ayam cemani Chicken Breed

The Unique Ayam Cemani Chicken Breed

The Ayam Cemani is a rare and exotic chicken breed hailing from Java, Indonesia. This mesmerizing breed is characterized by its jet black appearance, making it a truly unique and captivating addition to any flock. From its feathers to its skin, meat, and even internal organs and bones, the Ayam Cemani is entirely black, earning it the title of the “all-black chicken.”

Originating from Indonesia, the Ayam Cemani holds a mystical reputation in its native land and is considered one of the rarest chicken breeds in existence. With its rich history and fascinating characteristics, this Indonesian poultry breed remains highly sought after by poultry enthusiasts worldwide.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Ayam Cemani is an exotic and rare chicken breed known for its all-black appearance.
  • Originating from Java, Indonesia, it is considered one of the rarest chicken breeds in the world.
  • The breed’s unique characteristics include its all-black feathers, skin, meat, internal organs, and bones.
  • The Ayam Cemani holds a mystical reputation and is highly regarded for its distinct beauty in its native land.
  • Adding Ayam Cemani to a flock requires careful consideration of its specific needs and characteristics.

Is the Ayam Cemani right for your flock?

The Ayam Cemani is a rare and unique breed of chicken that may not be suitable for every poultry enthusiast. While it is highly regarded for its mystical powers and magical blood, there are several factors to consider before adding this extraordinary bird to your flock.

The Ayam Cemani is known for its stunning jet black appearance, which sets it apart from other chicken breeds. Its feathers, comb, skin, meat, internal organs, and even bones are completely black. This exquisite all-black coloration makes it a truly exotic poultry breed and a remarkable addition to any flock.

However, it is important to note that the Ayam Cemani can be challenging to find and is typically quite expensive. The rarity of this breed contributes to its high price tag, making it a less accessible option for many poultry enthusiasts.

In addition to its limited availability and higher cost, the Ayam Cemani has specific characteristics and requirements that should be taken into consideration. These chickens require special care due to their unique genetic makeup and all-black pigmentation. Their feathers are more delicate and may require extra protection from excessive sunlight or harsh weather conditions.

Key Considerations:

  • The Ayam Cemani is a rare chicken breed, making it more difficult to find and potentially expensive.
  • The breed’s all-black appearance is striking and exotic.
  • Special care may be required to protect the delicate feathers from sunlight and harsh weather conditions.
  • Extra attention should be given to the breed’s specific nutritional needs and health monitoring.

While the Ayam Cemani’s unique and rare qualities make it a tempting choice, it is essential to evaluate whether it aligns with your goals and resources as a poultry keeper. Consider the breed’s availability, cost, care requirements, and compatibility with your existing flock before making a decision.

Background and History of the Breed

The Ayam Cemani, a rare and exotic chicken breed, has a fascinating background and history. It was first discovered and documented by a Dutch colonist in Java, Indonesia during the 1920s. The breed gained popularity in Europe and the United States in the 1990s due to its remarkable appearance and characteristics. It quickly became highly sought after by poultry enthusiasts and breeders worldwide.

The Ayam Cemani is renowned for its distinct all-black appearance, which encompasses its feathers, comb, skin, meat, internal organs, and even bones. This breed stands apart from other chicken breeds due to its unique and mesmerizing black coloration.

“The Ayam Cemani breed has a rich history and has garnered significant attention for its rarity and stunning visual appeal. Its exotic allure has captivated people around the world.”

Initially, Ayam Cemani chickens were extremely expensive, with prices skyrocketing due to their scarcity. However, as more breeders began to work with the breed, the prices gradually decreased over time. Though still considered a rare chicken breed, it is now relatively more affordable and accessible to dedicated poultry enthusiasts.

Yet, even today, finding pure Ayam Cemani chicks can still be a challenge. Breeding and maintaining the breed’s distinct black coloration require careful selection and breeding practices. It takes dedicated and knowledgeable breeders to ensure the purity and quality of Ayam Cemani chickens.

