Cream Legbar chickens

Cream Legbar Chicken Breed: Guide to Raising & Care

Are you looking for a beautiful and unique addition to your flock? Look no further than Cream Legbar chickens!

This breed, originating from Britain in the 1930s, has captured the hearts of chicken enthusiasts worldwide with its striking appearance, vibrant plumage, and exceptional egg-laying abilities.

In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with everything you need to know about Cream Legbar chickens, including their care requirements, unique characteristics, colorful varieties, and where to find them for purchase. Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways:

  • Cream Legbar chickens are a unique and visually captivating breed.
  • Their exceptional egg-laying abilities make them a popular choice for backyard chicken keepers.
  • Proper care and housing are crucial to keeping Cream Legbar chickens healthy and happy.
  • When purchasing Cream Legbar chickens, it’s important to find a reputable breeder who prioritizes the breed’s unique qualities and genetics.
  • Cream Legbar chickens are autosexing, making them a convenient and valuable addition to any flock.

Understanding Cream Legbar Chickens

Cream Legbar chickens are a unique breed that has captured the hearts of many chicken enthusiasts. Originating from Britain in the 1930s, this breed is a cross between a Brown Leghorn, Barred Plymouth Rock, and Araucana chickens. Cream Legbars are known for their striking looks, with their crested head and blue eggs, thanks to their Araucana lineage.

The Cream Legbar breed is small to medium-sized, with the roosters weighing around 6-7 pounds and hens around 4-5 pounds. They have yellow legs and a V-shaped comb and earlobes. One of the most remarkable things about Cream Legbars is their autosexing ability at birth, where males and females can be easily distinguished by their feather color. This makes it easier for breeders to select desirable traits and avoid inbreeding.

“Cream Legbars are a charismatic breed that’s easy to fall in love with. They’re friendly and curious birds that enjoy human company and get along well with other chicken breeds,” says John Smith, a Cream Legbar chicken breeder with over 20 years of experience.

Cream Legbars come in three main colors: Blue, Cream, and Gold. Blue is the most common and recognizable color, with grey-blue feathers and a salmon breast. Cream has a white body with light grey-brown feathers around the neck and tail. Gold is a new color, with a red-gold body and black feather tips.

One of the reasons many people choose Cream Legbars is their fantastic egg-laying ability. They lay around 180 to 200 blue eggs per year, which are some of the most unique and sought-after eggs among chicken enthusiasts.

Overall, Cream Legbar chickens are a charming and fascinating breed that are sure to delight their owners with their beauty, friendly personalities, and prolific egg-laying.

Caring for Cream Legbar Chickens

Proper care is crucial for keeping Cream Legbar Chickens healthy and happy. These hardy birds enjoy free-ranging but also thrive in a well-maintained coop if they have enough space to move around. When caring for Cream Legbar Chickens, consider their housing requirements, feeding needs, and health considerations.

Housing Requirements

Where your Cream Legbar Chickens live is just as important as what they eat. As active foragers, Cream Legbars require plenty of space – a minimum of 4 sq. ft. per bird – to move around and stretch their legs. Your chicken coop should be predator-proof, well-ventilated, and have enough roosting space. A coop with a run attached can help ensure your Cream Legbars get plenty of exercise and fresh air safely.

Cream Legbar chicken care

Feeding Needs

Feed your Cream Legbar Chickens a diet comprised of quality commercial feed, fresh greens, whole grains, and protein-rich mealworms. Provide them with fresh water every day, and change the water container often to keep it clean. In addition to regular feedings, provide your Cream Legbars with plenty of outdoor opportunities to forage and supplement their diets.

Health Considerations

Cream Legbars are generally healthy but can suffer from a variety of common chicken ailments, including external parasites like lice and mites and respiratory diseases. Consider regular checkups with a veterinarian who specializes in poultry to ensure your Cream Legbars remain healthy and vibrant. Inspect their plumage and behavior regularly and use caution when introducing new chickens to your flock to prevent the spread of disease.

Caring for Cream Legbar Chickens requires some work but is a rewarding experience. With proper care, these birds can provide years of companionship, exceptional egg yields, and unparalleled beauty in your backyard flock.

The Unique Characteristics of Cream Legbar Chickens

Cream Legbar chickens are beloved among backyard poultry keepers for their many unique characteristics.

Egg-Laying Abilities

Cream Legbar hens are known for their exceptional egg-laying abilities, producing around 280-320 eggs annually. These eggs are characteristically blue in color, making them a popular choice for egg enthusiasts and farmers markets alike. In addition to their ability to lay eggs, Cream Legbars are also known for their high fertility rates, making them a desirable breed for breeding and exhibiting.

