Brakel Chicken Breed

Discover the Brakel Chicken Breed – Unique Poultry

Brakel chickens are a fascinating and historic breed of poultry that originated in Flanders, Belgium. They hold the distinction of being the oldest large laying breed still in existence today. With a rich history dating back to the 1400s, the Brakel Chicken Breed was initially known as the “Farmyard Hen” and was revered for its superior egg-laying abilities and flavorful meat.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Brakel Chicken Breed is the oldest large laying breed still in existence today.
  • Originating in Flanders, Belgium, Brakel chickens have a rich history dating back to the 1400s.
  • They were admired for their excellent egg-laying abilities and flavorful meat.

History of the Brakel Chicken Breed

The Brakel Chicken Breed has a long and storied history, dating back to the Middle Ages. It is believed to have been brought to Belgium by the Crusaders and is thought to be related to the Fayoumi fowl. The breed originated in the Brakel region of Flanders, Belgium, and was initially divided into two distinct types: a larger breed found in Flanders and a lighter weight breed from Kempen. Over time, crossbreeding between the two types resulted in the disappearance of these distinctions and the establishment of a single, standardized Brakel breed.

During World War II, the population of Brakel chickens declined, and they became a rare breed, even in their native Belgium. However, efforts to preserve this historic breed have led to a resurgence in recent years.

Characteristics of Brakel Chickens

Brakel chickens possess distinctive traits that set them apart from other poultry breeds. These birds are renowned for their quiet and majestic nature, making them an attractive addition to any flock. Brakels are particularly well-suited to the Belgian climate and have adapted excellently to their surroundings.

One of the standout features of Brakel chickens is their exceptional foraging ability. These birds are skilled hunters, thriving on a primarily foraged diet. They have a natural instinct for finding food, which contributes to their overall vitality and health.

When it comes to egg production, Brakels are considered moderate layers. Hens typically lay around 200 white eggs per year. These eggs are not only plentiful but also of excellent quality, perfect for culinary purposes or for raising a reliable flock.

Visually, Brakel chickens boast a distinctive appearance. They have rectangular bodies with deep breasts and well-developed abdomens. The most common color variations are silver and gold penciled, which create a striking and aesthetically pleasing feather pattern.

Both male and female Brakels sport a single comb and slate-blue legs, contributing to their unique charm. In terms of size, Brakel chickens are relatively small, with males weighing around 5.5 pounds and females weighing approximately 5 pounds.

Key Characteristics of Brakel Chickens:

  • Quiet and majestic nature
  • Excellent foragers
  • Moderate layers, producing around 200 white eggs per year
  • Rectangular bodies with deep breasts and well-developed abdomens
  • Common color variations: silver and gold penciled
  • Both sexes have a single comb and slate-blue legs
  • Relatively small in size, with males weighing around 5.5 pounds and females around 5 pounds

Brakel Chicken Breed

The image above showcases the captivating appearance of a Brakel chicken, featuring its beautiful silver and gold penciled feathers.

Care and Temperament of Brakel Chickens

When it comes to caring for Brakel chickens, you’ll find that they are relatively low-maintenance and easy to handle. These birds have been bred to adapt to the Belgian climate and are well-suited to both hot summers and cold winters. They are hardy and generally resistant to diseases, making them a great choice for novice chicken keepers.

Brakels are known for their preference for free-ranging and their excellent foraging abilities. If given the opportunity, they will happily roam around your yard, seeking out insects and other tasty treats. However, Brakel chickens can also be kept in larger pens if needed, as they are adaptable to confined spaces.

While Brakels are not overly friendly, they have a calm and gentle temperament overall. They are trusting towards their owners and will develop a bond with them over time. However, they can be wary of strangers and may not warm up to unfamiliar faces easily. This cautious nature makes them good watchdogs for your flock.

It’s important to note that Brakels are not typically broody, meaning they are less likely to sit on and hatch their own eggs. This trait makes them ideal for those who prioritize reliable egg-laying capabilities over raising chickens for breeding or as pets.

“Brakel chickens are adaptable and relatively easy to care for. With their calm temperament and excellent foraging skills, they make a great addition to any backyard flock.”

Overall, Brakel chickens are a pleasure to have in your backyard. While they may not be overly friendly, their adaptability and reliability as layers make them a popular choice. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced chicken keeper, Brakels are sure to bring joy and beauty to your poultry endeavors.

