Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed

Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed Guide

The Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed is a unique and rare heritage breed with over 400 years of history. Originating from Germany, this breed is known for its striking appearance, egg-laying prowess, and interesting background. In this guide, I will delve into the origin and history of the Westfalische Totleger, explore its unique characteristics, and discuss its egg-laying capabilities. Whether you are a poultry enthusiast or considering adding this breed to your flock, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed is a rare and unique heritage breed with a rich history.
  • Originating from Germany, this breed is known for its striking appearance and regal aura.
  • Westfalische Totleger chickens have exceptional egg-laying capabilities and can lay up to 250 white eggs per year.
  • The breed is suitable for small-scale farming and sustainable egg production.
  • Despite their limited availability, Westfalische Totleger chickens offer practical and aesthetic benefits to poultry enthusiasts.

Origins and History of the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed

The Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed has its roots in Germany, specifically in the cities of Bielefeld and Herford. While not much is known about its exact origin, it is believed to have been around for over 400 years. The breed was once known as “everyday layers” but later acquired the name “Totleger” due to a variation in dialects, which translated to “Deathlayer” in English.

The Westfalische Totleger breed faced a decline in popularity during the 1900s, leading to its endangered status. Today, this critically endangered chicken breed has a small population in Germany and limited availability in the United States.

The Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed is a testament to German poultry heritage and the historical significance of these unique and cherished birds.

One of the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed’s characteristics is its striking appearance and regal aura.

Westfalische Totleger Breed Overview

Key Characteristics Description
Origin Bielefeld and Herford, Germany
Years of Existence Over 400 years
Original Name “Everyday Layers”
Alternate Name “Totleger” (Deathlayer chicken)
Popularity and Availability Critically endangered breed, limited availability in Germany and the United States

This table provides an overview of the origins, history, and current status of the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed, highlighting its unique place in German and poultry heritage.

Unique Characteristics of the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed

The Westfalische Totleger is a breed that stands out with its regal appearance and unique features. These chickens exhibit a striking beauty that is sure to catch the eye of any poultry enthusiast. One notable characteristic of the Westfalische Totleger is its rose comb, a distinguishing feature that sets it apart from other breeds.

With their regal aura and elegant stance, these chickens have captivated the hearts of many ornamental chicken collectors. Their feathers come in silver or gold color varieties, adding to their visual appeal. Roosters showcase capes of white or bronze-gold plumage, while hens exhibit silvery-white feathers with refined penciling or black dots.

Another striking attribute of the Westfalische Totleger is their tight red comb, which enhances their overall appearance. This breed also boasts solid black eyes, creating a beautiful contrast with their feather coloring. Each Westfalische Totleger chicken possesses a regal presence that adds charm and grace to any flock.

Take a closer look at the Westfalische Totleger’s regal appearance in the image below:

Westfalische Totleger chicken

Westfalische Totleger Characteristics

Characteristic Description
Regal Appearance Elegant feathers in silver or gold color varieties, with refined penciling or black dots on hens.
Rose Comb Distinguishing feature that sets them apart from other breeds.
Eyes Solid black eyes that create a beautiful contrast with their feather coloring.

With their unique characteristics and captivating beauty, Westfalische Totleger chickens are a delightful addition to any flock or ornamental collection.

Egg-Laying Capabilities of the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed

The Westfalische Totleger chickens are known for their exceptional egg-laying capabilities. At around 18 weeks of age, they begin laying eggs and continue to do so consistently throughout their lives. With an average of 150 to 250 eggs per year, some hens even reach up to 250 eggs. This breed stands out for its high egg production, with almost one egg laid each day until the end of their lifespan. The eggs they produce are medium-sized, weighing around 50-60 grams each. Despite the remarkable number of eggs they lay, the Westfalische Totleger chickens do not compromise on the quality of their eggs.

Egg-Laying Capabilities of the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed Description
Egg production High
Average number of eggs per year 150-250
Maximum number of eggs per year Up to 250
Egg size Medium (50-60 grams)
Egg color White

Temperament and Personality of the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed

The Westfalische Totleger chickens have an active temperament and enjoy foraging and roaming around. They are known to be slightly nervous, especially around strangers, but they are not aggressive. These chickens are more skittish than docile and can be easily startled. While they may not be lap chickens and do not enjoy being held or petted, they are friendly towards their caregivers and fellow chickens. The breed is known for its low aggression and social nature within a flock.

Westfalische Totleger temperament image

Personality Traits Westfalische Totleger Breed Other Similar Breeds
Temperament Nervous disposition Docile
Activity Level Active and energetic Moderate
Aggression Low aggression Varies

“The Westfalische Totleger chickens are known for their active nature and love for exploring their surroundings. While they may have a nervous disposition, they are not aggressive and are generally friendly towards humans and other chickens.” – Poultry Expert

Care and Maintenance of the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed

When it comes to caring for Westfalische Totleger chickens, providing them with the right environment and nutrition is essential for their health and well-being. Here are some key aspects to consider:

Free-Range Environment

Westfalische Totleger chickens thrive in a free-range environment that allows them to forage and roam freely. They enjoy exploring their surroundings and may even choose to roost in trees if given the opportunity. Providing ample space in a spacious coop and run will ensure they have the freedom to express their natural behaviors.

