning, and incorporating affordable protein alternatives, you can save money on meat purchases while still enjoying delicious and nutritious meals. Not only will these practices benefit your wallet, but they also contribute to a more sustainable and mindful approach to food consumption.

The Price of Meat: Inflation and Rising Costs

The price of meat has been significantly impacted by various factors, resulting in meat price inflation and rising costs. Understanding the contributing factors can provide insight into the current market conditions and help consumers make informed decisions.

One key factor affecting meat prices is supply chain issues. Labor shortages and processing plant bottlenecks have disrupted the flow of meat from producers to consumers. These challenges have increased the overall cost of meat production and distribution, ultimately leading to higher prices.

Rising feed prices and energy costs are additional factors influencing the price of meat. The cost of feeding and raising livestock has increased due to the rising prices of animal feed and the energy required for various production processes. These expenses are inevitably passed on to consumers, further driving up meat prices.

In recent years, avian flu outbreaks have affected poultry populations, resulting in reduced meat availability and increased prices. Measures to contain and prevent the spread of avian flu, such as culling affected flocks, have created supply shortages and further contributed to the rising costs of poultry products.

To provide a clear overview, here’s a summary of the key factors impacting meat prices:

  1. Supply chain issues, including labor shortages and processing plant bottlenecks
  2. Rising feed prices and energy costs
  3. Avian flu outbreaks affecting poultry populations

These factors have collectively created an environment of meat price inflation and rising costs, making it crucial for consumers to stay informed and make educated purchasing decisions.

FactorsImpact on Meat Prices
Supply chain issuesHigher production and distribution costs, leading to increased meat prices
Rising feed prices and energy costsElevated expenses in raising and processing livestock, resulting in higher meat prices
Avian flu outbreaksReduced meat availability and supply shortages, driving up poultry prices

It’s essential for consumers to be aware of these factors when planning their grocery budgets and making meat purchases. By understanding the challenges facing the meat industry, individuals can make informed choices and explore alternative options to mitigate the impact of rising meat prices.

Cheapest Cuts of Meat: Tips from BBQ Pros

When it comes to grilling, BBQ pros know how to find the most affordable and delicious cuts of meat. They have mastered the art of choosing economical options that don’t compromise on flavor. Here are some insider tips on the cheapest cuts of meat that will make your next barbecue both satisfying and cost-effective.

St. Louis Ribs: Flavorful and Affordable

St. Louis ribs are a budget-friendly alternative to baby back ribs. These ribs offer excellent flavor and tenderness at a lower price. They come from the belly of the pig and have more marbling, which adds richness to the meat. St. Louis ribs are perfect for slow-cooking or smoking, allowing the flavors to develop and create a mouthwatering barbecue experience.

Flatiron Steak: Tender and Economical

Looking for a tender steak that won’t break the bank? Consider flatiron steak. This cut comes from the shoulder of the cow and is known for its tenderness and flavor. It rivals the more expensive New York strip steak but at a fraction of the cost. Flatiron steak is best cooked to medium-rare or medium for optimal tenderness and juiciness.

Top Sirloin: Robust Flavor, Lean Profile

If you’re searching for a cost-effective cut that doesn’t compromise on flavor, top sirloin is an excellent choice. This cut comes from the upper portion of the sirloin primal and offers a robust and beefy taste. Top sirloin is leaner compared to other cuts, making it a healthier option. Whether grilled or pan-seared, top sirloin delivers exceptional flavor and juiciness.

Chuck-Eye Steak: Tenderize with Marinating

For a wallet-friendly alternative to rib-eye steak, look no further than chuck-eye steak. This cut comes from the shoulder area and is less expensive while still offering great taste. Chuck-eye steak can be slightly tough but can be tenderized by marinating it overnight. This will help break down the muscle fibers and result in a more tender and succulent steak.

By choosing these affordable cuts of meat, you can enjoy a cost-effective grilling experience without sacrificing flavor. Whether you prefer ribs, steaks, or other cuts, these economical choices will satisfy your taste buds and your wallet.

Affordable meat cuts
Meat CutAverage Price per PoundTasteTenderness
St. Louis Ribs$3.99Rich and flavorfulTender when slow-cooked
Flatiron Steak$6.99Beefy and juicyTender when cooked to medium-rare
Top Sirloin$4.99Robust and savoryLean and firm
Chuck-Eye Steak$5.49Flavorful and marbledTender when marinated

Budget-Friendly Meat Side Dishes

To complement your budget-friendly meat purchases, consider serving affordable meat side dishes. Incorporating filling vegetable options and grilling vegetables can create delicious and cost-effective sides that enhance your meals without breaking the bank.