Egg Production of Brakel Chickens

Brakel chickens are known for their remarkable egg-laying capabilities, consistently providing a steady supply of regular large fresh eggs. These eggs have white shells, adding an aesthetic appeal to the overall egg collection.

On average, Brakel hens lay approximately 200 eggs per year, each weighing about 65 grams. This impressive egg production ensures a consistent source of delicious and nutritious eggs for your culinary needs.

Brakel chickens have a reputation for being reliable layers, making them an excellent choice for those who value a consistent supply of eggs. Whether you’re a dedicated baker or enjoy starting your day with a delicious homemade omelet, Brakel eggs are sure to satisfy your culinary desires.

Benefits of Brakel Eggs

  • Regular large fresh eggs with white shells
  • Around 200 eggs per year
  • Each egg weighs approximately 65 grams

Here’s a table summarizing the exceptional egg production of Brakel chickens:

Brakel Chicken Egg Production Egg Characteristics
Average Number of Eggs Per Year Around 200
Egg Weight Approximately 65 grams
Egg Shell Color White

As you can see, Brakel chickens are not only visually appealing but also highly productive when it comes to egg production. Their consistent delivery of regular large fresh eggs makes them a valuable addition to any homestead or backyard flock.

“The joy of collecting a fresh Brakel egg each day is unparalleled. The hens’ dedication to producing top-quality eggs is truly admirable!”

Keeping Brakel chickens gives you the satisfaction of having a reliable source of eggs year-round. With their impressive egg-laying capabilities, you can enjoy the delights of farm-fresh eggs for your breakfast, baking, and culinary endeavors.

Brakel chickens

Experience the joy of raising Brakel chickens and discover the pleasures of gathering their regular large fresh eggs with white shells. The exquisite flavor and quality of Brakel eggs will elevate your culinary creations to new heights.

Availability and Breeders of Brakel Chickens

While Brakel chickens are considered a rare breed, there are still breeders who specialize in them. They can be found for sale in Belgium and neighboring countries like the Netherlands, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. In the United States, finding Brakel chickens for sale may be more challenging, but with the resurgence of interest in rare breeds, it is possible to locate breeders who have Brakels available.

Brakel Chicken Breeders in the United States

Although Brakel chickens may be rare in the United States, there are dedicated breeders who have successfully established flocks of Brakels. These breeders understand the unique characteristics and history of the breed and work to preserve its heritage. To find Brakel chickens for sale in the United States, consider reaching out to reputable poultry breeders, attending local poultry shows, or joining online forums and groups dedicated to raising rare chicken breeds.

When searching for Brakel chicken breeders, it’s important to inquire about the quality of the birds, their breeding practices, and their commitment to maintaining the breed’s standards. Look for breeders who prioritize the health, temperament, and proper care of their Brakels.

Tips for Buying Brakel Chickens

When purchasing Brakel chickens, it’s essential to conduct thorough research to ensure you find healthy, purebred birds. Here are a few tips to consider:

  • Connect with reputable breeders who have experience with Brakels.
  • Ask about the lineage and breeding history of the chickens.
  • Inspect the birds personally or request clear photos before making a purchase.
  • Consider the availability of shipping or local pickup options.
  • Ask for any additional information about the breed’s characteristics, care requirements, and suitability for your specific needs.

By taking these steps, you can increase your chances of finding healthy and authentic Brakel chickens to add to your flock.

Unique Varieties of Brakel Chickens

The Brakel Chicken Breed is known for its stunning variety of colors and feather patterns. These unique variations add to their visual appeal, making them a standout in any flock.

Silver Penciled and Gold Penciled

Two of the most common color variations of Brakel chickens are silver penciled and gold penciled. These varieties boast intricate feather patterns that create a striking and beautiful appearance. The feathers are characterized by thin silver or gold lines running across each individual feather, creating a unique and eye-catching pattern.

Other Recognized Varieties

Brakel chickens also come in other recognized varieties, each with its own distinct characteristics and charm. Some of these include:

  • Lemon: Lemon-colored feathers provide a vibrant and sunny appearance to these Brakel chickens.
  • White-Barred Gold: This variety features a combination of white and gold feathers with barred patterns, creating a visually appealing contrast.
  • Barred White: These Brakels have a striking mix of white and dark barred feathers, giving them a unique and beautiful look.
  • Self-White: Self-white Brakels have pure white feathers, creating an elegant and pristine appearance.
  • Black: The black variety showcases deep, glossy black feathers that exude a sense of mystery and beauty.
  • Blue: Brakel chickens in the blue variety have feathers with a stunning blue hue, making them a captivating addition to any flock.
  • White-Barred Lemon: This variety combines white, lemon-colored, and barred feathers, resulting in a visually striking and attractive appearance.