Ayam Cemani Chicken Breed

Key Points
Rarity One of the rarest chicken breeds
Appearance All-black feathers, comb, skin, meat, internal organs, and bones
Popularity Gained popularity in Europe and the United States in the 1990s
Pricing Initially expensive, prices gradually decreased over time
Availability Still challenging to find pure Ayam Cemani chicks

Breed Specifics and Traits

The Ayam Cemani chicken breed is truly remarkable with its unique and striking characteristics. This exotic poultry breed stands out from the rest with its all-black appearance, which encompasses every aspect, from its feathers to its internal organs. The Ayam Cemani is a breed like no other, captivating the attention of chicken enthusiasts worldwide.

The sleek body structure of the Ayam Cemani, complemented by its long tail and sharp spurs, showcases its elegance and agility. This breed’s black coloration is a result of a genetic condition called fibromelanosis, which leads to the excessive accumulation of melanin. As a result, the Ayam Cemani exudes an air of mystery and beauty.

Not only are Ayam Cemanis visually striking, but they also possess impressive traits that contribute to their survival in various environments. Their black plumage allows them to blend seamlessly into their surroundings, providing them with a natural defense against predators. Additionally, Ayam Cemanis have a high tolerance for heat, making them well-suited for warmer climates.

For a visual representation of the Ayam Cemani’s distinctive appearance, refer to the image below:

Breed Specifics and Traits Description
Appearance All-black feathers, beak, skin, muscles, internal organs, and bones
Body Structure Sleek and long-tailed
Black Coloration Caused by fibromelanosis, an abnormal accumulation of melanin
Survival Traits Tolerance to heat and ability to evade predators through blackness and flight capabilities

The Ayam Cemani’s allure lies not only in its aesthetic appearance but also in its ability to adapt and survive. This breed’s unique characteristics make it a prized addition to any flock, allowing chicken enthusiasts to experience the wonders of this exotic poultry breed.

Breed Standard

The Ayam Cemani breed sets itself apart from other poultry breeds with its unique characteristics and traits. To maintain the breed’s unique appearance and quality, a specific standard of perfection has been established. The breed standard outlines the desired traits and characteristics that define a true Ayam Cemani Chicken.

According to the breed standard, the Ayam Cemani should exhibit the following:

  • Body Shape: The breed should have a well-balanced and proportionate body structure.
  • Size: Ayam Cemanis are generally medium-sized birds.
  • Feather Color: The breed should have a solid, intense black coloration throughout its plumage, including feathers, comb, and skin.
  • Comb Type: A single comb is preferred, but there are exceptions for other comb types.
  • Other Details: The breed standard also covers specific details such as beak color, eye color, leg color, and more.

The Dutch standard of perfection is widely recognized as a guideline for Ayam Cemani breeders and enthusiasts. However, it’s important to note that the breed is still not officially recognized by the American Poultry Association.

While efforts are being made by the American Ayam Cemani Breed Association to establish their own breed standards, breeders and enthusiasts should refer to the Dutch standard for guidance in breeding and evaluating the Ayam Cemani breed.

Ayam Cemani Breed Standard

Trait Description
Body Shape Well-balanced and proportionate
Size Medium-sized
Feather Color Solid, intense black throughout
Comb Type Typically a single comb
Other Details Includes beak color, eye color, leg color, etc.

Note: The table above provides a summarized overview of the Ayam Cemani breed standard. For the complete and detailed breed standard, please refer to the Dutch standard of perfection or the guidelines provided by the American Ayam Cemani Breed Association.

ayam cemani Chicken Breed

Origin and Controversies

The Ayam Cemani Chicken Breed traces its roots back to Java, Indonesia, where it has been used for religious and mystical purposes since the 12th century. However, there has been an ongoing debate surrounding its origin and classification. Some argue that the Ayam Cemani is a distinct breed, while others believe it is simply a color variant of the Ayam Kedu.

Despite the controversy, the Ayam Cemani’s unique all-black appearance has captured the interest and imagination of chicken enthusiasts around the world. Its mesmerizing jet-black feathers, skin, meat, and even internal organs make it one of the most captivating and sought-after chicken breeds in existence.

“The Ayam Cemani’s mysterious blackness has often led to misconceptions, such as the belief in the existence of black blood. It’s important to separate fact from fiction when exploring the origins and characteristics of this remarkable breed.”

To shed light on these controversies, it’s essential to examine the breed’s history, genetic makeup, and contributions to the poultry world. By delving deeper into the Ayam Cemani, we can uncover the truth and appreciate the breed’s unique qualities.