Fiber-rich vegetables, such as broccoli, can be grilled and paired with inexpensive ingredients to create satisfying side dishes. The natural flavors of grilled vegetables add depth and variety to your meals, while also providing essential nutrients.

Here are a few budget-friendly recipes for cost-effective sides:

  1. Grilled Lemon-Garlic Asparagus:
    • Ingredients:
      • 1 bunch of asparagus
      • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
      • 1 lemon, juiced and zested
      • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
      • Salt and pepper to taste
    • Instructions:
      1. Preheat grill to medium heat.
      2. Toss asparagus with olive oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, minced garlic, salt, and pepper.
      3. Grill for 5-7 minutes, turning occasionally, until asparagus is tender and slightly charred.
      4. Serve hot as a side dish with your budget-friendly meat.
  2. Grilled Zucchini and Yellow Squash Medley:
    • Ingredients:
      • 1 zucchini
      • 1 yellow squash
      • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
      • 1 teaspoon of Italian seasoning
      • Salt and pepper to taste
    • Instructions:
      1. Preheat grill to medium heat.
      2. Slice zucchini and yellow squash into ΒΌ-inch thick rounds.
      3. Toss with olive oil, Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper.
      4. Grill for 3-4 minutes per side, until tender and lightly charred.
      5. Serve as a colorful and flavorful side dish with your budget-friendly meat.

These simple and affordable recipes provide cost-effective sides that complement your meat dishes. Experiment with different vegetables and seasonings to create your own variations. The possibilities are endless!

Remember, budget-friendly meat side dishes can be both delicious and nutritious without compromising on taste or quality.

Homemade Rubs and Marinades for Flavor on a Budget

Instead of buying expensive store-bought rubs and marinades, consider making your own at home. Homemade rubs and marinades are not only budget-friendly but can also be customized to your taste preferences. By using simple ingredients found in your pantry, such as olive oil, spices, and citrus or vinegar, you can create economical flavor enhancers for your meat.

“Homemade rubs and marinades are a cost-effective way to add depth and flavor to your dishes, while also saving you money.”

Creating your own rubs and marinades allows you to experiment with different flavor combinations, tailoring them to suit your preferences and the specific meat you’re preparing.

Create Your Own Signature Rub

One way to add a burst of flavor to your meat is by creating a homemade rub. A rub is a mixture of spices and herbs that is applied to meat before cooking, infusing it with delicious flavors. Here’s a simple recipe to get you started:

  1. Combine 2 tablespoons of paprika, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of black pepper, 1 teaspoon of garlic powder, 1 teaspoon of onion powder, and 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a bowl.
  2. Mix the ingredients until well combined.
  3. Rub the mixture onto your meat, ensuring an even coating.
  4. Let the meat sit for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to penetrate.
  5. Cook the meat according to your desired method.
homemade rubs

Whip Up a Flavorful Marinade

If you prefer to marinate your meat before cooking, homemade marinades are the way to go. Marinades add moisture and flavor to your meat, making it tender and delicious. Try this simple marinade recipe:

  1. In a bowl, combine 1/4 cup of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard, and 2 cloves of minced garlic.
  2. Whisk the ingredients together until well blended.
  3. Place your meat in a zip-top bag and pour the marinade over it.
  4. Seal the bag and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or overnight for maximum flavor.
  5. Remove the meat from the marinade and cook it as desired.

By making your own rubs and marinades, you can save money compared to purchasing pre-made options. Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that your meat is flavored with your own unique creations.

Beverage and Propane Savings for Outdoor BBQs

When hosting outdoor BBQs on a budget, you can find ways to save on both beverages and propane. By making your own budget-friendly drinks and comparing propane costs, you can enjoy cost-effective solutions for your outdoor gatherings.

Homemade Punch Recipes

If you want to save money on beverages for your BBQ, consider making homemade punch recipes. These recipes use affordable ingredients and are easy to prepare. Not only are they budget-friendly, but they also offer a refreshing and delicious option for your guests.

Try this simple and budget-friendly homemade punch recipe for your next outdoor BBQ:

  1. Mix 1 part fruit juice (such as orange or pineapple juice) with 1 part carbonated soda (such as lemon-lime soda or ginger ale).
  2. Add a splash of citrus juice (such as lemon or lime juice) for a tangy flavor.
  3. Add ice cubes and stir well.
  4. Garnish with fresh fruit slices or mint leaves for an extra touch of freshness.

With homemade punch recipes like this, you can provide your guests with a delicious and budget-friendly beverage option that will keep everyone refreshed throughout the BBQ.