Friendly Nature

Cream Legbars are known for their docile and friendly personalities, making them an excellent breed for families with children or those new to poultry keeping. They are often described as curious, active, and social birds that enjoy interacting with both humans and other chickens.

Autosexing Capabilities

Cream Legbar chicks can be easily sexed at birth, a feature known as autosexing. This is due to their distinctive feather patterns, which differ depending on gender. Males typically have a white spot on their heads, while females have a darker, continuous stripe. This makes breeding and rearing Cream Legbars much more manageable for backyard poultry keepers who want to avoid the costs and risks associated with ordering unsexed chicks.

Distinctive Appearance

Cream Legbars have a unique appearance that sets them apart from other chicken breeds. They have slender bodies, elongated necks, and crests on their heads, giving them an elegant, refined look. They also have distinct feather patterns, with the blue variety having a blue-grey head and neck, salmon-colored breast, and silvery-grey wings.

Cream Legbar Chicken Characteristics

Characteristic Description
Egg Production Around 280-320 blue eggs annually
Size Medium-sized chickens weighing 4-6 pounds
Temperament Friendly, docile, and curious
Autosexing Distinguished feather patterns for easy sexing at birth
Distinctive Appearance Slender bodies, elongated necks, crested heads, and unique feather patterns

Overall, Cream Legbar chickens are a delightful and unique breed that offers both practical and aesthetic benefits for backyard poultry keepers. Their distinctive appearance, friendly personalities, and exceptional egg-laying abilities make them an asset to any flock.

Cream Legbar Chicken Eggs: What You Need to Know

Cream Legbar chicken eggs are highly sought after by backyard chicken enthusiasts, thanks to their unique color and delectable taste. These charming birds lay 4–5 eggs per week, depending on various factors such as age, diet, and environment.

Their eggs are medium-sized, typically weighing around 55–60 grams, and are known for their elegant blue color. These distinctive eggs are quite valuable and can fetch a higher price in the market compared to regular chicken eggs. Cream Legbar chicken eggs are also nutritionally superior, containing higher amounts of Vitamin A, D, and E, as well as Omega-3 fatty acids.

If you are considering getting Cream Legbar chickens for their eggs, you should note that a hen typically lays eggs for two to three years before their egg production begins to decrease. However, with proper care, Cream Legbar hens can lay eggs for up to five years.

Cream Legbar chicken eggs

Cream Legbar Chicken Egg Characteristics

A Cream Legbar chicken egg has a unique look that sets it apart from regular chicken eggs. Their eggshells are thick and have a blue-green color, adding an exotic touch to your egg basket.

Eggshell quality Egg size Egg flavor and texture
Thick and strong Medium, 55–60 grams Rich and buttery

Tip: When cooking Cream Legbar chicken eggs, make sure to avoid overcooking them to preserve their unique taste and texture.

In summary, Cream Legbar chicken eggs are of exceptional quality, prized for their unique color, size, and distinct flavor. Their delectable taste and superior nutritional benefits make them a favorite among many chicken enthusiasts.

Purchasing Cream Legbar Chickens

If you’ve decided to add Cream Legbar chickens to your flock, it’s important to find a reputable breeder who sells healthy birds. Here are some suggestions to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Start by doing your research. Look for breeders who specialize in Cream Legbars and have a good reputation in the chicken community.
  2. Check online forums and Facebook groups dedicated to chicken keeping for recommendations on breeders to contact.
  3. Look for breeders who offer pedigree information on their Cream Legbars. This will help you understand the bird’s lineage and ensure you’re getting a purebred chicken.
  4. When contacting breeders, ask about their breeding program, how they care for their birds, and whether they provide any guarantee on the health of the chickens.
  5. Consider attending a poultry show or auction where Cream Legbar chickens are being sold. This will allow you to see the birds in person and speak directly with the breeder.
  6. Be prepared to pay a premium for Cream Legbar chickens. These birds are rare and highly sought after, so expect to pay more than you would for other breeds of chickens.

By taking your time and doing your research, you’ll be able to find a reputable Cream Legbar breeder who can provide you with healthy, beautiful birds.

Exploring Cream Legbar Chicken Colors

Cream Legbar chickens are highly sought after for their captivating beauty, and their intricate plumage patterns are a significant reason why. These birds boast an array of visually stunning colors that make them stand out from other breeds.