Origin and Symbolism

The Ayam Cemani’s origins in Java can be traced back to its association with cultural and religious practices. In Indonesian mythology, it is believed that the black color represents mystical powers and is associated with various spiritual beliefs. The breed’s captivating black appearance has made it a symbol of luck, prosperity, and protection against evil.

Distinction or Variant?

The debate surrounding the Ayam Cemani’s origin centers on whether it is truly a distinct breed or simply a color variation of the Ayam Kedu. Some argue that the Ayam Cemani possesses unique genetic traits and characteristics that set it apart, warranting its classification as a separate breed. Others contend that the breed’s black coloration is solely a result of selective breeding without significant genetic variation.

  1. Distinct Breed Theory: Supporters of the distinct breed theory believe that the Ayam Cemani’s black coloration is determined by a unique set of genes that differ from those found in other chicken breeds. These specific genes are responsible for the melanin production that gives the breed its iconic all-black appearance.
  2. Color Variation Theory: Advocates of the color variation theory argue that the Ayam Cemani is essentially a product of selective breeding for specific coat color traits. They maintain that the Ayam Cemani and Ayam Kedu breeds share a common genetic foundation and that the black coloration is an externally visible characteristic manipulated through breeding practices.

While the debate continues, further research and genetic studies may shed more light on the Ayam Cemani’s true origin and its genetic relationship with other chicken breeds.

Use in Folk Medicine and Cockfighting

In its native land of Java, the Ayam Cemani is believed to have magical properties and is used in folk medicine to treat cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. The Indonesian chicken breed is highly regarded for its mystical reputation and is infused in traditional remedies for its perceived healing powers.

The Ayam Cemani breed’s unique all-black appearance, including its feathers, skin, and internal organs, contributes to its mystical allure. In Javanese culture, the bird is revered for its blackness, which symbolizes power and is believed to possess special medicinal properties.

“The Ayam Cemani is considered a sacred breed in Java, and its blood is believed to hold magical properties. It is used to make traditional remedies for various ailments, especially those related to the heart and lungs. The breed’s black color is associated with protection and purification.”

Additionally, in Bali, the Ayam Cemani is used for cockfighting, a traditional religious ritual rather than for entertainment purposes. Cockfighting has been a significant cultural tradition in many parts of Southeast Asia for centuries.

The Ayam Cemani’s participation in cockfighting reflects its cultural significance and historical role in ancient rituals. These traditional practices highlight the breed’s resilience, agility, and fighting spirit.

The Ayam Cemani and Folk Medicine

Due to its unique appearance and cultural significance, the Ayam Cemani is considered an important ingredient in Javanese folk medicine. Traditional remedies and tonics are prepared using various parts of the bird, including its meat, blood, feathers, and even its eggs.

The Ayam Cemani is particularly renowned for its potential healing properties in treating cardiovascular and respiratory ailments. Traditional healers or shamans use different parts of the bird in their concoctions to address specific health conditions.

While the folk medicine use of the Ayam Cemani is deeply rooted in cultural beliefs and practices, it’s important to note that scientific evidence supporting its medicinal properties is limited. The health benefits attributed to the breed are largely based on traditional knowledge and experiences.

Traditional Uses and Cockfighting

In Bali, the Ayam Cemani holds a significant role in cockfighting, an ancient religious ritual. The sport, known as “tajen” in Balinese, dates back centuries and is deeply ingrained in traditional ceremonies and festivities.

Cockfighting in Bali is viewed as a spiritual event and is done in dedication to the gods. It is considered a form of entertainment and a way to honor cultural and religious traditions. The Ayam Cemani’s inclusion in these events further highlights its special status and value within Balinese culture.

It’s worth noting that the Ayam Cemani’s use in cockfighting is specific to Balinese traditions and is not a widespread practice associated with the breed worldwide.

While the breed’s popularity in the United States and Europe revolves mainly around its ornamental value, its cultural significance and traditional uses in folk medicine and cockfighting should not be overlooked. These aspects contribute to the unique heritage and mystique surrounding the Ayam Cemani chicken breed.

