Can Chickens Eat Earthworms

Can Chickens Eat Earthworms

Chickens can eat earthworms as part of their diet, and it can be a beneficial addition to their feed. Earthworms are a good-quality source of protein for chickens, providing essential nutrients that contribute to their overall health and well-being.

While the use of earthworm meal in poultry feeds is limited in developed countries due to the labor-intensive process of production, the potential exists for its production in developing countries. Earthworm meal has a nutritional profile comparable to other protein sources used in poultry feeds.

It is important to monitor the medium in which earthworms are grown as they can ingest and absorb heavy metals and other pollutants that may be passed on to the birds that consume them.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chickens can safely eat earthworms as part of their diet, benefiting from the high-quality protein and essential nutrients they provide.
  • Earthworms can be a beneficial addition to a chicken’s feed, although their use in commercial poultry feeds is limited.
  • Earthworms have a nutritional profile comparable to other protein sources used in poultry feeds.
  • It is important to monitor the quality of the earthworms, as they can ingest and absorb contaminants from their environment.
  • Earthworms can be a natural and nutritious food source for chickens, aiding in digestion and providing mental and physical stimulation.

Benefits of Chickens Eating Earthworms

There are several benefits to incorporating earthworms into a chicken’s diet. Not only are they a natural and nutritious food source, but they also offer numerous advantages for poultry nutrition.

  1. High-quality protein: Earthworms are rich in protein, providing chickens with essential amino acids for growth, development, and egg production. Protein is crucial for maintaining overall chicken health and promoting muscle and tissue growth.
  2. Vitamins and minerals: Earthworms are packed with vitamins and minerals that contribute to a balanced diet for chickens. They contain vitamins A, E, and B12, as well as minerals like calcium, iron, and potassium.
  3. Digestive aid: The consumption of earthworms can aid in digestion for chickens. The high fiber content promotes healthy gut function and enhances nutrient absorption.
  4. Beneficial bacteria: Earthworms contain beneficial bacteria that can improve the microbial environment in a chicken’s digestive system. This can contribute to better nutrient utilization and overall gut health.

“Adding earthworms to a chicken’s diet can provide them with essential nutrients and support their overall well-being.” – Me

Foraging for earthworms also offers mental and physical stimulation for chickens. The act of searching for and hunting earthworms taps into their natural instinct, keeping them active and engaged.

By integrating earthworms into a chicken’s diet, we provide them with a diverse and nutritious food source that replicates their natural feeding habits. This not only enhances their overall health and well-being but also contributes to the sustainability and efficiency of poultry farming.

Check out the table below for a breakdown of the key nutrients provided by earthworms:

Nutrient Content in Earthworms
Protein High
Vitamin A Rich
Vitamin E High
Vitamin B12 Abundant
Calcium Significant
Iron Ample
Potassium Substantial

As you can see, earthworms offer an array of essential nutrients that can support optimal chicken health and productivity. Incorporating these valuable creatures into a chicken’s diet can be a game-changer in poultry nutrition.

Feeding Earthworms to Backyard Chickens

Feeding chickens earthworms is an excellent way to provide your backyard flock with a nutritious and natural food source. Earthworms are rich in protein and beneficial nutrients that can contribute to the overall health and well-being of your chickens. There are a few different methods for incorporating earthworms into their diet.

If you have the time and dedication, you can establish a worm farm at home to grow your own earthworms. This cost-effective option allows you to control the quality of the worms and ensure that they are free from any contaminants. However, it may take some time for the worm population to multiply enough to sustain the demand of your chickens.

Alternatively, you can purchase earthworms from bait shops, local dealers, or online. This option is convenient and provides you with a readily available source of earthworms for your chickens to enjoy.

When feeding earthworms to your chickens, you can choose to spread a few handfuls of the active top layer of the worm bin in the chicken house. This allows your chickens to forage and consume the worms, mimicking their natural behavior. This method provides mental and physical stimulation for your chickens while ensuring they receive the nutritional benefits of earthworms.

