Spitzhauben Chicken Breed

Spitzhauben Chicken Breed: Swiss Heritage Fowl

Welcome to my article on the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed, a remarkable poultry breed with a rich Swiss heritage. Known for its distinctive crest and lively personality, the Spitzhauben chicken has captured the hearts of backyard poultry enthusiasts across the United States. Let’s explore the unique characteristics, history, and conservation efforts surrounding this captivating breed.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Spitzhauben Chicken Breed is a Swiss heritage fowl with a distinctive crest.
  • It is known for its lively personality, making it a favorite among backyard poultry enthusiasts.
  • The breed almost went extinct after World War II but has been revived through dedicated breeding efforts.
  • Spitzhaubens are excellent egg layers, producing 150-180 medium-to-large-sized white eggs per year.
  • Efforts are underway to conserve and standardize this unique poultry breed.

History and Origin of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed

The Spitzhauben Chicken Breed, also known as the Appenzeller Spitzhauben, has a fascinating history that can be traced back to the 16th century in the Appenzell district of Switzerland. This breed is deeply rooted in the heritage of Switzerland and is widely recognized as the country’s national chicken breed.

The name “Spitzhauben” itself holds historical significance, as it refers to the distinct crest feathers that adorn the heads of these chickens. These crest feathers elegantly sweep forward, resembling the pointed hoods that women in the Appenzell region once wore.

During the tumultuous period after World War II, the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed faced the brink of extinction. However, thanks to the efforts of German breeder Kurt Fischer, this breed was saved from disappearance. Fischer imported birds of the three original colors to Germany, ensuring the survival and continuation of the breed.

In the 1950s, the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed made its way to the United States, where it gained popularity among poultry enthusiasts. One particular color variety, the Silver Spangled, became the most commonly found variation in the country.

Today, this unique Swiss heritage poultry breed continues to captivate breeders and chicken enthusiasts alike, preserving its rich history and enchanting allure.

Characteristics of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed

The Spitzhauben Chicken Breed is known for its unique characteristics. It is a small-to-medium-sized breed with a slender body and a high, narrow crest that angles forward. They have dark brown eyes, white earlobes, and a strong beak with prominent nostrils. The most common color variety is the Silver Spangled, which has white plumage with oval black feather tips. Other color varieties include Gold, Gold Spangled, Chamois Spangled, White, Black, and Blue. They have white skin and blue or gray legs.

Spitzhaubens are excellent egg layers, producing 150-180 medium-sized white eggs per year, including in winter. They are known for their broody nature and make excellent mothers. Adult hens weigh 2.6 to 3.5 pounds, while roosters weigh 3.3 to 4.5 pounds.

Characteristic Spitzhauben Chicken Breed
Size Small-to-medium
Crest High, narrow, angles forward
Color Variety Silver Spangled, Gold, Gold Spangled, Chamois Spangled, White, Black, Blue
Egg Production 150-180 medium-sized white eggs per year
Broodiness Known for broody nature
Mothering Abilities Excellent mothers
Weight Hens: 2.6 to 3.5 pounds, Roosters: 3.3 to 4.5 pounds


“Spitzhaubens are a delight to have in the flock. Their unique appearance and productive egg-laying make them a favorite among poultry enthusiasts. Their broodiness and good mothering abilities add to their appeal.”

Spitzhauben Chicken Breed

Conservation Status of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed

The conservation status of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed is classified as “Watch” by the Livestock Conservancy. This designation indicates that the breed is considered a priority for conservation due to its endangered status. Although the breed is not yet recognized by the American Poultry Association, efforts are underway to develop a standard for the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed.

Recognized in the United Kingdom, the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed has a history of facing near extinction. However, dedicated breeders and organizations such as ProSpecieRara have played a crucial role in reviving its population.

One of the challenges faced by the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed is genetic diversity. With a small population base and past inbreeding, there is a need to ensure the breed’s long-term viability and adaptability.