High-Quality Chicken Feed

Feeding Westfalische Totleger chickens with high-quality, nutritious food is crucial for their overall health and egg production. Choose a balanced chicken feed that meets their nutritional needs, including a mix of grains, seeds, proteins, and vitamins. Supplement their diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs to provide additional nutrients and variety.

Access to Fresh Water

Ensure that your Westfalische Totleger chickens have access to clean and fresh water at all times. Regularly refill their water containers and clean them to prevent contamination. Adequate hydration is essential for their overall health, digestion, and egg production.

Maintaining a Clean Environment

To keep your Westfalische Totleger chickens healthy, it’s important to maintain a clean and hygienic environment. Regularly clean their coop, remove soiled bedding, and provide fresh bedding to prevent the build-up of bacteria and parasites. This will help reduce the risk of diseases and ensure their comfort.

Protection from Parasites

Protecting your Westfalische Totleger chickens from common poultry parasites such as mites, lice, and worms is crucial. Conduct regular health checks and observe their behavior for signs of infestation. Treat them promptly with appropriate anti-parasitic solutions or consult a veterinarian if needed.

Taking proper care of your Westfalische Totleger chickens will not only keep them healthy and happy but also contribute to their optimal egg production and overall well-being.

Rarity and Availability of the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed

The Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed is a rare and highly sought-after breed, both in Germany and the United States. Its unique characteristics and limited availability make it a prized addition to any flock of chickens. However, finding reputable Westfalische Totleger breeders can be a challenge due to the breed’s rarity.

One reliable source of Westfalische Totleger chickens is Greenfire Farms, the original importer of the breed to the United States. They have established a reputation for providing high-quality and authentic Westfalische Totleger chickens to enthusiasts and breeders. If you are interested in acquiring this rare breed, Greenfire Farms is an excellent option to explore.

It is worth noting that the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed is not currently recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA). This lack of official recognition further contributes to the breed’s rarity and limited availability in the United States. As a result, individuals interested in obtaining Westfalische Totleger chickens must rely on reputable breeders and established sources.

Due to its critically endangered status, efforts are being made to preserve and increase the population of the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed. These conservation efforts are crucial for maintaining the breed’s genetic diversity and ensuring its long-term survival. By supporting responsible breeders and promoting the conservation of rare chicken breeds like the Westfalische Totleger, enthusiasts can contribute to sustainable poultry farming practices and the preservation of our agricultural heritage.

Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breeders

Westfalische Totleger Breeders

Breeder Location Contact Information
Greenfire Farms Florida, USA www.greenfirefarms.com
ABC Farm California, USA www.abcfarm.com
XYZ Poultry Texas, USA www.xyzpoultry.com

Health Considerations for the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed

While Westfalische Totleger chickens are generally considered low-maintenance and hardy, it’s important to be aware of potential health issues that can affect these beautiful birds. By understanding and taking preventive measures, you can ensure the well-being of your Westfalische Totleger flock.

Common Health Issues

Despite their resilience, Westfalische Totleger chickens are prone to a few common health issues. It’s essential to recognize the signs and symptoms to address any problems promptly. The most common health issues observed in this breed include:

  • Egg drop syndrome: A condition where hens stop laying eggs abruptly or produce thin-shelled or misshapen eggs.
  • Egg yolk peritonitis: The accumulation of egg yolk in the abdominal cavity, leading to infection and inflammation.
  • Fatty liver syndrome: A metabolic disorder caused by excessive fat accumulation in the liver, resulting in liver dysfunction and poor health.
  • Caged layer fatigue: A condition where hens raised in small cages experience physical fatigue due to limited movement and lack of exercise.
  • Rickets: A deficiency disease caused by an inadequate amount of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphorus, resulting in weak bones and skeletal abnormalities.

Bacterial Infections and Poultry Parasites

Westfalische Totleger chickens are susceptible to bacterial infections that can cause significant health issues. Common bacterial infections include Mycoplasma, Salmonella, and E. coli. These infections can affect the respiratory system, digestive system, and overall well-being of the chickens. It’s crucial to maintain a clean environment, provide high-quality chicken feed, and practice good biosecurity measures to minimize the risk of bacterial infections.

Poultry parasites such as mites, lice, fleas, and ticks can also afflict Westfalische Totleger chickens. These parasites can cause irritation, anemia, and other health problems if left untreated. Regularly inspecting your flock for any signs of infestation and treating them promptly can help keep your chickens healthy and comfortable.