Comparing Propane Costs

Propane is an essential fuel for outdoor BBQs, and finding cheaper propane prices can help you save on your overall expenses. When shopping for propane, it’s important to compare prices from different sources to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

One effective strategy is to look for propane sales and discounts at your local RV sales lots. These establishments often offer competitive prices on propane, making it a cost-effective option for your outdoor grilling needs.

Additionally, consider purchasing propane in larger quantities to take advantage of bulk pricing. If you frequently host outdoor BBQs, buying propane in bulk can help you save money in the long run.

By comparing propane costs and taking advantage of discounted prices, you can enjoy your outdoor BBQs without breaking the bank.

Cost Comparison of Propane Prices

RetailerPrice per GallonLocation
ABC Propane$2.50City A
XYZ Propane$2.25City B
123 Propane$2.75City C

As shown in the table above, comparing propane costs from different retailers and locations can help you identify the most budget-friendly option for your outdoor BBQs. Take the time to research and consider these differences to ensure you’re getting the best price for your propane.

By implementing these strategies and tips, you can save money on both beverages and fuel for your outdoor BBQs, allowing you to host memorable gatherings without overspending.

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When it comes to saving money on meat, finding the cheapest meat per pound is key. By exploring affordable options, utilizing sales and discounts, planning ahead, and being flexible in your meal planning, you can significantly reduce your meat expenses. Additionally, considering alternative protein sources and incorporating meatless meals can further contribute to cost savings.

Final Thoughts:

By adopting these strategies, you can make frugal choices without sacrificing flavor or nutrition. It’s important to remember that the term “cheap meat” is subjective and depends on various factors such as location and time of year. However, by staying informed about average meat prices and being savvy in your shopping, you can stretch your budget and find affordable meat options.


Don’t let the rising costs of meat deter you from enjoying delicious meals. With careful planning and an open mind, you can find the best meat deals and cost-effective meat choices that fit your budget. Remember to compare prices, explore unconventional options, reduce meat per meal, and consider affordable cuts. By implementing these strategies, you can continue to enjoy meat as a part of your meals while still saving money.


What is considered cheap meat?

Cheap meat refers to meat that is available at affordable prices. The term “cheap” is subjective and can vary depending on factors such as location and time of year. However, evaluating meat prices based on the average prices can help you identify affordable meat options and low-cost protein sources.

How can I find cheap meat at the grocery store?

To find cheap meat at the grocery store, you can look for yellow tags, which indicate discounted prices on meat nearing its expiration date. Buying in bulk and freezing meat for later use can also help you save money. Shopping at local butchers can often offer cheaper prices, and comparing prices at different grocery stores can help you find the best deals.

Are there unconventional ways to stock up on cheap meat?

Yes, you can buy wholesale meat from suppliers or shop at local farms for larger quantities of meat at lower prices. Using meat coupons, changing your shopping patterns, planning ahead, and shopping at ethnic grocery stores can also save you money. Additionally, consider cooking cheaper cuts of meat, grinding your own meat, and buying in bulk and dividing for cost-effective purchases.

How can I cut down on meat per meal for savings?

To save money on meat, you can reduce portion sizes and incorporate less expensive cuts of meat. Adding meatless meals or alternative protein sources, such as beans or lentils, can also help you save money while still getting the necessary nutrients.

What factors have contributed to the price of meat rising?

Factors such as supply chain issues, labor shortages, feed prices, rising energy costs, and avian flu outbreaks have collectively led to the current price increases in the meat market.

What are some of the cheapest cuts of meat for grilling?

St. Louis ribs, flatiron steak, top sirloin, and chuck-eye steak are all cost-effective choices for grilling. These cuts offer flavor and tenderness at affordable prices.

What are some budget-friendly meat side dishes?

Grilled fiber-rich vegetables, like broccoli, paired with inexpensive ingredients, can create filling and affordable side dishes. Incorporating affordable vegetables and utilizing simple recipes can help you create cost-effective sides that complement your meat meals.

How can I make homemade rubs and marinades for flavor on a budget?

Instead of buying expensive store-bought rubs and marinades, consider making your own at home. Homemade rubs and marinades are not only budget-friendly but can also be customized to your taste preferences. Using simple ingredients found in your pantry, like olive oil, spices, and citrus or vinegar, you can create economical flavor enhancers for your meat.

How can I save on beverages and propane for outdoor BBQs?

You can save on beverages by making homemade punch recipes using affordable ingredients. Additionally, comparing propane prices and purchasing from RV sales lots can help you find cheaper propane costs, reducing your expenses for outdoor gatherings.

How can I achieve the cheapest meat per pound?

By exploring affordable options, utilizing sales and discounts, planning ahead, and being flexible in your meal planning, you can save money on meat purchases. Cutting down on meat consumption per meal, considering alternative protein sources, and incorporating meatless meals can further contribute to cost savings.
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