Breeding Goals for the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed

The breeding goals for the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed aim to preserve its unique characteristics while improving genetic diversity. Breeders work toward retaining resilience, hardiness, vitality, longevity, and optimal laying performance. At the same time, efforts are made to enhance clean markings and uphold the characteristic crest and comb that define this breed.

Breeding Goals Key Focus
Resilience Ensuring the breed’s ability to withstand environmental changes and disease resistance.
Hardiness Developing robust and adaptable individuals capable of thriving in diverse conditions.
Vitality Promoting the breed’s overall vigor and liveliness.
Longevity Working towards increasing the breed’s lifespan for sustainable breeding and enjoyment.
Laying Performance Focusing on maintaining and enhancing the breed’s egg-laying capabilities.
Clean Markings, Crest, and Comb Preserving and improving the distinct appearance that defines the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed.

Efforts to conserve the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed are vital to safeguarding its unique genetic heritage and promoting the breed’s sustainability for future generations.

Temperament and Adaptability of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed

Spitzhauben chickens have a temperament that is both active and alert. These birds are known for their curious and independent nature, making them unsuited for confinement. They require ample space to explore and thrive.

Due to their flighty nature and ability to fly, it may be necessary to cover the run to prevent their escape. Spitzhaubens are adaptable to different climates and exhibit both heat and cold tolerance. They can withstand hot and humid conditions as well as cold and snowy environments.

However, their small size and flightiness make them vulnerable to various predators. Despite the weather, these chickens prefer to roost in trees, even during the winter season. Training is necessary to ensure they return to the coop safely at night.

The Flighty Nature of Spitzhauben Chickens

Spitzhaubens are known for their flighty nature. They have a tendency to be easily startled and have quick, agile movements. Their ability to fly allows them to escape potential dangers, making it important to provide secure enclosures to protect them from predators.

“Spitzhauben chickens have an energetic and inquisitive temperament, always on the lookout for new adventures.” – Poultry Enthusiast Magazine

Spitzhauben chicken breed temperament

Adaptability to Various Climates

One of the remarkable traits of the Spitzhauben breed is their adaptability to different climates. These chickens can handle both hot and humid conditions as well as cold and snowy climates. Their hardiness makes them a suitable choice for poultry keepers located in various regions.

“The Spitzhauben chicken breed’s ability to adapt to different climates makes it an excellent choice for backyard poultry enthusiasts around the world.” – Backyard Poultry Weekly

Spitzhauben Chicken Breed Temperament

The Spitzhauben chicken breed is highly active and exhibits an alert temperament. These birds are continuously on the move, exploring their surroundings and engaging in various activities. Their active nature requires a spacious environment to roam and exert their energy.

  • Curious and independent
  • Energetic and inquisitive
  • Active and on the move
  • Aware of their surroundings

Adaptable to Different Climates

Spitzhauben chickens are well-known for their adaptability to various climates. They can tolerate both heat and cold, making them versatile for different geographic locations. Whether it’s hot and humid or cold and snowy, these chickens demonstrate resilience in diverse weather conditions.

Trait Spitzhauben Chickens
Temperament Active and alert
Adaptability Tolerates heat and cold
Flightiness May require covered runs
Preferred Roosting Trees, even in winter

Breeding and Standardization Efforts for the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed

The Spitzhauben Chicken Breed is currently not recognized by the American Poultry Association, but passionate breeders are determined to develop breed standards and gain official recognition. The Appenzeller Spitzhauben Club of America has taken a crucial step by adopting the proposed breed standards from the United Kingdom, which they plan to submit to the APA.

Breeders are working diligently to achieve uniformity in type and improve breed characteristics, particularly in areas such as crest shape and color. This dedication is essential for preserving the unique features of the Spitzhauben breed, which suffered from inbreeding in the past, resulting in the loss of its distinctive traits.

To address the genetic diversity issues, some breeders have introduced crosses between Spitzhaubens and Silver Polish chickens. This strategy aims to broaden the gene pool of the Spitzhauben breed and prevent further loss of its valuable characteristics. However, breeders also recognize the importance of breeding back to the original standard description as a means to preserve the breed’s unique features.

