Swedish Isbar chicken breed

Swedish Isbar Chicken Breed: Unique Qualities

Welcome to my article on the Swedish Isbar chicken breed! If you’re looking for a unique and rare chicken breed, the Isbar is the one for you. Developed by Swedish breeder Martin Silverudd in the 1950s, this breed is known for its exceptional qualities and distinct abilities.

What sets the Swedish Isbar breed apart is its ability to lay green eggs. While most green egg-laying chickens are hybrids, the Isbar breed is the only purebred chicken breed that consistently produces green eggs. This makes them a fascinating addition to any flock and a great conversation starter.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Swedish Isbar chicken breed is a unique and rare breed that lays green eggs.
  • The breed was developed by Martin Silverudd, a Swedish breeder, in the 1950s.
  • Isbar chickens come in three main color varieties: Blue, Splash, and Black.
  • They are known for their hardiness, excellent egg-laying capabilities, and friendly temperament.
  • Isbar chickens lay around 200-230 large green eggs per year.

History of the Isbar Chicken Breed

The Isbar chicken breed has an intriguing history that traces back to Martin Silverudd, a dedicated Swedish breeder in the 1950s. Silverudd embarked on a mission to develop a unique breed of chickens that would consistently lay green eggs. Through years of careful and meticulous selective breeding, he achieved remarkable success in his endeavor.

Silverudd employed a strategic combination of Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshire Reds, and Cream Legbars in his breeding program. This careful selection process aimed to introduce specific genetic traits and characteristics conducive to the desired outcome. The result was the successful creation of two distinct varieties of Isbars: the Black and Splash varieties.

Not content with his achievements, Silverudd also sought to develop a rare and highly sought-after Blue variety. To do so, he employed a cross-breeding strategy involving the use of Australorps, a beautiful breed known for its dark plumage. The outcome of this particular breeding experiment produced the captivating Blue Isbar variety, which continues to captivate chicken enthusiasts to this day.

It is important to note that while Silverudd accomplished tremendous success in creating the Isbar breed, he did not prioritize standardization in terms of body shape. As a result, there is substantial variation in body shapes among Isbar chickens, adding to their unique charm and individuality.

“Martin Silverudd’s pioneering work in the development of the Isbar chicken breed demonstrates the power of selective breeding and the fascinating possibilities it opens up. His dedication and passion have left a lasting legacy, shaping the Isbar breed into the extraordinary chicken it is today.”

Variety Description
Black The Black Isbar variety is characterized by its enchanting raven-colored plumage and dark legs.
Splash The Splash Isbar variety features a striking white base with mesmerizing blue markings, creating a visually stunning appearance. The legs are also dark in color.
Blue The Blue Isbar variety is a rare and highly sought-after variation, with a solid blue plumage that can range from light to dark. The legs are dark, adding to the overall elegance of this variety.

Characteristics of the Isbar Chicken Breed

Isbar chickens are a unique breed with several distinct characteristics. These medium to small-sized chickens have clean legs and no muff or beard. While their body shapes may vary across different varieties, one common trait among Isbar chickens is their ability to lay consistently green eggs, making them truly remarkable.

In addition to their striking egg color, Isbar chickens are known for their excellent egg-laying capabilities. On average, they lay around 200-230 large eggs per year, providing a steady supply of nutritious eggs for your household. Their dedication to egg production sets them apart from many other chicken breeds.

Isbar chickens are also resilient in cold climates, showcasing their cold-hardy nature. They have the remarkable ability to continue laying eggs even during the winter months, ensuring a consistent supply of fresh eggs all year round. This characteristic makes them particularly valuable for farmers and hobbyists in regions with harsh winters.

When it comes to temperament, Isbar chickens have a friendly and docile nature. They enjoy human companionship and are known to be sociable and curious creatures. They will happily roam around your yard, foraging for food and exploring their surroundings. Their active foraging behavior adds an element of intrigue and liveliness to any backyard flock.

To fully understand the characteristics of the Isbar chicken breed, it is helpful to present the key traits in a concise and informative table:

Traits Isbar Chicken Characteristics
Egg Color Consistently green
Egg Laying Average of 200-230 large eggs per year
Hardiness Cold-hardy, capable of laying eggs throughout the winter
Temperament Friendly, docile, and enjoys human company
Foraging Active foragers, require time and space to roam

Overall, Isbar chickens possess a unique combination of traits that make them incredibly desirable for chicken enthusiasts. From their enchanting green eggs to their remarkable egg-laying capabilities and sociable temperament, Isbar chickens are a valuable addition to any flock.

