faverolles Chicken Breed

Faverolles Chicken Breed: Colorful & Friendly

Are you looking for a beautiful and sociable addition to your backyard flock? Look no further than the Faverolles Chicken Breed. With their colorful plumage and friendly nature, these chickens are an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced poultry keepers.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Faverolles Chicken Breed is known for its colorful plumage and friendly nature.
  • They are a popular choice for backyard flocks due to their attractive appearance and sociable temperament.
  • Faverolles chickens are great for beginners as they are easy to care for and make wonderful pets.
  • They are excellent egg layers, producing tinted eggs all year round.
  • This breed has a fascinating history, originating in France in the 1860s.

History of Faverolles

The Faverolles Chicken Breed has an intriguing history that dates back to the 1860s in a small village in France called Faverolles. This breed was developed through a careful breeding program that involved crossing various chicken breeds, including Houdan, Brahma, French Rennes, Flemish Cuckoo, Malines, and Dorking. The intention behind this crossbreeding was to create a versatile chicken that excelled in both egg and meat production while being well-suited for confinement.

Originally, Faverolles chickens were bred to serve a dual-purpose, providing a reliable source of eggs and meat for farmers. The breed quickly gained popularity due to its ability to thrive in confinement and produce high-quality eggs and meat. However, over time, Faverolles chickens transitioned into primarily an exhibition breed, renowned for their unique appearance and striking plumage.

The development of the Faverolles breed exemplifies the dedication and expertise of breeders in France during the 19th century. Today, they continue to captivate poultry enthusiasts and breeders alike, showcasing the rich history and heritage of this remarkable chicken breed.

Characteristics of Faverolles

Faverolles chickens are easily recognizable due to their unique characteristics and appearance. From their distinct plumage to their size and shape, Faverolles stand out among other chicken breeds.

Distinct Appearance

Faverolles have several distinctive features that contribute to their appearance. These include:

  • Beard and Muffs: Faverolles have a fluffy beard and muffs, which are clusters of feathers that cover their cheeks. This gives them a distinguished and charming appearance.
  • Feathered Feet: Another notable characteristic of Faverolles is their feathered feet. Their legs are covered in feathers that extend down to their toes.
  • Five Toes per Foot: Unlike most chickens that have four toes, Faverolles have an extra toe, resulting in five toes per foot. This unique trait adds to their appeal and individuality.

Diverse Plumage

Faverolles come in a variety of colors, with the salmon variety being the most common. Their plumage is a beautiful combination of brown, creamy white, and straw colors, creating an eye-catching display.

Size and Body Shape

Faverolles are classified as a heavy breed, known for their substantial size. They have a deep and broad body shape, giving them a solid and robust appearance. The size of Faverolles can be summarized as follows:

Gender Weight
Roosters 8 pounds
Hens 6 ½ pounds

Faverolles Chicken

Overall, the characteristics of Faverolles make them an appealing choice for chicken enthusiasts. Their unique appearance and distinct plumage add beauty and charm to any flock, while their size and body shape contribute to their impressive presence.

Temperament of Faverolles

The Faverolles breed is renowned for its friendly and docile temperament. These chickens are a delight to have around, as they are known for their sociable nature and enjoy interacting with their owners.

Being highly energetic birds, Faverolles love to forage and explore their surroundings. They are always on the move, keeping themselves entertained and active. This makes them a fascinating addition to any backyard flock or farm setting.

One remarkable characteristic of Faverolles is their affinity for human companionship. They are often referred to as “lap-chickens” due to their tendency to seek out their owners for cuddles and physical affection. This makes them perfect lap pets, providing you with a close bond and endless moments of warmth and joy.

In addition to their friendly and energetic nature, Faverolles are also known for their peaceful demeanor. They get along well with children and other animals, making them a great choice for families. Their non-aggressive temperament ensures a harmonious coexistence within the flock and promotes a peaceful and stress-free environment.

“Faverolles are the epitome of friendliness and sociability. Their charming personality and affectionate nature make them ideal lap-chickens, always seeking human interaction and providing endless entertainment.”

Key Points:

– Faverolles have a friendly and docile temperament.
– They are energetic and enjoy foraging.
– Faverolles are often referred to as “lap-chickens” due to their love for human interaction.
– They have a peaceful disposition and get along well with children and other animals.