Through collaborative efforts and a focus on improving breed characteristics, breeders and enthusiasts alike are dedicated to promoting the standardization of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed. By establishing clear breed standards and maintaining genetic diversity, the future of the Spitzhauben breed can be secured, ensuring its continued presence and relevance within the poultry community.

Proposed Breed Standards

The Appenzeller Spitzhauben Club of America has adopted the following proposed breed standards from the United Kingdom:

Breed Characteristics Standard Description
Crest Shape Tall, pointed crest that angles forward
Crest Color Required to match the color of the body plumage
Plumage Color Varieties include Silver Spangled, Gold, Gold Spangled, Chamois Spangled, White, Black, and Blue

The proposed breed standards focus on achieving consistency both in physical characteristics, such as crest shape and color, and plumage color varieties. By adhering to these standards, breeders can contribute to an overall improvement in the breed while maintaining its distinct heritage and appeal.

Note: The image is for illustration purposes only and does not represent an official breed standard.

Popular Use and Productivity of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed

The Spitzhauben Chicken Breed has gained popularity among poultry enthusiasts for its unique appearance and impressive productivity. While its distinctive crest feathers and lively personality make it an attractive addition to backyard flocks, its egg production capabilities are equally noteworthy.

Known as excellent layers, Spitzhauben chickens are highly productive, providing poultry keepers with a consistent supply of high-quality eggs. These chickens can produce an impressive quantity of 150-180 medium-sized white-shelled eggs per year, even during winter when other breeds may experience a decline in laying performance. The ability to lay throughout the year, including colder months, is a valuable trait that sets Spitzhaubens apart.

Furthermore, the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed exhibits broodiness, making them skilled and dedicated mothers. Hens often go broody, showing a desire and instinct to incubate eggs and raise their chicks. This natural inclination contributes to the breed’s reputation as good mothers, ensuring the well-being and successful rearing of their offspring.

Productivity and Laying Performance

Spitzhauben chickens are renowned for their productivity and consistent laying performance. Their impressive egg production, combined with their unique features, makes them a popular choice for both small-scale and larger poultry operations. These chickens offer backyard flock owners the opportunity to enjoy the aesthetic appeal of their distinct crests while benefiting from a reliable supply of fresh, white-shelled eggs.

Broodiness and Mothering Abilities

In addition to their egg-laying capabilities, Spitzhaubens’ broodiness and mothering skills contribute to their desirability. The breed’s tendency to go broody allows them to incubate and care for their eggs, ensuring the successful hatching and survival of their offspring. These natural maternal instincts make Spitzhauben hens reliable and attentive mothers to their chicks.

Egg Production Comparison
Breed Egg Production Broodiness
Spitzhauben 150-180 per year High
Other Breeds Varies Low

Spitzhauben Chicken Breed

Bantam Version and Other Color Varieties of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed

While the American Poultry Association does not recognize a bantam version of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed, it does exist in Europe, where it is recognized by the American Bantam Association on their “inactive list.” The bantam version was created in the Netherlands in the 1980s and comes in several color varieties including silver spangled, golden spangled, black, and chamois. These color varieties are also present in the standard-sized Spitzhaubens.

Color Varieties of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed

The Spitzhauben Chicken Breed comes in various color varieties that add to its visual appeal. In addition to the popular silver spangled variety, there are other color variations that make this breed even more unique:

  • Silver Spangled: This is the most common color variety in the United States and features white plumage with oval black feather tips.
  • Golden Spangled: Similar to the silver spangled variety, but with gold feather tips instead of black.
  • Black: A striking color variety with solid black plumage.
  • Chamois: The chamois variety has a beautiful combination of white and golden plumage.

European Recognition of the Bantam Spitzhauben Chicken Breed

“Although not recognized by the American Poultry Association, the bantam version of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed has gained recognition in Europe. The American Bantam Association includes it on their ‘inactive list,’ acknowledging its existence and importance in the poultry world.”