Ayam Cemani Chicken Breed

Meat and Egg Production

While the Ayam Cemani is primarily known for its rarity and exotic appearance, it also has potential for meat and egg production. The breed’s black meat, mirroring its overall dark coloration, offers a unique flavor that some describe as “gamey”. However, it’s important to note that Ayam Cemani hens are not renowned for their egg-laying capabilities. They may exhibit intermittent laying patterns, making them less suitable for those seeking a consistent egg supply.

If you’re considering raising Ayam Cemani chickens for meat, their distinct black meat can be a captivating addition to your culinary endeavors. With a flavor that sets it apart from other poultry, Ayam Cemani meat can add a touch of intrigue to your dishes.

Although the hens may not be reliable layers, their ornamental value, rarity, and unique appearance make them an enticing choice for poultry enthusiasts seeking something extraordinary, even if meat and egg production isn’t their main objective.

The Ayam Cemani breed’s black meat offers a unique sensory experience, making it a desirable choice for culinary enthusiasts who appreciate diversity and exotic flavors.

While the Ayam Cemani may not fulfill all the requirements of a conventional meat and egg chicken breed, its captivating allure and distinctive qualities make it a prized addition to any flock.

Health and Care

The Ayam Cemani breed, like any other chicken breed, does not have any specific health problems associated with it. However, regular monitoring of their health is important to ensure their well-being. As a responsible chicken owner, it is essential to observe certain indicators of good health in your Ayam Cemani chickens:

  1. Alertness
  2. Clear eyes
  3. Smooth feathers
  4. Plumpness

By regularly checking these aspects, you can quickly identify any potential health issues that may arise and take appropriate action.

In addition to monitoring their health, providing proper care for your Ayam Cemani chickens is crucial. Protect them from harsh weather conditions such as extreme heat or cold. Ensure they have access to suitable shelter and adequate nutrition to support their overall well-being. Providing a balanced diet with appropriate amounts of protein, grains, and fruits or vegetables can help maintain their health and vitality.

Furthermore, it is advisable to quarantine new birds before introducing them to the flock. This practice helps prevent the spread of diseases and ensures the existing flock remains healthy. Quarantine should be conducted in a separate space, away from the main flock, for a recommended period of 2-4 weeks.

Overall, taking proactive measures to monitor the health of your Ayam Cemani chickens and providing them with proper care will contribute to their overall well-being and longevity.

Temperament and Behavior

The Ayam Cemani chickens are known for their friendly and gentle temperament. They are alert and active, enjoying foraging and having ample space to roam. While they may not be the best choice for lap chickens due to their slight nervousness, they can still be an exciting addition to a flock, especially for experienced chicken keepers looking for something more exotic.

It is important to note that Ayam Cemani chickens can be flighty and may require extra care during handling. Their unique beauty and mysterious reputation make them a captivating breed to raise. However, their flightiness means they may need more attention and patience when interacting with humans.

“The Ayam Cemani chickens have a unique beauty and a captivating aura. While they may require extra care and patience due to their flighty behavior, they are a wonderful choice for experienced chicken keepers looking for an exciting and visually stunning breed.”

Ayam Cemani chickens thrive in environments that provide ample space for them to explore and engage in natural behaviors. They enjoy foraging and are active birds. By allowing them to express their natural instincts, you can help them lead happy and content lives.

Overall, the Ayam Cemani chickens’ temperament and behavior make them an interesting and unique addition to any flock, particularly for those seeking an exotic breed. With a little bit of extra care and attention, they can become beautiful and fascinating companions.

Key Points:

  • Ayam Cemani chickens have a friendly and gentle temperament.
  • They are alert, active, and enjoy foraging.
  • Not suitable for lap chickens due to their flightiness.
  • Require extra care and patience during handling.
  • Thrive in environments with ample space for natural behaviors.

ayam cemani Chicken Breed

Availability and Pricing

When it comes to the Ayam Cemani chicken breed, availability and pricing are two key considerations for potential buyers. While the breed has become more accessible over the years, it is still relatively rare and can be quite expensive.

Due to their unique appearance, Ayam Cemani chickens have gained popularity among poultry enthusiasts and collectors. However, finding reputable breeders or hatcheries that offer pure Ayam Cemani chicks can be a challenge. It’s important to do thorough research and ensure the quality and authenticity of the birds before making a purchase.

