While goats are generally gentle creatures, headbutting is a natural part of their communication and social structure.
In this article, we will delve into the art of training goats to curb their headbutting tendencies, offering insights into effective methods that promote harmonious interactions between humans and these charismatic animals.
By understanding goat behavior and implementing thoughtful training techniques, you can create a safer and more enjoyable environment for both goats and people alike.
Table of Contents
- Water-Gun Method Startles A Headbutting Goat
- Firmly Say “No!” To Headbutting
- Redirect Their Attention From Competing Against You
- Flipping Goats On Their Backs After Aggressive Behavior
- Bottle Feed Doelings and Bucks Incorrectly
- Give Bucks a Buddy To Headbutt
- Never React in Anger After Being Headbutted
- FAQs About Training A Goat To Stop Headbutting
It hurts when a goat headbutts you. Goats come well-equipped with rock-hard horns that may bruise your skin or even tear the flesh causing deep wounds.
A hit from the goat may even end up causing internal damage.
Goats’ heads are also built for headbutting, and they have strong skulls that are held together by intricate sutures, increasing the force of impact. You must be stern when training your goat to stop headbutting, as this may cause you or your family severe injury and hospitalization.
Common ways to end headbutting involve pushing, hitting, or throwing goats to the ground. These will succeed in causing your goats to fear, not respect you.
Goats that have been treated with aggression will likely only learn to treat you or others similarly.
Instead, these three steps are compassionate, humane ways to stop headbutting that won’t have any repercussions.
Water-Gun Method Startles A Headbutting Goat
A high-powered water gun or water bottle is the most effective and humane method to stop headbutting. Spritz the goat’s face with water every time he attempts to headbutt you.
Goats abhor water, which you’ll quickly notice in the first drizzle. So by pairing a behavior (headbutting) with an unpleasant stimulus (water), the goat will learn to associate the two, and the headbutting will cease. This is an example of operant conditioning.
Firmly Say “No!” To Headbutting
Firmly saying “No!” should clearly communicate to your goat, especially a kid, that it’s wrong to engage in headbutting with you. Sometimes you’ll have to say “No!” while waving your arms.
This is an effective positive punishment similar to using a water gun or water bottle.
The point is to create an undesirable experience that the goat won’t want to repeat.
Redirect Their Attention From Competing Against You
Sometimes ignoring the goat is all it takes to stop headbutting. Something most people forget about animal behavior is that only behaviors that receive a response are repeated.
If your goat thinks you’re playing or receives a fear response, he’ll likely continue the behavior.
If you ignore the headbutting and redirect their attention onto something else (as long as it isn’t a reward), the goat should stop headbutting.
This isn’t effective for a goat intent on headbutting you, but it will work for the occasional attempt.
Flipping Goats On Their Backs After Aggressive Behavior
In many goat groups, training, and advice articles, it’s recommended that owners flip headbutting goats onto their backs. This can be effective because goats HATE being flipped.
If you flip a goat kid over consistently when it headbutts you, it will grow up knowing not to headbutt.
Waiting until it’s grown will make the training process longer and more difficult.
Make sure you don’t flip and hold a goat down for a long time- only for a few seconds to a minute until the goat stops struggling against you.
Goats that are regularly held on their backs or held for a long time can develop life-threatening conditions. Their bodies aren’t designed to lay on their backs, and flipping can rearrange internal organs and cause organ issues.
I know personally of one situation where prolapse occurred a week after the owner flipped the goat over for ten minutes. Sadly, she had to be put down shortly afterward.
Although there is little clinical testing that flipping can cause these issues, other instances indicate the danger of extended flipping.
I used to think flipping a goat over was never a good idea, but as I’ve gotten more experience raising different breeds of goats and bucks,
I’ve learned that sometimes flipping a goat over is the most successful way to do so teach a goat to stop headbutting.
Bottle Feed Doelings and Bucks Incorrectly
New goat owners often love to bottle feed kids. Sometimes it’s even necessary for survival. In fact, we bottle feed all of our Sanaan goats because we milk the mammas for milk.
