erminette Chicken Breed

Erminette Chicken Breed: Heritage & Traits

Greetings, fellow poultry enthusiasts! Today, I am excited to delve into the fascinating world of the Erminette Chicken Breed. This captivating and unique breed has captured the hearts of many with its striking appearance and charming characteristics. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about the Erminette Chicken Breed, including its heritage, traits, care requirements, egg production, temperament, origin, availability, and the important role of roosters in the breed.

Let’s begin by discovering the intriguing history and origin of the Erminette Chicken Breed.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Erminette Chicken Breed is known for its captivating appearance and charming traits.
  • Erminette Chickens require specific care and maintenance to thrive in your backyard.
  • They are reliable layers of large eggs with unique blue to blue-green shades.
  • Erminette Chickens have a friendly temperament and can form bonds with their owners.
  • Reputable breeders maintain the availability of healthy Erminette Chickens.

History and Origin of the Erminette Chicken Breed

The Erminette Chicken Breed has a fascinating history that dates back to the 1860s. Its origins can be traced to the West Indies, where its ancestors were brought to America. However, by the 1950s-1960s, the breed was on the verge of extinction.

Fortunately, the Erminette Chicken Breed was rediscovered in a flock owned by a family in Wisconsin. This significant find sparked renewed interest in the breed and led to efforts to preserve its historical significance and unique characteristics.

Ron Nelson, a renowned breeder, played a crucial role in the restoration and preservation of the Erminette Chicken Breed. His passion and dedication helped revive the breed and ensure its continued existence.

Today, Erminette Chicken Breeders, such as Cackle Hatchery and Sand Hill Preservation, play a vital role in maintaining and improving the breed. These breeders work tirelessly to ensure healthy and genetically diverse Erminette Chickens are available to enthusiasts.

Breeders Location
Cackle Hatchery Lebanon, Missouri
Sand Hill Preservation Calamus, Iowa

As the Erminette Chicken Breed continues to gain popularity, breeders play a crucial role in preserving its unique qualities and maintaining its lineage. Their ongoing efforts ensure the availability of this captivating breed for future generations of poultry enthusiasts.

Characteristics and Appearance of the Erminette Chicken

The Erminette Chicken Breed is known for its striking and unique color pattern. The plumage of the Erminette Chicken is predominantly white, with scattered black feathers throughout. This distinctive pattern is a result of a single dominant white gene modified by genes that control the amount of black that leaks through. The contrasting colors create an eye-catching and visually appealing appearance.

The breed also features several distinct physical characteristics that set it apart. Erminette Chickens have a distinctive pea comb, which consists of small, upright, and cushion-like points. This comb type is commonly found in Ameraucana varieties and adds to the breed’s charm. Additionally, Erminette Chickens have a prominent beard and muffs, which are tufts of feathers that cover the sides of their face and ears, respectively.

The Erminette Chicken is a medium-sized breed, with hens weighing around 5 1/2 lbs and roosters weighing around 6 1/2 lbs. While not considered a large breed, they have a sturdy build and carry themselves with grace. Their moderate size makes them suitable for both backyard coops and larger chicken runs.

Erminette Chicken Plumage

Overall, the Erminette Chicken’s combination of striking plumage, distinctive physical features, and moderate size make it a captivating breed that stands out in any flock.

Care and Maintenance of Erminette Chickens

Proper care and maintenance are essential for ensuring the health and well-being of Erminette Chickens. By providing them with a balanced diet, a secure housing environment, and regular health checks, you can help them thrive.

Diet and Nutrition

Erminette Chickens should be fed a high-quality chicken feed that is specifically formulated to meet their nutritional needs. Additionally, their diet can be supplemented with fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains to ensure a varied and well-rounded menu. Providing clean, fresh water at all times is also crucial for their hydration.

Housing and Environment

Erminette Chickens require a secure and comfortable housing environment that protects them from predators, extreme weather conditions, and diseases. The chicken coop should be spacious enough to allow for exercise and roosting. It is recommended to have at least 4 square feet of space per chicken. The coop should also have proper ventilation to maintain good air quality.

Health Checks and Vaccinations

Regular health checks are important for identifying and addressing any potential health issues early on. This includes observing their behavior, checking for physical abnormalities, inspecting their feathers and skin, and monitoring egg production. Vaccinations are also essential to protect Erminette Chickens from common poultry diseases such as Newcastle disease and Marek’s disease. Consult with a veterinarian to develop a proper vaccination schedule for your flock.