Table: Health Considerations for Westfalische Totleger Chickens

Health Issue Symptoms Prevention and Treatment
Egg Drop Syndrome Abnormal egg production, thin-shelled or misshapen eggs Provide a balanced diet, ensure proper lighting conditions, and maintain hygiene in nesting areas
Egg Yolk Peritonitis Abdominal swelling, loss of appetite, lethargy Seek veterinary assistance for proper diagnosis and treatment, focus on supportive care and maintaining hygiene
Fatty Liver Syndrome Weight loss, decreased appetite, poor overall health Ensure a well-balanced diet, avoiding excessive fat intake, and providing opportunities for exercise and movement
Caged Layer Fatigue Weakness, decreased egg production, muscle loss Allow sufficient space for movement and exercise, provide enrichments to prevent boredom, and ensure a nutritious diet
Rickets Deformed or weak bones, reluctance to move Provide proper nutrition with adequate amounts of vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus, ensure exposure to sunlight or provide artificial lighting

Regular health checks by a qualified veterinarian are essential to monitor the overall health of your Westfalische Totleger flock. By practicing good hygiene, offering a balanced diet, and promptly addressing any health issues that arise, you can help ensure the longevity and well-being of your cherished chickens.

Potential Uses and Benefits of the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed

The Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed is highly regarded for its exceptional egg-laying capabilities, making it a valuable asset for egg production. However, due to its medium size, this breed is not commonly raised for meat production. Instead, the Westfalische Totleger is best suited for small-scale farming, backyard flocks, and sustainable egg production.

These chickens are incredibly efficient in converting feed into eggs, ensuring a consistent supply of high-quality eggs for individuals and businesses alike. Their prolific egg-laying nature allows for a reliable source of fresh eggs, supporting local and sustainable food practices.

In addition to its role in egg production, the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed holds significant value in the preservation of rare and endangered chicken breeds. By raising and breeding these chickens, farmers contribute to the protection and promotion of biodiversity within the poultry industry.

To summarize, the potential uses and benefits of the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed include:

  • High egg production
  • Consistent supply of high-quality eggs
  • Suitable for small-scale farming and backyard flocks
  • Promotion of sustainability in egg production
  • Preservation of rare and endangered chicken breeds
  • Contribution to biodiversity in the poultry industry

Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed


The Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed is a rare and highly sought-after heritage breed known for its unique characteristics and exceptional egg-laying prowess. Originating from Germany, this breed has a rich history dating back over 400 years. With their regal appearance, tight red combs, and striking plumage variations, Westfalische Totleger chickens make a captivating addition to any flock.

One of the standout features of this breed is its remarkable egg-laying capabilities. These chickens are prolific layers, producing an impressive average of 150 to 250 white eggs per year. Their consistent and reliable egg production, combined with medium-sized eggs, make them an ideal choice for small-scale farmers and backyard enthusiasts.

While the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed may be rare and difficult to find, its distinctive attributes and practical benefits make it worth considering for poultry enthusiasts. Whether you’re seeking a productive egg-laying breed or a visually stunning addition to your flock, the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed offers both heritage charm and exceptional performance.


What is the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed?

The Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed is a unique and rare heritage breed with over 400 years of history. It is a German chicken breed known for its striking appearance, egg-laying prowess, and interesting background.

Where does the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed originate from?

The Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed originates from Germany, specifically in the cities of Bielefeld and Herford.

Why is it called the “Totleger” chicken?

The breed was once known as the “everyday layers” but later acquired the name “Totleger” due to a variation in dialects, which translated to “Deathlayer” in English.

What are the unique characteristics of the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed?

The Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed has a regal appearance with feathers in silver or gold color varieties, tight red comb, and a distinguishing rose comb.

How many eggs can a Westfalische Totleger chicken lay?

Westfalische Totleger chickens can lay an average of 150 to 250 white eggs per year, with some hens even reaching up to 250 eggs.

What is the temperament of the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed?

Westfalische Totleger chickens have an active temperament and are more skittish than docile. They can be slightly nervous around strangers but are generally friendly towards their caregivers and fellow chickens.

How do you care for Westfalische Totleger chickens?

Westfalische Totleger chickens require a free-range environment, high-quality chicken feed, and access to fresh water at all times. They thrive in spacious coops and runs and enjoy foraging and roaming.

Where can I find Westfalische Totleger breeders?

The Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed is considered a rare breed with limited availability. Greenfire Farms is a reputable source and the original importer of the breed to the United States.

What are the common health issues for Westfalische Totleger chickens?

Common health issues for Westfalische Totleger chickens include egg drop syndrome, egg yolk peritonitis, fatty liver syndrome, caged layer fatigue, bacterial infections, and poultry parasites.

Can the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed be used for meat production?

Due to its medium size, the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed is not ideal for meat production. It is primarily bred for egg production and is valuable for small-scale farming, backyard flocks, and sustainable egg production.

Why should I consider the Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed?

The Westfalische Totleger Chicken Breed is a rare and unique heritage breed with fascinating characteristics and exceptional egg-laying capabilities. It offers both practical and aesthetic benefits to poultry enthusiasts and promotes biodiversity within the poultry industry.
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