Another option is to dry and crush the earthworms to blend them into the chicken feed. This can be a convenient way to incorporate earthworms into their diet, especially if you have a larger flock. However, it’s important to note that some nutrients may be lost in the drying process.

Overall, feeding earthworms to backyard chickens can be a rewarding and beneficial practice. It allows your chickens to enjoy a natural food source while providing them with essential nutrients. Whether you choose to grow your own earthworms or purchase them, your chickens will surely appreciate this tasty treat!

backyard chickens eating earthworms

Benefits of Feeding Earthworms to Backyard Chickens
1. Natural and nutritious food source
2. High-quality protein
3. Essential nutrients
4. Mental and physical stimulation

Earthworms as Chicken Feed

When it comes to providing chickens with a protein-rich and nutrient-packed diet, earthworms can be an excellent choice. They offer a natural and wholesome source of food for chickens, which is why they are often referred to as “chicken feed.”

Earthworms can be harvested from worm bins or compost piles, making them easily accessible for chicken owners. They can be fed to chickens in two forms: fresh and wriggling or dried and crushed.

If you choose to feed your chickens fresh earthworms, it can provide them with the opportunity to engage in their natural hunting behavior. Chickens love to hunt and peck for their food, and the activity of chasing and catching live worms can be both mentally stimulating and physically enriching for them.

If using dried earthworms, there are several methods for drying them. Some chicken owners place the worms under an electric light bulb, while others use a convection oven or dehumidifier. Alternatively, you can lay them out in the sun to dry. Once the worms are dried, they can be ground up and added to the chicken feed.

Adding earthworms to a chicken’s diet can provide them with essential proteins, vitamins, and minerals. However, it’s important to note that the drying process may lead to some nutrient loss. Therefore, if your chickens prefer fresh earthworms, it’s worth considering incorporating them into their diet alongside other protein sources.

To give you a clearer idea of the nutritional value of earthworms, here’s a breakdown of their composition:

Nutrient Amount per 100g
Protein 15g
Fat 0.5g
Calcium 20mg
Phosphorus 250mg
Iron 2mg

As you can see, earthworms are not only a good source of protein but also provide valuable minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

By incorporating earthworms into your chickens’ diet, you are offering them a natural and wholesome food source that can contribute to their overall health and well-being.

Potential Health Risks of Earthworms for Chickens

While chickens can benefit from consuming earthworms as part of their diet, it is important to be aware of the potential health risks associated with their consumption. Earthworms have the ability to ingest and absorb heavy metals and other pollutants from the medium in which they are grown. These contaminants can be passed on to the chickens that consume them, posing a risk to their overall health and well-being.

Monitoring and ensuring the quality of the medium in which earthworms are grown is crucial in minimizing the risk of contamination. Regular inspections can help identify any potential issues and allow for appropriate remedial measures to be taken.

Furthermore, there is a possibility of parasite transmission through earthworm consumption. Certain parasites, such as gapeworm, can be present in earthworms and can be transmitted to chickens when consumed. However, it is important to note that the risk of contracting these parasites is relatively low in backyard flocks.

To guard against parasitic infestations and mitigate potential risks, there are preventive measures that can be implemented in the chickens’ diet. These measures include adding apple cider vinegar, food-grade Diatomaceous Earth, and minced garlic. These natural remedies can help promote the chickens’ overall health and support their immune system.

Health Risk Prevention Measures
Heavy metal contamination Monitor and ensure the quality of the medium in which earthworms are grown
Parasite transmission Include preventive measures in the chickens’ diet, such as apple cider vinegar, food-grade Diatomaceous Earth, and minced garlic

It is crucial to prioritize the safety and well-being of the chickens, and regular monitoring and preventive measures can help mitigate potential health risks associated with consuming earthworms.

chicken diet earthworms

Keep in mind that while earthworms can provide nutritional benefits to chickens, it is essential to be aware of the potential health risks and take appropriate precautions to maintain the chickens’ overall health and well-being.