Aspect of Care Guidelines and Recommendations
Diet Provide high-quality chicken feed and supplement with fruits, vegetables, and grains. Access to clean, fresh water at all times.
Housing Secure and comfortable coop with adequate space for exercise and roosting. Proper ventilation and protection from predators and extreme weather.
Health Checks Regular observation and examination of behavior, physical condition, feathers, and egg production. Consult with a veterinarian for professional guidance.
Vaccinations Follow a recommended vaccination schedule to protect Erminette Chickens from common poultry diseases.

By following these care and maintenance guidelines, you can ensure that your Erminette Chickens lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Remember to provide them with a nutritious diet, a safe housing environment, and regular health checks to keep them happy and thriving.

Egg Production of Erminette Chickens

Erminette Chickens are known for their reliable egg production, providing poultry enthusiasts with a consistent supply of large and visually appealing eggs. On average, Erminette Chickens lay between 180 to 200 eggs per year, making them commendable layers in the chicken world.

One of the distinguishing features of Erminette Chicken eggs is their unique color. These eggs showcase varying shades of blue to blue-green, adding a touch of elegance and diversity to any egg basket. The mesmerizing coloration is a result of genetic modifications that have been preserved and refined over generations.

The size of Erminette Chicken eggs is classified as medium-large, making them ideal for various purposes. These eggs are suitable for both culinary uses and hatching, offering versatility to chicken keepers. Whether you’re cooking up a delicious omelet or hoping to hatch a new generation of Erminette Chickens, their eggs provide the perfect balance of size for your needs.

erminette chicken eggs

Comparison of Erminette Chicken Egg Production

Characteristic Description
Egg Production 180-200 eggs per year
Egg Color Varying shades of blue to blue-green
Egg Size Medium-Large

As shown in the table above, Erminette Chickens have a commendable egg production rate of 180-200 eggs per year. The eggs boast unique blue to blue-green colors and fall in the medium-large size category, providing chicken enthusiasts with visually appealing and versatile options.

Temperament of Erminette Chickens

Erminette Chickens are known for their docile and friendly temperament, making them excellent choices for backyard pets. These chickens possess a calm and gentle disposition, which can make them a joy to interact with and care for. However, it is important to note that each chicken may display slight variations in temperament based on their individual personalities.

Erminette Chickens are generally active and alert, always keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings. Their flighty nature means that they may become startled or nervous at times, especially in unfamiliar or high-stress situations. Proper handling and containment are essential to ensure their safety and well-being.

With regular socialization and care, Erminette Chickens can become accustomed to human interaction and can even develop a bond with their owners. Spending time with them, talking to them, and offering treats can help build trust and strengthen the bond between chicken and owner.

“Erminette Chickens are delightful companions with their gentle temperament and friendly nature. They always bring a sense of joy and tranquility to our backyard.”

Owners may observe various behaviors in Erminette Chickens, such as scratching the ground foraging for food, dust bathing to keep their feathers clean and free from parasites, and perching on roosts during nighttime. These behaviors are natural and essential for their overall well-being.

Their sociable nature makes Erminette Chickens compatible with other chicken breeds and animals, enabling them to live in harmony within a cooperative flock environment. However, it is essential to introduce new chickens gradually and monitor their interactions to ensure a smooth integration process.

Overall, Erminette Chickens’ docile temperament, combined with their beautiful appearance, make them a popular choice for both novice and experienced chicken enthusiasts.

Availability and Breeders of Erminette Chickens

Erminette Chickens, a captivating and unique breed, are readily available from reputable breeders such as Cackle Hatchery and Sand Hill Preservation. These dedicated breeders have made significant efforts to maintain and improve the breed, ensuring that healthy and genetically diverse Erminette Chickens are accessible to poultry enthusiasts. To stay updated on the availability and purchasing options, it is recommended to directly contact the breeders or visit their websites.

When searching for Erminette Chickens for sale, it is essential to rely on established and trustworthy breeders to acquire birds of superior quality. Breeders like Cackle Hatchery and Sand Hill Preservation ensure the authenticity and integrity of the breed, offering peace of mind to potential buyers.

Purchasing Erminette Chickens from reputable breeders not only guarantees the genetic purity and health of the birds but also supports the ongoing preservation and improvement of this endangered breed. By obtaining Erminette Chickens from these trusted sources, you contribute to the continued existence and cultivation of this captivating heritage breed.

erminette chicken breeders

Erminette Roosters and Their Role in the Breed

Roosters play a crucial role in the breeding and genetics of the Erminette Chicken Breed. They are responsible for passing on the unique traits and characteristics that define this captivating breed. Through careful selection and controlled breeding, breeders aim to preserve and enhance the distinctive erminette pattern, as well as other desirable qualities.