Now that we understand the temperament of Faverolles, let’s explore their impressive egg production capabilities.

Temperament Description
Friendly Faverolles have a friendly and sociable nature, enjoying interactions with their owners.
Docile They have a calm and gentle disposition, making them easy to handle and great companions.
Energetic Faverolles are highly active birds that love to explore and forage.
Lap-Chickens Due to their affectionate nature, Faverolles enjoy being cuddled and seek human companionship.

Egg Production of Faverolles

Faverolles are known for their excellent egg production, making them a valuable addition to any backyard flock. Hens of this breed are capable of laying between 180 and 240 medium-sized eggs per year, ensuring a steady supply of fresh eggs for the household.

What sets Faverolles apart is their ability to start laying at a relatively early age. Typically, these birds begin laying around 19 weeks old, allowing for a faster return on investment for those interested in egg production. This early development also means that you don’t have to wait long to enjoy delicious Faverolles eggs.

One of the remarkable traits of Faverolles is their ability to maintain consistent egg production even during the colder months. These chickens are considered good winter layers, continuing to lay eggs when other breeds may slow down or stop entirely. This makes Faverolles an excellent choice for those living in colder climates who desire a self-sufficient flock.

The eggs laid by Faverolles typically have a light brown to cream color, adding a touch of natural beauty to your egg collection. Some eggs may even have a slight tint of pink or salmon, making them visually appealing and unique.

Faverolles eggs

Egg Production Summary

Egg Production Egg Color Winter Layers
180-240 eggs per year Light brown to cream, with a slight tint of pink or salmon Excellent performance in colder months

Meat and Broodiness of Faverolles

Faverolles are highly regarded for their exceptional meat quality. The roosters can reach an impressive weight of 8 pounds, while the hens average around 6 ½ pounds. The meat is known for its tenderness and exquisite flavor, making it a delectable choice for poultry enthusiasts and gastronomes alike.

Additionally, Faverolles hens have a propensity for broodiness, which means they possess a natural instinct to incubate and hatch their eggs. This broody behavior makes them excellent mothers, nurturing their chicks with great care and attentiveness. If you decide to let your Faverolles eggs hatch, you can look forward to witnessing their exceptional maternal instincts in action.

Overall, the Faverolles breed offers a delightful combination of delectable meat and potential broodiness, making it an excellent choice for those looking for both culinary enjoyment and the opportunity to raise adorable offspring.

The roosters of the Faverolles breed can reach a weight of 8 pounds, while the hens weigh around 6 ½ pounds. Their meat is known for its tenderness and exceptional flavor.

Faverolles Meat Quality Comparison

Chicken Breed Rooster Weight Hen Weight Meat Quality
Faverolles 8 lbs 6 ½ lbs Tender and flavorful
Plymouth Rock 7.5 lbs 6 lbs Well-marbled and juicy
Orpington 10 lbs 8 lbs Rich and succulent

As shown in the comparison above, Faverolles roosters and hens have competitive weights and their meat stands out for its tenderness and flavor when compared to other popular chicken breeds.

Hardiness and Foraging Ability of Faverolles

Faverolles chickens are known for their remarkable hardiness and adaptability to various climates. They can withstand colder temperatures, making them a suitable choice for regions with chilly winters. These chickens are able to tolerate cold weather well, thanks to their thick plumage and downy feathers that provide ample insulation.

Faverolles hardiness

During the hot summer months, Faverolles might require some extra care to cope with the heat. Providing shades and ensuring a constant supply of cool water can help them maintain optimal body temperature and avoid heat stress. By creating a comfortable environment, Faverolles can thrive even in areas with higher temperatures.

Faverolles chickens are active foragers who love exploring their surroundings. From scratching and pecking at the ground to search for insects and seeds, to hunting for small critters, they possess excellent foraging abilities. This natural behavior not only keeps them entertained but also ensures they have access to a varied diet, improving their overall health and well-being.

“Faverolles chickens are expert foragers, always on the lookout for tasty treats hidden in the most unlikely places.” – Faverolles enthusiast

Although Faverolles’ fluffy feathers might slightly hinder their vision and make them more vulnerable to predators, they remain alert and cautious. Their natural instincts and awareness enable them to sense potential threats, ensuring their safety in unfamiliar environments.