Isbar chicken characteristics

Care and Husbandry of Isbar Chickens

Isbar chickens are relatively low-maintenance and easy to care for. They are hardy birds that thrive in cold climates, making them a suitable choice for backyard flocks in the United States.

Proper housing and shelter are important for the well-being of Isbar chickens. A secure coop will protect them from the elements and predators. Make sure to provide adequate ventilation and nesting boxes for egg-laying.

Isbar chickens are active foragers and enjoy exploring their surroundings. It is beneficial to give them access to a spacious outdoor area where they can roam and find their own food, such as insects and greens. Fencing the yard will help keep them safe from predators.

If you’re considering adding Isbar chickens to your flock, it’s best to purchase them from reputable breeders who specialize in this rare breed. They will be able to provide you with healthy, purebred chickens and valuable guidance on their care and breed-specific needs.

Overall, with proper care and attention, Isbar chickens will thrive and reward you with their beautiful green eggs and friendly nature.

Isbar Chicken Appearance and Varieties

Isbar chickens have a distinct appearance. They have dark legs, single combs, and dark eyes. The breed comes in three main color varieties: Black, Blue, and Splash. The Black variety is entirely raven-colored, while the Splash variety has a white base with blue markings. The Blue variety is the rarest and most popular, with solid blue plumage that can range from light to dark. All Isbar chickens, regardless of variety, lay green eggs.

Isbar Chicken Varieties Appearance
Black Raven-colored
Blue Solid blue plumage, ranging from light to dark
Splash White base with blue markings

Egg Production of Isbar Chickens

Isbar chickens are renowned for their exceptional egg-laying capabilities. These beautiful birds can lay an impressive number of eggs each year, typically ranging from 200 to 230 eggs. What makes Isbar eggs truly unique is their stunning green color.

The eggs laid by Isbar chickens exhibit various shades of green, from a delicate minty hue to a rich mossy green. Some eggs may even feature light brown speckling, adding to their charm. The consistent green egg production of Isbar chickens is highly prized by both chicken enthusiasts and those seeking to add a touch of novelty to their egg baskets.

While green is the predominant color, it is worth noting that occasionally an odd hen may lay a brown egg. To maintain the purity of green egg laying, it is advisable to avoid using these hens for breeding purposes. This ensures that the next generation of Isbar chickens continues the legacy of laying vibrant green eggs.

So, if you’re looking to add a touch of color to your egg collection, Isbar chickens are an ideal choice. Their exceptional egg-laying abilities, combined with the captivating green hue of their eggs, make them a wonderful addition to any flock.

Isbar chicken egg laying

Egg Production Egg Color
Isbar Chickens Around 200-230 eggs per year Green (varies from minty green to mossy green)
Other Chicken Breeds Varies White, brown, or tinted

Temperament and Behavior of Isbar Chickens

Isbar chickens are known for their friendly and docile temperament. They enjoy the company of humans and can often be seen following their owners around the yard. While they may not particularly enjoy being petted, they appreciate attention and companionship. Isbar chickens are active and curious, displaying a natural curiosity and desire to explore their surroundings. They require ample space to forage and roam, allowing them to exhibit their natural behaviors.

Isbar chickens generally coexist well with other chickens, displaying a peaceful disposition. However, roosters can be protective of their flock and may show aggression towards potential predators. It is important to introduce new chickens slowly and gradually, allowing the roosters to accept them into the existing flock.

Here is a brief overview of the temperament and behavior of Isbar chickens:

  • Friendly and docile
  • Enjoy human company
  • Active and curious
  • Require space to forage and explore
  • Generally good with other chickens
  • Roosters can be protective and may show aggression towards predators

Overall, Isbar chickens make excellent additions to a backyard flock due to their friendly nature and ease of handling. Their sociable behavior and inquisitive personalities provide owners with an enjoyable and interactive chicken-keeping experience.

“Isbar chickens are known for their friendly and docile temperament.”

Table 7: Isbar Chicken Temperament and Behavior

Temperament Behavior
Friendly Enjoy human company and follow their owners
Docile Appreciate attention and companionship
Active Curious and display a natural desire to explore
Foraging Require ample space to roam and find their own food
Social Generally coexist well with other chickens
Protective Roosters may show aggression towards potential predators

Advantages and Disadvantages of Raising Isbar Chickens

When it comes to raising Isbar chickens, there are several advantages and disadvantages to consider. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of raising these unique and beautiful birds.