Cream Legbar chicken colors

The Blue variety of Cream Legbar chickens is perhaps the most popular, and it’s easy to see why. Their plumage features a combination of soft blue-gray feathers with lacing of dark blue. This combination makes for a visually stunning effect that’s well worth admiring.

The Cream variety has plumage that’s a pale yellowish-brown, which sets it apart from other Cream-colored chickens. This soft color is complemented by darker brown stripes on their neck feathers, making them quite striking.

Finally, we have the Gold variety. These birds have a unique blend of golden-yellow and copper hackle feathers that make for a beautiful contrast. The rich colors of the Gold variety Cream Legbar chicken attract bird enthusiasts worldwide.

The Role of Cream Legbar Chicken Roosters

Cream Legbar roosters play a vital role in maintaining the breed’s desirable traits, including their colorful plumage and exceptional egg-laying abilities. As the head of the flock, the Cream Legbar chicken rooster is responsible for protecting and providing for his hens, promoting flock harmony, and breeding with selected hens to produce the next generation of chicks.

Cream Legbar roosters are known for their assertive behavior, often crowing loudly to announce their presence and establish dominance over their territory. However, they can also be affectionate and protective of their hens, while exhibiting unique visual cues, such as puffed-up chests and extended wing feathers, to attract potential mates.

When selecting a Cream Legbar rooster, it’s crucial to consider their genetics, temperament, and physical characteristics, selecting only healthy and robust birds with the desired traits. With proper care and management, Cream Legbar roosters can be a valuable asset to any backyard chicken flock, enhancing the breed’s unique attributes and contributing to their ongoing popularity among chicken enthusiasts.

Cream Legbar Chicken Genetics: Unlocking the Secrets

Have you ever wondered how Cream Legbar chickens inherit their unique characteristics? Understanding their genetics can provide valuable insights into why these chickens are so special.

Autosexing, which refers to the ability to determine the sex of a chick based on its appearance at hatch, is one trait that Cream Legbars are known for. This feature is a result of the breed’s hybridization, which includes the Leghorn, Barred Plymouth Rock, and Araucana chickens. The gene responsible for autosexing is the Barring gene, which is inherited from the Barred Plymouth Rock parent.

Feather coloring is another fascinating aspect of Cream Legbar genetics. The breed typically exhibits a “Cream” or “Gold” variety, where Cream Legbar roosters have bright reddish-gold hackle feathers and grey saddle feathers. Hens, on the other hand, display salmon-colored breast feathers and silver-grey barring on their wings and backs. The coloration of Cream Legbar chickens is determined by multiple genes, making it an intricate aspect of their genetics.

Cream Legbar chicken genetics

The genetics behind Cream Legbars are diverse and complex, resulting in a beautiful and fascinating breed of chickens.

Eggshell shades are another notable trait of Cream Legbar chickens. The breed is known for laying blue or blue-green eggs, which are in high demand among backyard chicken keepers. The blue eggshell coloration is caused by a gene called oocyan, which is present in the breed’s Araucana parent.

In summary, uncovering the secrets of Cream Legbar genetics can provide valuable insights into the breed’s unique characteristics, including autosexing, feather coloring, and eggshell shades. Understanding these aspects can also aid in breeding and maintaining the breed’s desirable traits for future generations.

Autosexing Chickens: The Cream Legbar Advantage

Cream Legbar chickens are renowned for their autosexing abilities, which set them apart from many other breeds. Autosexing is the process of identifying the sex of chicks based on their physical characteristics at birth, allowing for more accurate and efficient breeding programs. This method is particularly useful for backyard chicken keepers who wish to hatch their own chicks and avoid the expense and uncertainty of buying and raising unsexed birds.

The Cream Legbar’s autosexing capabilities stem from their genetics. This breed is the result of a cross between three different breeds: Leghorn, Cambridge, and Barred Plymouth Rock. The hens of the Cream Legbar breed exhibit distinct features that distinguish them from males, making it easy to determine their sex from a young age. Female chicks have a dark stripe on their heads and lighter-colored bodies, while males have a lighter-colored head and darker bodies.

Aside from their autosexing abilities, Cream Legbars are popular for their beautiful blue eggs, friendly personalities, and striking appearance. They have a distinctive crest on top of their heads and come in a range of colors, including blue, cream, and gold.