Common Health Issues of Faverolles

Faverolles, with their abundance of feathers, are susceptible to specific health issues that owners must be aware of. The feathered legs, a characteristic of the breed, can make them more vulnerable to lice and scaly leg mites.

In order to ensure the well-being of your Faverolles, regular checks and proper hygiene practices are essential. Regularly inspect the feathers and legs for any signs of lice or mites. Pay close attention to the areas around the feathered legs, as these are commonly targeted by external parasites.

Prevention is key when it comes to dealing with these health issues. Maintaining a clean coop environment and practicing good hygiene will greatly reduce the risk of infestation. Additionally, providing dust baths or sand pits for your Faverolles can help them naturally control lice and mites.

It is also important to monitor the overall health of your Faverolles flock. Keep an eye out for any signs of illness or discomfort, such as lethargy, weight loss, abnormal droppings, or decreased appetite. Early detection and prompt treatment can prevent potential health issues from escalating.

Regularly consult with a veterinarian who specializes in poultry to ensure that your Faverolles receive the necessary care and treatment. They can provide guidance on vaccinations, parasite prevention, and overall flock health management.


In conclusion, the Faverolles Chicken Breed is the perfect choice for backyard flocks. With their colorful plumage and friendly nature, they bring charm and beauty to any flock or backyard setting. They are excellent egg layers, producing a consistent supply of medium-sized eggs throughout the year. Their meat is also of high quality, making them a versatile breed that can provide both eggs and meat.

The Faverolles’ docile temperament makes them a favorite among chicken enthusiasts, especially those with children or looking for a sociable breed. They are known for their friendly and lap-chicken personality, always seeking interaction and cuddles. However, it is important to note that Faverolles may not thrive in aggressive mixed flocks, as they prefer peaceful environments.

Proper care and nutrition are crucial for the health and well-being of Faverolles. Regular checks for health issues, especially lice and mites on their feathered legs, are necessary. Despite their fluffy feathers, they have good adaptability and can tolerate cold climates, although they may require shade and cool water during hot summers. With the right conditions and care, Faverolles will flourish and bring joy to any backyard flock.


What are the characteristics of the Faverolles Chicken Breed?

The Faverolles Chicken Breed is known for its colorful plumage, beard, muffs, feathered feet, and five toes per foot. They come in various colors, with the salmon variety being the most common. They have a deep and broad body shape and are classified as a heavy breed.

Where did the Faverolles Chicken Breed originate?

The Faverolles Chicken Breed originated in a small village in France called Faverolles in the 1860s. It was developed through the crossbreeding of several other breeds including Houdan, Brahma, French Rennes, Flemish Cuckoo, Malines, and Dorking.

What is the temperament of the Faverolles Chicken Breed?

Faverolles are known for their friendly and docile temperament. They are energetic birds that enjoy foraging and interacting with their owners. They are often described as lap-chickens because they enjoy being cuddled and are very sociable.

How many eggs do Faverolles chickens lay?

Faverolles are excellent egg layers, with hens laying 180 to 240 medium-sized eggs per year. They are early layers, starting at around 19 weeks of age. They are also considered good winter layers, laying well even during the colder months.

What is the meat quality of Faverolles chickens?

Faverolles chickens have excellent meat quality. Roosters can reach a weight of 8 pounds, while hens weigh around 6 ½ pounds. The meat is known to be tender and flavorful. Some hens may exhibit broody behavior and can make good mothers if their eggs are allowed to hatch.

Are Faverolles chickens hardy?

Yes, Faverolles are known for their cold hardiness and can tolerate colder climates well. However, they may require shade and cool water during hot summer months. They are also active foragers and enjoy exploring their surroundings.

What are the common health issues of Faverolles chickens?

Faverolles chickens, particularly their feathered legs, may be susceptible to lice and scaly leg mites. Regular checks and proper hygiene practices can help prevent these issues. It is also important to monitor the overall health of the flock.

What are the pros and cons of raising Faverolles chickens?

The Faverolles Chicken Breed is a colorful and friendly choice for backyard flocks. They are excellent egg layers, have good meat quality, and are known for their docile temperament. However, they may not do well in aggressive mixed flocks and require proper care and nutrition.

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