Each recognized variety of Brakel chickens brings its own unique color palette and feather patterns, enhancing the breed’s charm and diversity.

Brakel chickens in various color varieties

The image above showcases the vibrant colors and intricate feather patterns of Brakel chickens in their various recognized varieties.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Raising Brakel Chickens

When it comes to raising Brakel chickens, there are several advantages to consider. These beautiful and unique birds add visual appeal to any flock, making them a standout among other poultry breeds. Brakels are excellent layers, capable of producing a significant number of eggs each year. Their consistent egg production ensures a steady supply of delicious and nutritious eggs for your household.

One of the key advantages of raising Brakel chickens is their hardiness and low-maintenance nature. They are adapted to various climates and can withstand both heat and cold, making them a good choice for novice chicken keepers. Brakels are robust birds with good resistance to disease, reducing the risk of health issues and the need for extensive care.

However, it’s essential to consider the disadvantages of raising Brakel chickens as well. While their striking appearance and egg-laying capabilities are significant advantages, Brakels aren’t suited for meat production. They have a gamey flavor that may not appeal to everyone’s taste preferences. Therefore, if you’re primarily looking for meat production, you may need to explore other breeds that are more suitable for that purpose.

Another potential drawback is the availability of Brakel chickens. Due to their status as a rare breed, finding Brakels can be challenging, especially in certain countries or regions. It may require more effort and time to locate reputable breeders or sources that have Brakels available for purchase.

Overall, the advantages of raising Brakel chickens, such as their beauty, excellent egg-laying capabilities, hardiness, and low-maintenance nature, make them a worthwhile addition to any flock. However, it’s crucial to consider the disadvantages, including their gamey flavor and limited availability, before deciding to raise Brakel chickens.

“Raising Brakel chickens offers the benefits of beauty, excellent egg production, and low-maintenance care. However, their gamey flavor and limited availability should also be considered.”

Brakel Chickens – A Piece of Poultry History

Brakel chickens are a part of the rich tapestry of historic chicken breeds, representing the heritage and traditions of medieval Europe. These beautiful and hardy birds have stood the test of time and continue to contribute to the legacy of the heritage homestead. Their significance goes beyond their ornamental value; Brakels also play a role in traditional food culture, making them a valuable addition to any flock.

With roots dating back centuries, Brakel chickens have witnessed the evolution of agricultural practices and culinary preferences. These medieval European chickens have preserved their unique characteristics and traditional qualities, offering a glimpse into the past. For those interested in historical chicken breeds and the pursuit of traditional food, Brakels are a perfect choice.

The Role of Brakel Chickens in Heritage Homesteads

Brakel chickens embody the spirit of heritage homesteading, where self-sufficiency and preservation of traditional knowledge are paramount. By raising Brakels, homesteaders not only nurture a rare breed but also contribute to the preservation of poultry history. These beautiful birds add charm and diversity to a homestead, while their hardiness and adaptability make them well-suited for sustainable farming practices.

For those seeking a connection to the past and a sustainable way of life, the addition of Brakel chickens to a heritage homestead is a meaningful and enriching experience. Their presence serves as a reminder of our agricultural heritage and the importance of preserving traditional breeds for future generations.

Brakel Chickens – Enhancing Traditional Food Culture

In addition to their historical significance, Brakel chickens offer a unique culinary experience. Their flavorful meat, although not typically considered a primary meat breed, adds a gamey taste to traditional dishes. For enthusiasts of traditional food, incorporating Brakel chicken into recipes can evoke a sense of nostalgia and appreciation for authentic flavors.

Whether it’s a time-honored family recipe or a reinterpretation of a classic dish, Brakel chickens bring a touch of tradition to the dining table. These historic chickens, with their distinct characteristics and rich history, represent more than just a breed – they symbolize a connection to our culinary heritage.

historic chicken breeds

Preserving History Through Brakel Chickens

Brakel chickens are living artifacts, preserving a piece of poultry history that connects us to our agricultural roots and traditional way of life. Their role in heritage homesteads and contribution to traditional food culture make them a valuable asset for those passionate about preserving history through the present

By raising Brakel chickens, we honor the legacy of the past and ensure that future generations can appreciate and understand the significance of these historic chicken breeds. These birds are a testament to the resilience and adaptability of poultry in the face of changing times, and they continue to inspire admiration and fascination for their contributions to our shared agricultural heritage.

