organic chicken feed

Organic Chicken Feed: My Top Picks & Tips

As a chicken owner, providing your flock with the right nutrition is essential for their health and well-being. That’s why I’m excited to share my top picks and tips for choosing the best organic chicken feed for your chickens.

Organic chicken feed is a popular choice among chicken owners because it’s free from harmful chemicals and non-GMO. It not only provides high-quality nutrition, but it’s also sustainable for the environment.

To ensure optimal chicken nutrition, it’s vital to choose a high-quality chicken feed that meets their specific needs. With my tips, you’ll be able to select the best organic chicken feed for your flock, plus discover homemade recipes and sustainable alternatives.

Key Takeaways:

  • Organic chicken feed provides optimal nutrition and promotes sustainability.
  • Choosing the best organic chicken feed requires consideration of ingredients, certifications, and nutritional content.
  • Homemade organic chicken feed recipes offer natural and healthy options.
  • Sustainable alternatives such as locally sourced feed and backyard foraging reduce environmental impact.
  • Feeding tips ensure chickens receive optimal nutrition from their organic feed.

Understanding Organic Chicken Feed

If you’re looking for a natural and healthier option for your chicken’s diet, organic chicken feed is an excellent choice. Organic chicken feed is made from materials that have not been treated with synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, and it has no added hormones or antibiotics.

One of the primary characteristics of organic chicken feed is being chemical-free, making it a safer option for your chickens and the environment. The non-GMO chicken feed is enrooted from crops that have never been genetically modified, providing a natural and wholesome diet for your chickens.

In addition to promoting the well-being of your chickens, organic chicken feed can support a more sustainable farming system, which is why it’s a popular choice among chicken owners. Sourcing materials created in a way that promotes sustainability is one of the fundamental principles of organic farming.

If you want to provide your flock with premium chicken feed that is not only healthy for them but also sustainable for the environment, choosing organic chicken feed might be the best decision you’ll ever make.

Benefits of Organic Chicken Feed

When it comes to feeding your chickens, choosing organic chicken feed can provide a variety of benefits that conventional feed simply cannot match. Organic chicken feed is free from harmful chemicals and instead relies on natural ingredients that promote good health and sustainable farming practices.

One of the primary benefits of organic chicken feed is that it can contribute to the overall health of your flock. By providing the right balance of nutrients and avoiding harmful additives, organic feed can promote good digestion, strong immune function, and improved egg quality.

In addition to promoting good health, organic chicken feed is often of a higher quality than conventional feed due to its more stringent production standards and use of premium ingredients. This means that your chickens can benefit not only from the natural and healthy aspect of the food, but also the higher nutritional value that it provides.

Ultimately, investing in organic chicken feed can help support optimal chicken nutrition and promote happier, healthier flocks. By prioritizing the well-being of your chickens and selecting premium, healthy chicken feed, you can not only ensure the health of your flock but also contribute to a more sustainable future for farming and food production.

Healthy Chicken Feed

Selecting the Best Organic Chicken Feed

Choosing the best organic chicken feed is essential to ensure your flock’s optimal health and well-being. Here are my top tips for selecting the best organic chicken feed:

1. Check the Ingredients

Always read the label and check the ingredients list of the organic chicken feed you’re considering. Your chickens need a balanced diet, so look for feeds that contain a variety of natural ingredients, including grains, seeds, and vegetables.

For example, Scratch and Peck Feeds Organic Layer Feed includes organic wheat, organic peas, organic barley, and organic flaxseed, providing a nutritionally complete feed for your hens.

2. Look for Nutritional Content

Ensure the organic chicken feed you choose provides optimal nutritional content for your chickens. Look for feeds that contain adequate levels of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals.

Kalmbach Feeds Organic Layer Feed is an excellent example of a high-quality, nutritionally balanced organic chicken feed with 16% protein, essential amino acids, and added calcium for strong eggshells.

3. Check for Certifications

Look for certifications on the organic chicken feed, such as the USDA organic seal, to ensure it’s made without synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or other harmful chemicals. This ensures the feed is truly organic and chemical-free.

One such certified organic chicken feed is Prairie’s Choice Non-GMO Backyard Layer Formula, which is made with only non-GMO ingredients and without any synthetic additives or soy.

