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Keeping Ducks Healthy: Duck Vitamin and Niacins

Protecting your feathered friends’ health and well-being is crucial as a duck owner. Giving ducks proper nutrition, which includes vital vitamins and minerals, is an important part of duck care. Niacin (vitamin B3), one of these, is essential for duck health, especially in the early stages of growth.

Ducks lacking in niacin may experience serious health problems like leg problems and developmental delays. Fortunately, adding niacin and other vitamins to ducks’ diets can help them maintain their best health and vitality.

In this article, we’ll examine the value of vitamins for ducks, especially niacin, and discuss how to effectively supplement their diet to keep them strong and healthy.

Vitamins for Ducks to Boost Their Immune System

Ducks have different vitamin and nutrient needs from chickens. Plus their bodies absorb nutrients differently. Your ducks may have a vitamin deficiency, especially if you are using a non-medicated chick feed or creating your own duck feed. (You may also want to check for worms in your ducks if they seem undernourished)

The most critical vitamins that ducks need are Vitamins A, D, and B3. They also need calcium.

But, ducks most commonly suffer from a B3, or Niacin deficiency. A Niacin deficiency manifests in joint and leg problems, including the bowing of the legs. In severe instances, it can lead to death. 

The most common reason ducks develop a niacin deficiency is when they eat chick feed instead of a specific duck feed. That’s ok, but if you are feeding your ducks chick feed- watch for signs of a deficiency. 

What vitamins should I give my duck? Ducks should be given Niacin at the first signs of a deficiency. Vitamin A and calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis and reproductive illness in birds. Vitamin D deficiency in birds leads to weak eggshells and bones. 

Best Way to Supplement Duck’s Diet With Niacin?

Niacin (vitamin B3) is a water-soluble vitamin you can add to your ducks’ drinking water. You can either purchase niacin tablets (on Amazon) or add Brewers Yeast (On Amazon). If your ducks show signs of vitamin B3 deficiency, add 500mg of this niacin to every eight gallons of their drinking water. Niacin comes in tablets or powder capsules. You can open the capsule or grind the tablet then sprinkle it in the water. If you have only one bird that needs extra niacin, use the liquid form of niacin.

Supplementing Ducks’ Diet with Niacin:

For their general health, ducks must be fed a well-balanced diet containing niacin foods. However, supplementation might be required in some circumstances, particularly for ducklings or adult ducks who are at risk of niacin deficiency. Niacin can be effectively added to ducks’ diets in a number of ways:

Brewer’s yeast: Add brewer’s yeast to their feed to increase the amount of niacin consumed by ducks. Brewer’s yeast should be added at a rate of 5 tablespoons per 2.2 pounds (1000 g) of feed, adding an extra 4% protein to the diet.

Supplements: Niacin supplements can also be used to add niacin to ducks’ diet. These supplements come in the form of tablets or capsules. Depending on the supplement’s niacin content and the size of the flock, different dosages and administration methods may be used. Follow dosage instructions carefully, and seek advice from a veterinarian or avian expert if necessary.

Water-Soluble Niacin: Supplements that are water-soluble in niacin can be added to ducks’ water to make sure they get the right amount of the vitamin. The dosage can vary depending on the ducks’ water consumption rate, so it should be carefully calculated to prevent either an over-supplementation or under-supplementation.

Can Ducks Get Sick From Sick Chickens? 

Ducks do not usually get sick from chickens. Many illnesses that plague chickens don’t bother ducks. That’s because ducks have a higher body temperature than chickens. Chickens’ average body temperature is around 104 degrees Fahrenheit. While that is higher than a person, it’s lower than a duck. 

An adult duck’s average body temperature is 107 degrees Fahrenheit. The extra 3-4 degrees higher than a chicken’s temperature is enough to kill most chicken diseases. It’s a lot like when people get a fever when ill. A fever is the body’s way to kill off many types of bacteria and illnesses. 

A duck’s higher temperature effectively keeps them immune from most diseases. 

In addition, ducks are hardier and generally healthier than most chickens. While there are a variety of diseases that chickens can catch, there are fewer illnesses ducks can catch. Young ducks are also much more prone to get ill if exposed to illness than adult ducks.

Ducks are more likely to be injured than to get ill. 

Can Ducks Pass Diseases to Humans?

Though ducks are hardier than other birds, they can still fall sick and even transmit diseases to humans. The diseases you can get from a duck include psittacosis, avian influenza, salmonella, campylobacter, colibacillosis, eastern equine encephalitis, Newcastle disease, and cryptosporidiosis. Treat your bird(s) immediately if you notice any sickness.

Is there a salmonella vaccine for ducks? At this time, there is no Salmonella vaccine for ducks. Salmonella can be passed to people through duck poop, handling eggs, or eating raw eggs. It’s always good practice to wash your hands after handling your ducks. 

My Preferred Duck Supplies and Equipment

This list contains affiliate products. Affiliate products do not cost more but helps to support BestFarmAnimals and our goal to provide farm animal owners with accurate and helpful information.

Ducks can eat non-medicated chicken food or a specially formulated feed for ducks like this duck starter feed.

Mealworms as a protein treat, are easy to keep on hand. I try always to have some available.

An automatic feeder and waterer keep the mess down. I like this one because ducks can submerge their beaks, which is necessary for healthy eating.

DE or Diatomaceous Earth helps to keep bugs and pests down. I prefer food grade so it doesn’t hurt my ducks.

Niacin Tablets and Brewers Yeast are both very helpful in keeping ducks healthy.

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