However, bottle feeding may cause some kids, especially bucklings, to replace the mother or other goats with a human, especially if you don’t know what to watch for and how to train the goat kids.
Eventually, this can lead to treating humans as other goats, which includes headbutting.
It’s usually best to allow the mother to raise her kids unless there are health concerns or she neglects them.
If you bottle-feed your goat kids, never allow them to headbutt you. Talk firmly to them when they do. Kids are the easiest to train and usually respond well to a water bottle.
I still have to occasionally flip a buckling who insists on headbutting me or acts buckish, but it keeps our bucks well-behaved around our children.
Goats should never be allowed to treat humans like other goats.
Give Bucks a Buddy To Headbutt
Hormonal bucks often become territorial and headbutt more than other goats. For the herd’s safety, it’s best to keep bucks separate but not alone.
Lonely and bored bucks are more likely to headbutt you. Sometimes this is a misplaced attempt to fulfill their social needs. It isn’t necessarily because of aggression.
It’s vital to provide companionship to your buck. All goats belong in a herd structure and require social stimulation. Wethers often get along tremendously with bucks.
On the other hand, does should be separate from bucks except for breeding.

Never React in Anger After Being Headbutted
No matter how upset or frustrated you are, never explode in anger and respond to headbutting in abuse.
Abuse of any kind is a direct breach of our stewardship of the animals we raise.
If you’ve tried everything and the goat is truly bent on headbutting, it’s best to rehome it to an experienced goat owner. Make sure the new owner is fully aware of the goat’s behavior and accepts it.
Train A Goat To Stop Headbutting FAQs
Is it possible to train goats not to headbutt?
Yes, it is possible to train goats to be less prone to headbutting. However, it’s essential to understand that headbutting is a natural behavior for goats, and complete elimination of this behavior may not be achievable. Training can help reduce the frequency and intensity of headbutting incidents.
When should I start training goats to prevent headbutting?
Start training goats as early as possible, ideally when they are young kids. Early socialization and positive reinforcement can have a significant impact on their behavior as they grow.
What are some key training methods to discourage headbutting?
- Positive Reinforcement: Reward goats for calm and non-aggressive behavior with treats, verbal praise, or petting.
- Gentle Correction: Use gentle physical cues or verbal commands to redirect their behavior when they show signs of aggression or headbutting.
- Consistency: Be consistent in your training methods and expectations to avoid confusion.
- Socialization: Ensure goats interact with other goats and humans regularly to become accustomed to different social situations.
Can I use negative reinforcement or punishment to discourage headbutting?
It is generally not recommended to use negative reinforcement or punishment with goats, as it can lead to fear and aggression. Positive reinforcement is a more effective and humane training approach.
How can I identify signs that a goat may headbutt?
Watch for signs such as lowering the head, stomping the front feet, or a stiffening of the body. These behaviors may indicate that a goat is preparing to headbutt.
Should I separate aggressive goats from the herd during training?
If a specific goat is displaying aggressive or dominant behavior, separating them temporarily can help reduce incidents while you work on their training. However, ensure they still have social interaction with other goats.
Are there professional trainers who specialize in goat behavior?
Yes, some professional animal behaviorists and trainers specialize in working with goats. Consulting with an expert can be valuable if you are facing persistent headbutting issues.
How long does it take to train a goat not to headbutt?
The time it takes to train a goat not to headbutt varies depending on the goat’s temperament and the consistency of training. Some goats may show improvement within weeks, while others may require several months of consistent training.
Are there specific breeds of goats more prone to headbutting?
Certain goat breeds may have stronger natural instincts for headbutting due to their history and purpose. However, individual temperament varies, so not all goats of a particular breed will display aggressive headbutting behavior.
What precautions should I take during training to ensure safety?
- Wear appropriate clothing and closed-toe shoes.
- Maintain a respectful distance and avoid sudden movements.
- Always supervise interactions between goats and children.
- Have a plan in place for dealing with any unexpected aggressive behavior.
Remember that training goats not to headbutt requires patience, consistency, and a deep understanding of goat behavior. By using positive reinforcement techniques and socialization, you can significantly reduce the incidence of headbutting and create a safer and more enjoyable environment for both goats and humans.