Stay Away from Additives and Artificial Ingredients

Avoid organic chicken feed that includes additives, preservatives, or artificial ingredients. These substances can harm your flock and reduce the nutritional value of the feed. Opt for natural feeds that contain no harmful chemicals or artificial additives.

By following these tips, you can choose the best organic chicken feed for your flock. Remember to consider the ingredients, nutritional content, and certifications, and stay away from additives and artificial ingredients. Your chickens deserve high-quality, sustainable, and healthy feed that promotes optimal nutrition.

Homemade Organic Chicken Feed Recipes

If you prefer a more hands-on approach to feeding your chickens, creating your own homemade organic chicken feed is an excellent option. Not only is it more cost-effective, but you can be sure your chickens are getting the best possible feed.

Here are some homemade organic chicken feed recipes to get you started:

Simple Organic Chicken Feed Recipe

This recipe is perfect for those just starting with homemade chicken feed and features a blend of grains, seeds, and supplements.

Ingredients Amount
Wheat or Oats 4 cups
Millet or Corn 2 cups
Flaxseed Meal 1 cup
Kelp Powder 1 tablespoon
Yogurt or Buttermilk 1 cup

Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. Store in an airtight container or galvanized trash can.

Vegetarian Organic Chicken Feed Recipe

This recipe is perfect for vegetarians who want to keep their chickens on a plant-based diet. It features lentils as a protein source and is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Ingredients Amount
Lentils 1 cup
Barley 1 cup
Oats 1 cup
Sesame Seeds 1/4 cup
Kelp Powder 1 tablespoon
Yogurt or Buttermilk 1 cup

Cook the lentils until they are tender and then mix in the remaining ingredients. Store in an airtight container or galvanized trash can.

Natural chicken feed

Experiment with different ingredients and find the perfect recipe that works for your chickens. With homemade organic chicken feed, you can be sure your chickens are getting the most nutritious and healthy feed possible.

Sustainable Chicken Feed Alternatives

While organic chicken feed is a great option for promoting optimal chicken nutrition, there are also sustainable alternatives that can reduce your environmental impact and support local agriculture. Here are some options to consider:

Locally Sourced Feed

Sourcing chicken feed from local farmers is a sustainable way to ensure your chickens are getting fresh, high-quality feed while reducing your carbon footprint. Look for farmers in your area who offer non-GMO and organic options for optimal nutrition.

Regenerative Farming Practices

Regenerative farming is a holistic approach that benefits the environment while also producing nutritious and sustainable chicken feed. This farming method focuses on building healthy soil and using natural resources to promote plant growth, resulting in crops that are naturally high in nutrients and free from harmful pesticides.

Backyard Foraging

Foraging for food in your backyard is not only a fun activity for your chickens, but it can also provide them with a diverse range of nutrients. Consider planting a chicken-friendly garden with plants like clover, herbs, and vegetables that your chickens can enjoy.

Tip: When sourcing feed or foraging for food for your chickens, be sure to always choose sustainable and organic options to avoid pesticides, antibiotics, and other harmful chemicals that can negatively impact your flock’s health.

Feeding Tips for Optimal Chicken Nutrition

Feeding your chickens a high-quality, healthy feed is essential for their overall health and well-being. Here are some practical feeding tips to ensure your chickens receive optimal nutrition from their organic feed:

Practice Portion Control

It’s important to provide your chickens with the appropriate amount of food for their size and age. Overfeeding can lead to obesity and health problems, while underfeeding can result in malnourishment. Generally, adult chickens require about one-fourth to one-third pound of feed per day.

Offer a Diverse Diet

Chickens require a varied diet to obtain all the essential nutrients they need for optimal health. In addition to their regular organic chicken feed, consider offering your chickens a range of other foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. This will help ensure they receive a diverse nutrient profile.

healthy chicken feed

Provide Clean Water

Chickens require access to clean and fresh water at all times. Ensure that their water source is clean and placed in a shaded area to prevent it from getting too hot. You may also want to consider using a waterer that prevents dirt and debris from contaminating the water.

Establish Suitable Feeding Intervals

Establishing a feeding schedule can help ensure your chickens receive the appropriate amount of food throughout the day. Consider dividing their daily feed into two or three smaller meals. This will help prevent overfeeding and also encourage natural foraging behaviors.

