Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed

Discover the Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed

I’m excited to introduce you to the fascinating Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed, a heritage chicken breed that will surely capture the hearts of backyard poultry enthusiasts. This unique and rare breed, also known as Yurlovskaya golosistaya, hails from Russia and Ukraine, and has a rich history dating back over 100 years.

The Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed is renowned for its distinct long crowing ability, with the males capable of crowing for an impressive 25 seconds. But this breed has so much more to offer than just its remarkable crowing prowess. It is a dual-purpose breed, meaning it excels in both meat production and egg size, making it an ideal choice for those looking to raise chickens sustainably in their backyard.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed is a heritage chicken breed native to Russia and Ukraine.
  • It is known for its distinct long crowing ability, with males able to crow for up to 25 seconds.
  • This dual-purpose breed excels in both meat production and large egg size.
  • Yurlov Crowers are an excellent choice for sustainable backyard poultry enthusiasts.
  • By raising Yurlov Crowers, you can contribute to the conservation of rare chicken breeds.

History and Origins

The Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed, also known as Yurlovskaya golosistaya, is a Russian native breed with a rich history and fascinating origins. While precise details about its beginnings are limited in foreign literature, researchers such as Rüdiger Wandelt and Wolfgang Vits have shed some light on its past.

“The Yurlov Crower has been captivating enthusiasts for over a century, and its creation is believed to have taken place in the historic village of Yurlovo in Orel Province,” Wandelt and Vits write in their research. “This unique breed is said to have originated from a peasant kin associated with the Vorontsovs, a prominent family in the village of Drovosechnoye.”

With a legacy spanning several generations, the Yurlov Crower’s ancestral roots can be traced back to the mid-19th century. Its connection to local traditions and Russian heritage underscores its significance within the country’s poultry history.

While the exact details may remain elusive, the allure of the Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed lies in its unique characteristics and longstanding presence in the Russian countryside.

Characteristics and Appearance

The Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed boasts a powerful body and long legs, giving it a commanding presence. These birds stand tall and upright, with their wings neatly pressed close to their bodies. With a long neck, large head, and small beak, Yurlov Crowers have a unique and formidable appearance that captures attention.

However, what truly sets this breed apart is its distinct crowing ability. Yurlov Crower roosters display a range of crowing sounds, showcasing their vocal prowess. From deep basses to resonant baritones and even clear tenors, their crowing is a symphony of tones that echoes throughout their surroundings.

The plumage of Yurlov Crowers is diverse and eye-catching. While black, white, and silver are the most common colors, variations can also be found. Their feathers are not densely packed, allowing for optimal movement, and their lush, long tails add to their striking appearance.

Distinguishing Features:

  • Powerful body with long legs
  • Tall and upright posture
  • Distinct crowing ability with different tones
  • Variety of plumage colors
  • Feathers not densely packed
  • Lush and long tails

Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed

Temperament and Behavior

Yurlov Crowers have a complex temperament and can be quite hot-tempered and aggressive. They do not easily accept new members into their flock and have a tendency to solve problems through fighting. Due to their aggressive nature, it is not recommended to keep Yurlov Crowers with other breeds of chickens. The roosters are known for their long crowing ability, and their distinct voices can be heard from up to 20 meters away. It is important to properly manage and separate birds within the flock to prevent injuries or losses due to fighting.

When it comes to temperament, Yurlov Crowers are known for their aggressive disposition and territorial behavior. They have a natural instinct to establish their dominance within the flock and can be fiercely protective of their territory. This territorial behavior often manifests in conflicts with other chickens, especially when introducing new members or integrating with different breeds. Their hot-tempered nature means that Yurlov Crowers are not the best choice for novice chicken keepers or for mixed flocks.

In order to manage the aggressive tendencies of Yurlov Crowers, proper flock management and separation are necessary. Providing enough space for each bird, both within the coop and in outdoor areas, can help reduce territorial disputes and minimize the risk of injuries. It is also essential to provide enrichment activities to keep the birds mentally stimulated and prevent boredom-related fights. Regular monitoring of the flock’s dynamics and prompt intervention in case of escalating aggression can help maintain a peaceful and harmonious environment.

Despite their aggressive disposition, Yurlov Crowers have their own unique charm. Their long crowing ability is a testament to their powerful presence and individuality. The distinct voices of Yurlov Crower roosters can be heard from considerable distances, adding a touch of grandeur to any flock. While their temperament requires careful management, their striking appearance and strong personality make them a captivating breed to enthusiasts who appreciate their spirited nature.

Care and Maintenance

Proper care and maintenance are crucial for ensuring the well-being of Yurlov Crowers. By following specific housing requirements and providing a balanced diet, you can keep these unique chickens in optimal health.

Housing Requirements

When it comes to housing, it is recommended to provide Yurlov Crowers with a well-ventilated coop that protects them from drafts. Maintaining a stable temperature is also important, with +12 degrees Celsius being ideal for their comfort. Additionally, ensuring that the birds have access to natural daylight for 13-14 hours a day helps support their natural biological rhythms and overall well-being.