The bantam version, with its smaller size and vibrant color variations, has become a favorite among poultry enthusiasts and breeders who appreciate its unique charm.

Comparison of Standard-sized and Bantam Spitzhaubens

Standard-sized Spitzhaubens Bantam Spitzhaubens
Size Small-to-medium Smaller than standard-sized
Color Varieties Silver Spangled, Golden Spangled, Black, Chamois, and more Silver Spangled, Golden Spangled, Black, Chamois, and more
Recognitions Not recognized by the American Poultry Association Recognized by the American Bantam Association (on the ‘inactive list’)

While both standard-sized and bantam Spitzhaubens showcase the same captivating color varieties, the bantam version offers a compact alternative for those seeking a smaller version of these delightful Swiss heritage fowl.


The Spitzhauben Chicken Breed is truly a remarkable Swiss heritage fowl with its distinctive crest feathers and lively personality. This breed has a long history that dates back to the 16th century, making it an important part of Swiss cultural heritage. Despite facing near extinction after World War II, dedicated breeders and conservation efforts have successfully revived the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed, ensuring its survival and recognition.

One of the key reasons why the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed is highly valued is its unique characteristics. From their elegant crest feathers to their slender bodies, these chickens stand out among other breeds. Not only are they visually appealing, but they also excel in egg production. With their ability to lay 150-180 medium-sized white eggs per year, including in winter, Spitzhaubens are a favorite among poultry enthusiasts.

As we cherish this Swiss heritage fowl, ongoing efforts are in place to standardize the breed and ensure its genetic diversity. By doing so, we can preserve the breed’s unique features and characteristics while maintaining its resilience and vitality. Through the dedication of breeders and organizations, the conservation of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed continues to make progress.

The Spitzhauben Chicken Breed is not only a valuable addition to backyard poultry keepers but also an important part of our agricultural heritage. Its rich history, distinctive appearance, excellent egg production, and adaptability make it a cherished breed worldwide. Let us continue to appreciate, protect, and celebrate the beauty and significance of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed for generations to come.


What is the history and origin of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed?

The Spitzhauben Chicken Breed, also known as the Appenzeller Spitzhauben, originated in Switzerland’s Appenzell district in the 16th century. It is considered the national chicken breed of Switzerland.

What are the characteristics of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed?

The Spitzhauben Chicken Breed is small-to-medium-sized with a slender body, a high narrow crest, and a distinctive appearance. It is known for its excellent egg-laying abilities, broodiness, and good mothering skills.

What is the conservation status of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed?

The Spitzhauben Chicken Breed is classified as “Watch” by the Livestock Conservancy. Efforts are being made to conserve the breed, improve its genetic diversity, and develop breed standards.

What is the temperament and adaptability of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed?

Spitzhauben chickens have an active and alert temperament. They are curious and independent birds that require space and are adaptable to different climates, including heat and cold.

What are the breeding and standardization efforts for the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed?

Efforts are underway to develop breed standards and gain recognition for the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed. Breed clubs are working towards improving breed characteristics and preserving the breed’s genetic diversity.

What is the popular use and productivity of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed?

The Spitzhauben Chicken Breed is popular for its unique appearance and excellent egg production. It is known to be a good layer, producing medium-sized white eggs, and is also valued for its broodiness and mothering abilities.

Are there different color varieties of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed?

Yes, besides the Silver Spangled variety, there are other color varieties of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed, such as Gold, Gold Spangled, Chamois Spangled, White, Black, and Blue.

Are there bantam versions of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed?

While the American Poultry Association does not recognize a bantam version of the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed, it exists in Europe and comes in several color varieties.

What makes the Spitzhauben Chicken Breed unique?

The Spitzhauben Chicken Breed is a unique Swiss heritage fowl known for its distinctive crest feathers, lively personality, and excellent egg-laying abilities.
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