Gapeworm and Chickens

Gapeworm is a type of roundworm that can attach itself to a chicken’s trachea and, in some cases, travel to the lungs, causing breathing difficulties and potentially suffocation. While gapeworm is not very common in backyard flocks, chickens can contract it by consuming earthworms, slugs, or snails that are infected with the parasite.

The symptoms of gapeworm in chickens include:

  1. Open-mouth breathing
  2. Coughing
  3. Head shaking
  4. Gurgling noises
  5. A large and squishy crop

Pullets under eight weeks old are most susceptible to gapeworm, but chickens of any age can contract it. If you suspect that a chicken has gapeworm, it is important to take action promptly to prevent further complications.

To treat gapeworm in chickens, natural wormers and respiratory treatments can be administered. These may include herbal remedies, such as garlic or oregano, which have natural anti-parasitic properties. In severe cases, a veterinarian may need to be consulted for appropriate medications.

It is important to note that prevention is key when it comes to gapeworm and other parasites in chickens. Regularly deworming your chickens and maintaining good hygiene in their living environment can help reduce the risk of gapeworm infestations.

Free-Ranging Chickens and Earthworms

Free-ranging chickens have a natural instinct to hunt for worms and insects, and earthworms are a valuable food source for them. These slimy creatures provide free-ranging chickens with essential nutrients and protein, making them an excellent addition to their diet. While there are potential health risks associated with the consumption of earthworms, such as the transmission of parasites, the benefits of allowing chickens to forage and feed on earthworms generally outweigh the risks.

By free-ranging, chickens have the opportunity to engage in their natural foraging behavior, which not only provides them with physical exercise but also mental stimulation. This instinctual activity allows chickens to search for earthworms and other natural foods, promoting their overall well-being.

“Free-ranging chickens benefit from the abundance of nutritious foods available in their environment, including earthworms. Foraging not only gives them access to high-quality protein but also provides a diverse range of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.”

While there are potential risks associated with earthworm consumption, such as the transmission of parasites like roundworms, responsible chicken keepers can take preventive measures to minimize the likelihood of parasitic infections. For example, regular health checks, maintaining a clean and safe environment, and implementing a rotational grazing system can help reduce the risk of disease transmission.

Additionally, supplementing the diet of free-ranging chickens with other nutritious foods can enhance their nutritional intake and provide a balance of essential nutrients. This can include offering a variety of grains, fruits, vegetables, and commercially formulated feeds.

It is important to note that while free-ranging chickens have the opportunity to consume earthworms and other natural foods, their diet should still be well-balanced and complete. This ensures that they receive all the necessary nutrients for optimal health and productivity.

Overall, allowing free-ranging chickens to naturally forage and feed on earthworms can provide numerous benefits. From increased protein intake to mental and physical stimulation, incorporating earthworms into their diet contributes to the well-being of these feathered friends.

can free-range chickens eat earthworms

Benefits of Free-Range Chickens Eating Earthworms

Benefits Description
High-quality protein Earthworms are a valuable source of protein for free-ranging chickens, supporting muscle development and overall growth.
Nutrient-rich Earthworms are packed with essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that contribute to the overall health of chickens.
Mental and physical stimulation Foraging for earthworms allows chickens to engage in their natural behaviors, promoting mental and physical well-being.
Supplemental nutrition Incorporating earthworms into the diet of free-ranging chickens helps provide a well-rounded and balanced nutritional intake.
Cost-effective Foraging for earthworms can reduce the reliance on commercial feeds, resulting in potential cost savings for chicken keepers.

The Value of Foraging for Chickens

Foraging is a natural behavior for chickens and offers several benefits. When chickens forage, they engage in physical activity and mental stimulation, which contributes to their overall well-being.

Chickens have a natural instinct to search for and consume a diverse range of foods, including earthworms, insects, seeds, and plant matter. These natural foods offer a variety of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that may be absent or limited in commercial chicken feeds. By foraging, chickens can supplement their diet with these essential nutrients, promoting optimal health and vitality.