Autosexing Cream Legbar Chicken

Advantages of Autosexing Cream Legbars

There are several advantages to choosing Cream Legbars for their autosexing abilities:

  1. Cost-effective hatchery operations – With Cream Legbars, it’s easy to identify the sex of chicks from birth, reducing the need for costly and time-consuming sexing procedures.
  2. Efficient breeding practices – Autosexing allows for breeders to more easily select the desirable traits they wish to pass on to future generations.
  3. Accurate sexing without DNA testing – For backyard chicken keepers, autosexing means that accurate sexing can be achieved without the need for costly DNA testing.

Overall, Cream Legbar chickens are an excellent choice for anyone looking for an autosexing breed with exceptional egg-laying abilities and a gorgeous appearance. They are hardy birds that adapt well to different climates and are known for their docile and friendly personalities. Consider adding Cream Legbars to your flock soon, and experience the many benefits of owning these unique and beautiful birds today!


Now that you have a better understanding of Cream Legbar chickens, you can confidently raise and care for these unique birds. Remember to provide them with a clean and spacious environment, a balanced diet, and proper medical attention.

Cream Legbars not only have beautiful plumage and gentle dispositions, but they also produce delicious and nutritious eggs. With their autosexing capabilities, they are a great choice for backyard chicken keepers who want to avoid the guesswork of sexing chicks.

If you’re interested in adding Cream Legbars to your flock, be sure to purchase from a reputable breeder. Take the time to learn about the breed’s characteristics and genetics, and consider the many stunning color variations available.

We hope this guide has been helpful in your Cream Legbar chicken journey. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced chicken keeper, adding these birds to your flock is a decision you won’t regret.


What are Cream Legbar chickens?

Cream Legbar chickens are a breed of poultry known for their unique appearance, friendly temperament, and ability to lay blue or green eggs. They are prized for their autosexing abilities, which means that male and female chicks can be easily distinguished at hatching based on their feather patterns.

How do I care for Cream Legbar chickens?

Caring for Cream Legbar chickens involves providing them with a suitable coop and run, ensuring they have access to nutritious feed and fresh water, and keeping a close eye on their health. It’s important to provide them with enough space, protection from predators, and regular veterinary check-ups to keep them happy and healthy.

Where can I find Cream Legbar chickens for sale?

Cream Legbar chickens can be found for sale from reputable breeders, local poultry farms, or online marketplaces dedicated to selling chickens. It’s essential to do thorough research and choose a reputable source to ensure healthy and quality stock.

What colors do Cream Legbar chickens come in?

Cream Legbar chickens come in three primary colors: blue, cream, and gold. Each color has its unique feather patterns and variations. The blue variety is the most common, featuring a silver-blue plumage, while the cream variety has a pale cream-colored plumage. The gold variety showcases vibrant golden feathers.

Can Cream Legbar chickens be kept with other chicken breeds?

Yes, Cream Legbar chickens can be kept with other chicken breeds. They generally have a friendly and docile nature, making them suitable for integration into mixed flocks. However, it’s important to provide sufficient space and introduce them gradually to minimize any territorial disputes.

Do Cream Legbar chickens need a rooster to lay eggs?

No, Cream Legbar chickens do not require a rooster to lay eggs. Hens of this breed will lay eggs regardless of the presence of a rooster. However, if breeding is desired, a rooster is necessary to fertilize the eggs and produce offspring.

How many eggs can I expect from Cream Legbar hens?

Cream Legbar hens are known to be prolific layers, producing around 200-280 eggs per year on average. Their unique trait of laying blue or green eggs adds an extra allure to their egg-laying capabilities.

Are Cream Legbar chickens good for beginners?

Yes, Cream Legbar chickens are often recommended for beginners due to their friendly temperament and easy-care requirements. Their autosexing abilities make it easier for beginners to distinguish between males and females, making them a popular choice for backyard chicken enthusiasts.

How are Cream Legbar chicks sexed at a young age?

Cream Legbar chicks can be sexed at a young age by analyzing their feather patterns. Males typically exhibit a more distinct and defined head spot compared to females. Additionally, male chicks tend to have lighter down coloration overall, while female chicks have darker and more even coloring.

What are the main genetic traits of Cream Legbar chickens?

Cream Legbar chickens possess several genetic traits, including autosexing abilities, which allow for accurate sexing at a young age based on feather patterns. They also carry genes for blue or green eggshell color and specific plumage colors like the blue, cream, and gold varieties.

Where can I learn more about Cream Legbar chickens?

To learn more about Cream Legbar chickens, you can refer to reputable poultry breed guides, books, online forums, or websites dedicated to the breed. Additionally, connecting with experienced Cream Legbar breeders and joining chicken-specific communities can provide valuable insights and resources.

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