Advantages of Raising Isbar Chickens

  1. Excellent Egg Layers: Isbar chickens are known for their exceptional egg-laying capabilities. They produce a large number of green eggs per year, typically ranging from 200 to 230 eggs. If you love having a consistent supply of fresh and unique green eggs, Isbar chickens won’t disappoint.
  2. Friendly and Sweet-Tempered: Isbar chickens have a pleasant and docile temperament, making them a joy to have in your backyard flock. They are friendly towards humans and enjoy human company, often following their owners around the yard. Their sweet-natured disposition can make them great companions, especially for families with children.
  3. Hardy and Cold-Weather Resistant: Isbar chickens are hardy birds that can withstand cold climates. They continue to lay eggs throughout the winter, making them suitable for regions with harsh winters. If you live in an area with colder temperatures, Isbar chickens can be a reliable egg-laying option all year round.

Disadvantages of Raising Isbar Chickens

  1. Low Meat Yield: While Isbar chickens excel in egg production, they are not considered a dual-purpose breed. Their meat yield is relatively low compared to other meat-focused chicken breeds. If you raise chickens primarily for meat consumption, you may find that Isbar chickens don’t meet your expectations in terms of meat production.
  2. Space Requirement: Isbar chickens are active foragers and require ample space to roam and forage. They enjoy exploring their surroundings and finding their own food. If you have limited space in your backyard or coop, it may not be ideal for raising Isbar chickens. They thrive in environments where they have room to move and access to a spacious outdoor area.

In conclusion, raising Isbar chickens has its advantages and disadvantages. They are excellent egg layers, friendly and sweet-tempered, and can thrive in cold climates. However, they have a relatively low meat yield and a requirement for ample space. Consider these factors carefully before deciding to raise Isbar chickens in your backyard.

Isbar chickens


The Swedish Isbar chicken breed is a unique and rare breed that is highly prized for its ability to lay green eggs. Developed by Martin Silverudd in Sweden, the Isbar breed is an excellent egg producer, laying around 200-230 large green eggs per year.

Not only do Isbar chickens have impressive egg-laying capabilities, but they also have a friendly and docile temperament, making them well-suited to backyard flocks. These beautiful birds thrive in colder climates and continue laying throughout the winter, providing a steady supply of fresh eggs.

While Isbar chickens may not be considered dual-purpose, their striking appearance and exceptional egg-laying abilities make them a valuable addition to any flock of chickens. Whether you are a backyard chicken enthusiast or a seasoned poultry keeper, the Isbar breed offers both aesthetic appeal and dependable egg production.

If you are looking to add a touch of uniqueness and charm to your flock, consider the Swedish Isbar chicken breed. With their green eggs and delightful personalities, these rare chickens are sure to be a standout in your backyard.


What is the history of the Isbar chicken breed?

The Isbar chicken breed was developed by Martin Silverudd, a Swedish breeder, in the 1950s. Silverudd aimed to create a breed that consistently laid green eggs, resulting in the creation of the Isbar breed. He used a combination of Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshire Reds, and Cream Legbars in his breeding program.

What are the characteristics of Isbar chickens?

Isbar chickens are medium-sized birds with clean legs and no muff or beard. They come in three main color varieties: Black, Blue, and Splash. Isbar chickens are known for their excellent egg-laying capabilities, producing around 200-230 large green eggs per year. They are also cold-hardy and have a friendly and docile temperament.

How do I care for Isbar chickens?

Isbar chickens are relatively low-maintenance and easy to care for. They require proper housing and shelter to protect them from the elements and predators. Isbar chickens are active foragers and will benefit from having access to a spacious outdoor area where they can roam and find their own food. You can purchase Isbar chickens from breeders who specialize in this rare breed.

What do Isbar chickens look like?

Isbar chickens have dark legs, single combs, and dark eyes. They come in three main color varieties: Black, Blue, and Splash. The Black variety is entirely raven-colored, while the Splash variety has a white base with blue markings. The Blue variety is the rarest and most popular, with solid blue plumage ranging from light to dark. Regardless of variety, all Isbar chickens lay green eggs.

How many eggs do Isbar chickens lay?

Isbar chickens are excellent egg layers, producing around 200-230 large green eggs per year. The color of the eggs can vary from a light minty green to a darker mossy green, and some eggs may have light brown speckling.

What is the temperament of Isbar chickens?

Isbar chickens have a friendly and docile temperament. They enjoy human company and are active and curious birds. They require space to forage and explore, and they are generally good with other chickens. However, roosters may show aggression towards predators, so new chickens should be introduced slowly.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of raising Isbar chickens?

Isbar chickens have several advantages, including their excellent egg-laying capabilities, friendly temperament, and ability to thrive in cold climates. They continue laying throughout the winter. However, Isbar chickens have a relatively low meat yield and require space to roam and forage, which may not be suitable for small backyard setups.
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