It is crucial to keep the coop clean and free from moisture to prevent the development of diseases. Regular cleaning and disinfection, as well as proper waste management, are essential for maintaining a healthy environment for your Yurlov Crowers.


Proper nutrition is key to the health and vitality of Yurlov Crowers. Providing them with a balanced and nutritious diet is essential. High-quality feed should be the foundation of their diet, ensuring that they receive all the necessary nutrients for their growth and well-being.

In addition to feed, incorporating vegetables and herbs into their diet can provide additional vitamins and minerals. Yurlov Crowers will benefit from a diverse diet that includes fresh produce, such as leafy greens, carrots, and herbs like parsley and dill.

Space and Stimulation

Yurlov Crowers thrive when they have adequate space for walking and foraging. Providing them with enough room to roam not only promotes physical exercise but also allows them to engage in natural behaviors and explore their surroundings.

Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise for these intelligent birds. Consider providing them with enrichments, such as hanging toys or placing perches at different heights, to keep their minds active and engaged.

Yurlov Crower care

In order to ensure the well-being of Yurlov Crowers, it is essential to meet their specific care requirements. Providing them with a well-ventilated coop, a balanced diet, and ample space for exercise and mental stimulation will help keep these unique chickens happy and healthy.

Reproduction and Breeding

Yurlov Crowers are known for their natural brooding instinct, with hens displaying a strong tendency to incubate eggs. However, this instinct may not always be fully manifested, requiring careful monitoring and control of their nesting behavior. To optimize egg incubation, it is recommended to provide separate nesting boxes or utilize incubators. When breeding Yurlov Crowers, their aggressive disposition and territorial nature must be considered. Proper management and the separation of birds within the flock are crucial for successful breeding.

One of the remarkable aspects of breeding Yurlov Crowers is their ability to produce large, dark-colored chicks with high survival rates. This trait, combined with their dual-purpose nature, makes them an attractive choice for backyard poultry enthusiasts seeking self-sustainability.

Nesting Tips for Yurlov Crowers

  • Create separate nesting boxes to ensure each hen has a private space to lay and incubate eggs.
  • Provide clean, comfortable bedding materials such as straw or wood shavings for optimal nest conditions.
  • Regularly collect and mark eggs to keep track of their age and fertility.
  • Use incubators when necessary, especially if hens fail to demonstrate consistent brooding behavior.
  • Monitor nesting behavior closely to prevent excessive aggression or territorial disputes.

Successful breeding of Yurlov Crowers requires diligent observation, proper care, and the creation of suitable nesting environments. By following these guidelines, enthusiasts can experience the joy of witnessing the development of robust chicks and contribute to the preservation of this unique heritage breed.

Key Reproduction Factors Details
Brooding Instinct Yurlov Crower hens exhibit a natural inclination towards incubating eggs, showing their brooding instinct.
Egg Incubation Providing separate nesting boxes and utilizing incubators can enhance the success of Yurlov Crower egg incubation.
Aggressive Disposition Due to their aggressive nature, proper management and separation of birds within the flock are necessary for successful breeding.
Chick Survival Rates Yurlov Crowers are known for producing large, dark-colored chicks with high survival rates, contributing to their desirability as a breed.

Productivity and Uses

Yurlov Crowers are a dual-purpose breed, valued for both their meat production and large egg size. They have an average egg production rate of around 160 eggs per year, with each egg weighing over 70 grams.

The meat production of Yurlov Crowers is considered to be high, with roosters reaching weights of 6-7 kilograms and hens weighing 2-2.5 kilograms less. Their strong immunity and high survival rates make them an excellent choice for sustainable backyard poultry farming.

Yurlov Crowers are also prized for their unique long-crowing ability, adding to their appeal for poultry enthusiasts.

When it comes to egg production, Yurlov Crowers are exceptional with an average of 160 eggs per year. Each egg weighs over 70 grams, making them some of the largest eggs produced by chicken breeds.

In terms of meat production, Yurlov Crowers are highly valued for their sizable roosters and hens. Roosters can reach weights of 6-7 kilograms, while hens weigh 2-2.5 kilograms less. This substantial meat yield makes Yurlov Crowers a favorable choice for those seeking dual-purpose chickens.

Aside from their impressive productivity, Yurlov Crowers are known for their durable health and survival rates. These attributes make them an excellent option for sustainable backyard poultry farming.

Egg Production Meat Production
Yurlov Crowers 160 eggs/year (70g per egg) Roosters: 6-7kg; Hens: 2-2.5kg less
Other Chicken Breeds Varying egg production Roosters: Varying weight; Hens: Varying weight

Yurlov Crowers’ productivity and unique features are what make them stand out among other chicken breeds.

Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed

Health and Disease Prevention

Yurlov Crowers are known for their exceptional disease resistance, but taking preventive measures is still crucial to maintain their overall health and well-being. Vaccinating chicks at an early age is highly recommended to protect them from common poultry diseases. Additionally, implementing good hygiene practices, such as regular coop cleaning and proper waste management, can effectively prevent the spread of diseases and parasites among the flock. Providing a balanced diet and ensuring access to clean water are essential for supporting the Yurlov Crowers’ immune system and promoting optimal health.

Vaccine Benefits
Newcastle Disease Vaccine Protects against Newcastle disease, a highly contagious and often fatal viral infection
Infectious Bronchitis Vaccine Safeguards against infectious bronchitis, a respiratory disease that affects the respiratory system, egg production, and overall health of the flock
Fowl Pox Vaccine Prevents fowl pox, a viral disease characterized by the development of scabby lesions on the skin and mucous membranes

Source: Vaccination recommendations for Yurlov Crowers by poultry health experts

By diligently implementing these preventive measures, Yurlov Crower enthusiasts can ensure the long-term health, disease resistance, and overall vitality of their cherished flock.


The Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed is a rare and cherished heritage breed that has a long history and unique characteristics. Its powerful body, distinct crowing ability, and high meat and egg production make it an ideal choice for those interested in sustainable backyard poultry farming. As a dual-purpose breed, it offers the benefits of both meat and egg production, providing a valuable source of food for individuals and families.

Preserving the Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed is of utmost importance due to its rarity and cultural significance. By understanding and implementing proper care and breeding practices, poultry enthusiasts can contribute to the conservation efforts of this exceptional heritage breed. Supporting the survival of the Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed ensures that future generations can continue to appreciate its unique qualities and benefits.

In summary, the Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed is a valuable addition to any backyard poultry flock. Its heritage status, dual-purpose capabilities, and distinct characteristics make it a rare and sought-after breed. By embracing and conserving this remarkable breed, we not only contribute to the preservation of our agricultural heritage but also enjoy the benefits of its high-quality meat and eggs for years to come.


What is the Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed?

The Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed, also known as Yurlovskaya golosistaya, is a heritage chicken breed native to Russia and Ukraine. It is a unique and rare breed that has been known for over 100 years, prized for its distinct long crowing ability and dual-purpose characteristics.

What is the history and origin of the Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed?

The exact history and origins of the Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed are not well-documented in foreign literature. However, it is believed to have originated in the village of Yurlovo in Orel Province, Russia. The breed is thought to trace back to the mid-19th century and is believed to have been created by a peasant kin of the Vorontsovs family from Drovosechnoye.

How does the Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed look like?

The Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed is characterized by its powerful body, long legs, and distinct crowing ability. The birds have a tall and upright posture, with a long neck, large head, and small beak. They come in various colors, with black, white, and silver being the most common, and have lush and long tails that stand out against their bodies.

What is the temperament and behavior of the Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed?

Yurlov Crowers have a complex temperament and can be quite hot-tempered and aggressive. They are territorial and do not easily accept new members into their flock. Due to their aggressive nature, it is not recommended to keep them with other chicken breeds. The roosters are known for their long crowing ability, and their distinct voices can be heard from a distance.

What care and maintenance do Yurlov Crower Chickens require?

Yurlov Crowers require a well-ventilated coop that protects them from drafts and provides natural daylight for 13-14 hours a day. The temperature should be maintained at around +12 degrees Celsius. They need a balanced and nutritious diet, with high-quality feed and the inclusion of vegetables and herbs. Adequate space for walking and foraging is also important for their physical and mental stimulation.

How do Yurlov Crower Chickens reproduce and breed?

Yurlov Crowers have a natural brooding instinct, but it is not always fully manifested. Separate nesting boxes or incubators are recommended for optimal egg incubation. Their aggressive disposition and territorial nature require proper management and separation within the flock for successful breeding. Yurlov Crowers are known for producing large, dark-colored chicks with high survival rates.

What are the productivity and uses of the Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed?

Yurlov Crowers are a dual-purpose breed, valued for both their meat production and large egg size. They have an average egg production rate of around 160 eggs per year, with each egg weighing over 70 grams. The roosters reach weights of 6-7 kilograms, while the hens weigh 2-2.5 kilograms less. Their strong immunity and high survival rates make them excellent for sustainable backyard poultry farming.

How can I ensure the health and disease prevention of Yurlov Crower Chickens?

Yurlov Crowers have natural disease resistance, but vaccination of chicks at an early age is still recommended. Good hygiene practices, such as regular coop cleaning and proper waste management, help prevent the spread of diseases and parasites. Providing a balanced diet and access to clean water is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

Why is the Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed important to conserve?

The Yurlov Crower Chicken Breed is a heritage breed with unique characteristics and a long history. It is a rare breed that is prized for its distinct crowing ability, dual-purpose traits, and cultural significance. By conserving and preserving this breed, we can contribute to poultry breed conservation and ensure its survival for future generations.
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