Furthermore, foraging allows chickens to exercise their natural behaviors, mimicking their wild counterparts. This mental stimulation is crucial for their cognitive development and overall happiness. Chickens enjoy the challenge of searching for food, which provides them with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Not only does foraging benefit the individual chickens, but it also has positive effects on the environment. Chickens help control pests, such as insects and slugs, that can be detrimental to gardens and crops. This natural pest control minimizes the need for chemical pesticides or other harmful methods, promoting ecological balance and reducing environmental impact.

Another advantage of chicken foraging is the potential cost savings for chicken keepers. As chickens find a significant portion of their food through foraging, the need for supplementary feed is reduced. This can result in lower expenses for chicken owners, as they do not have to solely rely on commercial feeds to meet their chickens’ nutritional needs.

Overall, foraging is an essential and beneficial behavior for chickens. It allows them to obtain valuable nutrients, engage in natural behaviors, contribute to environmental sustainability, and potentially reduce feeding costs. Incorporating opportunities for foraging into a chicken’s daily routine is key to promoting their physical and mental well-being.

Benefits of Chicken Foraging:

  • Access to diverse nutrients, minerals, and vitamins
  • Mental stimulation and cognitive development
  • Natural pest control
  • Promotes ecological balance
  • Potential cost savings for chicken keepers
Benefits of Chicken Foraging
1 Access to diverse nutrients, minerals, and vitamins
2 Mental stimulation and cognitive development
3 Natural pest control
4 Promotes ecological balance
5 Potential cost savings for chicken keepers–k

Supplementing Chicken Diets with Earthworms

Adding earthworms to a chicken’s diet can be a beneficial way to supplement their nutrition. Earthworms provide high-quality protein, essential amino acids, and a range of vitamins and minerals. They can aid in digestion and contribute to the overall health and well-being of chickens.

To incorporate earthworms into a chicken’s diet, they can be fed fresh and wriggling as a treat or dried and crushed to blend into the chicken feed. Fresh earthworms provide a natural and interactive feeding experience for chickens, allowing them to engage in their instinctual foraging behavior. This can provide mental and physical stimulation, promoting their overall well-being.

If fresh earthworms are not readily available, dried earthworms can be a convenient alternative. However, it is important to note that the drying process may lead to some nutrient loss. Therefore, it’s recommended to balance the use of dried earthworms with the preference of chickens for live prey.

When adding earthworms to a chicken’s diet, it’s crucial to consider the quality of the earthworms. Ensure that they are sourced from reputable suppliers to minimize the risk of heavy metal contamination and parasite transmission. Avoid feeding earthworms that have been grown in polluted environments or exposed to harmful substances.

“Adding earthworms to a chicken’s diet can provide them with essential nutrients and promote their overall health and well-being.”

Earthworms can be a valuable addition to the diverse diet of backyard chickens. By supplementing their feed with earthworms, chicken owners can enhance the nutritional profile of their flock’s diet and support their natural foraging instincts.

chicken diet earthworms

Considerations for Earthworms as Chicken Feed

When using earthworms as chicken feed, there are several important factors to consider to ensure the health and wellbeing of your flock.

  1. Quality of Earthworms: It is crucial to source earthworms from reputable suppliers or grow them in a controlled environment. This ensures that the earthworms are free from contaminants and diseases that could be harmful to the chickens.
  2. Monitoring the Growth Medium: Earthworms can absorb contaminants from the medium in which they are grown. Regularly monitor and maintain the quality of the growth medium to minimize the risk of heavy metal contamination or other harmful substances.
  3. Preference for Fresh or Dried: Chickens often prefer fresh and wriggling prey, as it appeals to their natural hunting instincts. However, drying the earthworms for convenience can result in some nutrient loss. It’s important to strike a balance between the benefits of dried earthworms and the chickens’ preference for live prey.
  4. Balance in Diet: While earthworms can provide a valuable source of protein, it’s essential to ensure that the chickens’ diet is well-balanced and includes other essential nutrients. Earthworms should be considered as a supplementary component rather than the sole source of nutrition.

By considering these factors, you can incorporate earthworms into your chickens’ diet in a safe and effective manner, providing them with the benefits of this natural and nutritious food source.