Consult with a Vet

If you have any concerns about your chickens’ nutrition or health, consult with a veterinarian who specializes in poultry care. They can provide guidance on the appropriate type and amount of feed for your chickens, as well as any supplements or other dietary considerations.

Storing and Handling Organic Chicken Feed

As I’ve discussed in previous sections, organic chicken feed is a high-quality, chemical-free option that provides optimal nutrition for your flock. However, to maintain its quality and freshness, proper storage and handling are essential.

Proper Storage Methods: It’s important to store organic chicken feed in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture and mold growth. Use airtight containers to protect the feed from pests and other contaminants. Avoid storing feed in direct sunlight or near heat sources.

Pest Control Measures: Rodents and insects can be attracted to stored feed, potentially contaminating it with their waste and bacteria. Use traps or natural repellents to keep pests away from the feed storage area. Regularly clean and sanitize containers and surrounding areas to prevent infestation.

Preventing Contamination: Always ensure that hands, scoops, and containers are clean before handling feed. Avoid mixing old and new feed batches, as old feed can develop mold and spoil the fresh feed. Additionally, feeding tubes and containers should be cleaned regularly to prevent bacterial growth and potential disease transmission.

Chemical-free chicken feed

By following these storage and handling tips, you can ensure that your organic chicken feed remains fresh and healthy for your flock. Don’t compromise on the quality and safety of your chicken feed – prioritize sustainable, chemical-free options for optimal chicken nutrition.


Choosing the best organic chicken feed is essential for sustainable and optimal chicken nutrition. As a chicken owner, investing in high-quality, organic feed is a great way to ensure your flock stays healthy and happy. By following my top picks and tips, you can make informed choices that benefit your chickens and the environment.

Remember to prioritize organic chicken feed that is chemical-free and non-GMO to provide the best possible nutrition for your flock. Consider homemade recipes and sustainable alternatives to traditional feed to contribute to a more sustainable future.

Providing your chickens with optimal nutrition through organic chicken feed not only leads to better health and well-being but also results in higher quality eggs. So, choose the best organic chicken feed for your flock today to support optimal chicken nutrition and a more sustainable future.


What is organic chicken feed?

Organic chicken feed refers to feed that is produced without the use of synthetic pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), antibiotics, or hormones. It is typically made from high-quality, natural ingredients that provide the necessary nutrients for the chickens’ health and well-being.

Why should I choose organic chicken feed?

Choosing organic chicken feed offers several benefits. It promotes the overall health of your chickens, as it is free from harmful chemicals and GMOs. Organic feed can also contribute to improved egg quality and the development of strong immune function in your flock.

How do I select the best organic chicken feed?

When selecting organic chicken feed, consider factors such as ingredients, nutritional content, and certifications. Look for feed that contains a balanced blend of grains, seeds, and protein sources, and check for organic certifications to ensure the feed meets quality standards.

Can I make my own organic chicken feed?

Yes, you can make your own organic chicken feed using a variety of ingredients such as grains, legumes, and herbs. This allows you to have control over the quality of the feed and customize it to meet your chickens’ nutritional needs. There are numerous homemade organic feed recipes available for you to choose from.

Are there sustainable alternatives to organic chicken feed?

Yes, there are sustainable alternatives to traditional organic chicken feed. You can opt for locally sourced feed, which reduces transportation emissions, or explore regenerative farming practices that promote soil health and biodiversity. Additionally, allowing your chickens to forage in your backyard can provide them with natural and nutritious food.

What are some feeding tips for optimal chicken nutrition?

To ensure optimal chicken nutrition, it is important to practice portion control, offer a diverse diet, and provide suitable feeding intervals. Observe your chickens’ behavior and adjust their feed accordingly. Additionally, always ensure access to clean water and regularly clean their feeding areas to maintain hygiene.

How should I store and handle organic chicken feed?

Proper storage and handling of organic chicken feed is essential to maintain its quality and freshness. Store feed in a cool, dry place in airtight containers to prevent moisture and pest infestations. Avoid exposing the feed to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. Clean and disinfect storage containers regularly to prevent contamination.

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