In terms of pricing, Ayam Cemani chickens can range in cost depending on various factors such as the breeder’s reputation, the bird’s quality, and its lineage. While prices have significantly dropped since the breed’s initial introduction, they can still be relatively high compared to other chicken breeds.

For those interested in acquiring Ayam Cemani chickens, it is recommended to reach out to established breeders or join online forums and communities dedicated to the breed. These resources can provide valuable insights and connections to reputable sources.

Ayam Cemani Pricing Comparison

Breeder Chick Price Mature Bird Price
Breeder A $100 $500
Breeder B $150 $600
Breeder C $200 $700

Please note that the pricing provided in the table above is for illustrative purposes only and can vary significantly. It is advisable to contact breeders directly for accurate and up-to-date pricing information.


The Ayam Cemani chicken breed is truly extraordinary, representing a striking combination of rarity and mystique. With its captivating all-black appearance and unique reputation, it stands out among other chicken breeds. While it may not be suitable for everyone or serve all farm purposes, it offers a remarkable addition to any flock for those who appreciate its exotic and visually stunning qualities.

When considering adding the Ayam Cemani to a flock, several factors should be carefully considered. Its distinct characteristics, such as its jet black feathers, comb, skin, meat, internal organs, and bones, require special attention and understanding. Furthermore, the breed’s availability and pricing should be thoroughly explored, as locating reputable breeders or hatcheries that provide pure Ayam Cemani chicks can be challenging.

Additionally, caring for Ayam Cemani chickens calls for specific measures to ensure their well-being. Proper shelter, adequate nutrition, and protection from harsh weather conditions are essential. Regular health monitoring and quarantining new birds are essential practices to maintain a healthy flock.

In conclusion, the Ayam Cemani chicken breed is a rare gem in the poultry world, offering a visually mesmerizing and intriguing addition to any flock. By considering its unique characteristics, availability, care requirements, and cultural significance, poultry enthusiasts can determine if the Ayam Cemani is the right choice for their flock, embracing the allure of this remarkable rare breed.


What is the Ayam Cemani chicken breed?

The Ayam Cemani is a rare and unique breed of chicken known for its all-black appearance both inside and out, including feathers, beak, skin, meat, internal organs, and bones.

Where does the Ayam Cemani breed originate from?

The Ayam Cemani breed originates from Java, Indonesia.

What are the characteristics of the Ayam Cemani breed?

The Ayam Cemani has a sleek and long-tailed body structure, sharp spurs, and is known for its heat tolerance and flight capabilities due to its blackness.

Does the Ayam Cemani breed have a recognized breed standard?

While the Ayam Cemani breed is not recognized by the American Poultry Association, efforts are being made by the American Ayam Cemani Breed Association to establish their own breed standards.

What is the controversy surrounding the Ayam Cemani breed?

There is debate about whether the Ayam Cemani is its own distinct breed or simply a color variant of the Ayam Kedu.

What are the traditional uses of the Ayam Cemani breed in Indonesia?

In its native land of Java, the Ayam Cemani is believed to have magical properties and is used in folk medicine to treat cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Additionally, in Bali, the birds are used for cockfighting, an ancient religious ritual.

Can the Ayam Cemani be used for meat and egg production?

Yes, the Ayam Cemani can be used for meat and egg production. The breed’s meat is black and has a unique flavor, while the hens may have intermittent laying patterns.

Does the Ayam Cemani breed have any specific health problems?

While the Ayam Cemani breed does not have any specific health problems associated with it, regular monitoring of their health is important, just like with any other chicken breed.

What is the temperament and behavior of the Ayam Cemani?

Ayam Cemanis are generally friendly and gentle in temperament. They are alert, active, and enjoy foraging, but they can be flighty and may require extra care during handling.

How rare and expensive is the Ayam Cemani breed?

The Ayam Cemani breed is considered one of the rarest chicken breeds in the world and can still be relatively expensive due to its rarity and unique appearance.

Is the Ayam Cemani breed suitable for every poultry enthusiast?

The Ayam Cemani breed may not be suitable for every poultry enthusiast due to its rarity, difficulty in finding, and high cost. Careful consideration of its characteristics and requirements is advised before adding it to a flock.
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