Pros and Cons of Feeding Chickens Earthworms

Pros Cons
High-quality protein source Risk of heavy metal contamination
Rich in essential amino acids Potential transmission of parasites
Natural and nutritious food Preference for live prey over dried earthworms
Aids in digestion Should be part of a balanced diet
Provides mental and physical stimulation

Overall, feeding chickens earthworms can be a beneficial addition to their diet. However, it is important to consider these factors and take necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of your flock.


In conclusion, chickens can safely consume earthworms as part of their diet, benefiting from the high-quality protein and essential nutrients they provide. Earthworms can be a valuable addition to a chicken’s feed, whether they are grown at home or purchased from reputable sources. While there are potential health risks associated with the consumption of earthworms, such as heavy metal contamination and parasite transmission, these risks can be minimized through careful monitoring and preventive measures.

By allowing chickens to forage for earthworms and other natural foods, we can contribute to their overall health, well-being, and natural behaviors. For free-ranging chickens, the act of hunting and consuming earthworms provides mental and physical stimulation. Furthermore, supplementing a chicken’s diet with earthworms can enhance their nutrition and support their digestion.

In summary, including earthworms in a chicken’s diet can be a safe and beneficial practice, but it is important to consider the quality of the earthworms and the potential risks involved. By providing chickens with a balanced diet that includes earthworms, we can promote their optimal health and ensure they receive the essential nutrients they need.


Can chickens eat earthworms?

Yes, chickens can eat earthworms as part of their diet. Earthworms provide high-quality protein and essential nutrients for chickens.

What are the benefits of chickens eating earthworms?

Chickens eating earthworms can benefit from the high-quality protein, essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that earthworms provide. Earthworms can also aid in digestion and provide mental and physical stimulation for chickens.

How can I feed earthworms to my backyard chickens?

You can feed earthworms to your backyard chickens by either growing them in a worm farm at home or purchasing them from bait shops or local dealers. You can spread a few handfuls of the active top layer of the worm bin in the chicken house to allow the chickens to forage and consume the worms.

Can earthworms be used as chicken feed?

Yes, earthworms can be used as a protein-rich, nutrient-packed animal food for chickens. They can be fed to chickens either fresh and wriggling or dried and crushed.

What are the potential health risks of feeding earthworms to chickens?

There are potential health risks associated with the consumption of earthworms by chickens. Earthworms can ingest and absorb heavy metals and other pollutants, which can be passed on to the chickens. It is important to monitor and ensure the quality of the medium in which the earthworms are grown to minimize the risk of contamination.

What is gapeworm and can chickens get it from eating earthworms?

Gapeworm is a type of roundworm that can attach itself to a chicken’s trachea and cause breathing difficulties. Chickens can contract gapeworm by consuming earthworms that are infected with the parasite. However, the risk of contracting gapeworm from earthworms is relatively low in backyard flocks.

Can free-range chickens eat earthworms?

Yes, free-range chickens can eat earthworms. Earthworms are a natural and nutritious food source for free-ranging chickens and can provide essential nutrients and protein.

What is the value of foraging for chickens?

Foraging is a natural behavior for chickens and offers several benefits. It allows chickens to engage in physical activity and mental stimulation, contributes to their overall well-being, and provides them with a diverse range of natural foods.

How can I supplement my chicken’s diet with earthworms?

You can supplement your chicken’s diet with earthworms by feeding them fresh and wriggling worms as a treat or drying and crushing the worms to blend into the chicken feed.

What considerations should I keep in mind when feeding earthworms to chickens?

When feeding earthworms to chickens, it is important to ensure the quality of the worms by monitoring the medium in which they are grown. The drying process can cause nutrient loss, so it is important to balance the benefits of dried earthworms with the preference of chickens for fresh prey.

Can chickens eat earthworms? What are the benefits and considerations?

Yes, chickens can eat earthworms. Earthworms provide high-quality protein and essential nutrients for chickens. However, there are potential health risks associated with their consumption, such as heavy metal contamination and parasite transmission. It is important to monitor the quality of the earthworms and take preventive measures to minimize these risks.

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