The mating ratio for Erminette Chickens is approximately 9 females to 1 male. This ensures a suitable genetic diversity and maximizes the chances of producing offspring with the desired traits. Breeders carefully select roosters based on their physical attributes, temperament, and genetic background to ensure the continuation of the breed’s distinct plumage pattern and other desirable characteristics.

When breeding Erminette to Erminette, the resulting offspring can exhibit a range of color outcomes. Some chicks will inherit the erminette pattern, characterized by a combination of white and black plumage, while others may be solid white or solid black. This diversity adds to the appeal and unique beauty of the Erminette Chicken Breed.

Breeders use their knowledge of erminette chicken genetics to guide their breeding programs. By understanding the inheritance patterns of genes responsible for coloration and other traits, breeders can make informed decisions to achieve their breeding goals. Through meticulous selection and controlled breeding practices, breeders contribute to the preservation and improvement of the Erminette Chicken Breed.

Overall, roosters play a vital role in maintaining the genetic diversity and unique characteristics of the Erminette Chicken Breed. Their careful selection and pairing with suitable hens ensure the continued success of breeders in producing these captivating and sought-after chickens.


In conclusion, the Erminette Chicken Breed is a captivating and unique choice for poultry enthusiasts looking to add diversity to their flocks. With its rich history, distinctive color pattern, reliable egg production, and friendly temperament, the Erminette Chicken offers a truly special and rewarding experience.

The breed’s fascinating heritage, tracing back to the 1860s, adds to its allure. Rediscovered in Wisconsin after being considered extinct, the Erminette Chicken has been revived and preserved by dedicated breeders like Ron Nelson, ensuring its continued existence.

By providing proper care and attention, Erminette Chickens can thrive in backyard coops, bringing joy and beauty to their owners. Their medium-sized stature, striking plumage, and vibrant blue-green eggs contribute to an aesthetically pleasing flock. Additionally, the breed’s friendly temperament allows for easy socialization and the potential for a special bond with their owners.

The availability of Erminette Chickens from reputable breeders, such as Cackle Hatchery and Sand Hill Preservation, ensures that enthusiasts can obtain healthy and genetically diverse birds. This availability not only provides an opportunity for poultry enthusiasts to own a unique breed but also contributes to the preservation of an endangered breed, making a positive impact on the conservation of heritage chickens.


What is the history and origin of the Erminette Chicken Breed?

The Erminette Chicken Breed traces back to the 1860s when its ancestors were brought to America from the West Indies. It was considered extinct but was rediscovered in Wisconsin in the 1950s-1960s. Breeder Ron Nelson played a significant role in restoring the breed, and breeders like Cackle Hatchery and Sand Hill Preservation continue to maintain and improve it.

What are the characteristics and appearance of the Erminette Chicken?

The Erminette Chicken has a striking and unique color pattern, predominantly white with scattered black feathers. It also features a distinctive pea comb, beard, and muffs. They are medium-sized, with hens weighing around 5 1/2 lbs and roosters weighing around 6 1/2 lbs.

How should I care for and maintain Erminette Chickens?

Erminette Chickens require a balanced diet of high-quality chicken feed supplemented with fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains. They need a secure and comfortable housing environment with adequate space for exercise and roosting. Regular health checks and vaccinations are recommended to prevent common poultry diseases.

What is the egg production like for Erminette Chickens?

Erminette Chickens are reliable layers of large eggs, with an estimated annual production of 180-200 eggs. Their eggs come in varying shades of blue to blue-green and are classified as medium-large in size.

What is the temperament of Erminette Chickens?

Erminette Chickens are known for their docile and friendly temperament, making them excellent choices for backyard pets. With regular socialization and care, they can become accustomed to human interaction and may even develop a bond with their owners.

Where can I find Erminette Chickens for sale and reputable breeders?

Reputable breeders like Cackle Hatchery and Sand Hill Preservation offer Erminette Chickens for sale. Contact them directly or visit their websites for availability and purchasing options.

What role do roosters play in the Erminette Chicken Breed?

Roosters play a crucial role in the breeding and genetics of the Erminette Chicken Breed. The mating ratio for Erminette Chickens is approximately 9 females to 1 male. Breeding Erminette to Erminette can result in offspring with the distinctive erminette pattern, solid white, or solid black plumage.

What makes the Erminette Chicken Breed unique and captivating?

The Erminette Chicken Breed offers diversity to poultry enthusiasts with its rich history, distinctive color pattern, reliable egg production, friendly temperament, and availability from reputable breeders. They bring joy, beauty, and contribute to the preservation of an endangered breed.
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