The Brakel chicken breed, with its rich history, embodies the essence of tradition and serves as a link between the past and present. As we forge ahead in the modern world, it is essential to value and preserve these historic breeds, ensuring that their legacy lives on for generations to come.


The Brakel Chicken Breed is a rare and historic variety of poultry that holds a special place in the world of heritage chickens. With their unique characteristics and fascinating history, Brakel chickens are a valuable addition to any flock. Originating from Flanders, Belgium, they are one of the oldest European breeds, tracing back to the Middle Ages.

Although Brakel chickens may be challenging to find and may not suit everyone’s tastes, their beauty, hardiness, and contribution to the preservation of poultry history make them highly sought after by enthusiasts. These majestic birds are known for their moderate egg-laying abilities, providing approximately 200 white eggs annually. Brakels are also excellent foragers, adapted to the Belgian climate.

Considering their scarcity, Brakel chickens are predominantly available through specialized breeders in Belgium and neighboring countries such as the Netherlands, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. While their availability may be limited, a resurgence of interest in rare breeds has led to the possibility of finding Brakel chickens for sale, even in the United States.

In summary, the Brakel Chicken Breed stands as a testament to the rich poultry history and heritage homesteads of medieval Europe. Their beauty, fascinating history, and ability to contribute to the preservation of traditional breeds make Brakel chickens a unique addition to any flock.


What is the history of the Brakel Chicken Breed?

The Brakel Chicken Breed has a long and storied history, dating back to the Middle Ages. It is believed to have been brought to Belgium by the Crusaders and is thought to be related to the Fayoumi fowl. Originally, there were two distinct breeds of Brakel, but they eventually merged into a single breed. After World War II, Brakel chickens became rare and are now considered a rare breed, even in their native Belgium.

What are the characteristics of Brakel chickens?

Brakel chickens are fairly quiet and majestic birds that are well-adapted to the Belgian climate. They are excellent foragers and can thrive on a primarily foraged diet. Brakels are moderate layers, with hens laying around 200 white eggs per year. They have rectangular bodies with deep breasts and well-developed abdomens. The most common color variations are silver and gold penciled. Both males and females have a single comb and slate-blue legs.

How do you care for and handle Brakel chickens?

Brakel chickens are relatively easy to care for and handle. They are adapted to the Belgian climate and can tolerate both heat and cold well. They are hardy birds with good resistance to disease. Brakels prefer to free range and are excellent foragers but can also be kept in large pens. While they are not overly friendly, they are generally calm and gentle birds. They are trusting towards their owners but wary of strangers. Brakels are not typically broody and are best suited for those who want a reliable layer rather than a pet chicken.

How many eggs do Brakel chickens produce?

Brakel chickens are excellent layers, known for their regular production of large, fresh eggs. They lay around 200 white eggs per year, each weighing about 65 grams. Brakel eggs have white shells and are rarely broody. They are capable of flight in extreme circumstances and can be best kept in pens that provide ample space for movement.

Where can I find Brakel chickens for sale?

While Brakel chickens are considered a rare breed, there are still breeders who specialize in them. They can be found for sale in Belgium and neighboring countries like the Netherlands, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. In the United States, finding Brakel chickens for sale may be more challenging, but with the resurgence of interest in rare breeds, it is possible to locate breeders who have Brakels available.

What are the varieties of Brakel chickens?

The most common color variations of Brakel chickens are silver and gold penciled. These varieties have distinct feather patterns that enhance their beauty. Other recognized varieties include lemon, white-barred gold, barred white, self-white, black, blue, and white-barred lemon. Each variety adds to the visual appeal of the breed, making Brakel chickens a standout in any flock.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of raising Brakel chickens?

There are several advantages to raising Brakel chickens. They are beautiful and unique birds that add visual appeal to any flock. They are excellent layers and can produce a significant number of eggs each year. Brakels are also hardy and low-maintenance, making them suitable for novice chicken keepers. However, there are also some disadvantages to consider. Brakels are not meat birds and have a gamey flavor, which may not appeal to everyone. They can also be challenging to find, especially in certain countries or regions.

What is the significance of Brakel chickens in poultry history?

Brakel chickens are a piece of poultry history, representing the heritage and traditions of medieval Europe. They are part of the rich tapestry of historic chicken breeds and are prized for their beauty, hardiness, and contribution to the homestead. For those interested in traditional food and preserving heritage breeds, Brakels are a valuable addition to any flock.
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