Bielefelder Kennhuhn Chicken Breed

Bielefelder Kennhuhn: Discover This Unique Breed

If you’re looking to add a unique and versatile chicken breed to your backyard flock, look no further than the Bielefelder Kennhuhn. These large fowl chickens are renowned for their dual-purpose capabilities, distinctive auto-sexing trait, and docile temperament, making them a favorite among poultry enthusiasts. Originally developed in Germany by Gerd Roth in the 1970s, the Bielefelder breed combines the best qualities of breeds such as the New Hampshire, Wyandotte, Cuckoo Malines, and Amrock.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bielefelder Kennhuhn is a large fowl chicken breed widely recognized for its dual-purpose capabilities.
  • They are known for their auto-sexing trait, allowing easy identification of male and female chicks based on their distinct feather color patterns.
  • Bielefelders have a docile temperament, making them a great choice for families and small children.
  • They are cold-hardy and can handle varying climates, making them suitable for backyard flocks.
  • Bielefelders are prolific egg layers, producing around 220 to 280 large brown eggs per year.

The History and Background of Bielefelder Chickens

The Bielefelder breed, a German chicken breed developed by Gerd Roth in the 1970s, has an intriguing history and a unique background. Roth aimed to create a chicken with exceptional qualities by combining various heritage breeds. The resulting Bielefelder chickens quickly gained recognition for their exceptional traits and became popular among poultry breeders and backyard enthusiasts in Germany and worldwide.

The Bielefelder breed is a culmination of several heritage chicken breeds, including the New Hampshire, Wyandotte, Cuckoo Malines, and Amrock. By selectively combining these breeds, Gerd Roth successfully established a chicken breed with remarkable attributes such as stunning feather coloring, a friendly temperament, and consistent egg production.

Bielefelders were introduced to the United States in 2011 and have since captivated the attention of poultry breeders and backyard chicken enthusiasts. Their unique characteristics and charming personalities make them a favorite among those looking to add a touch of German excellence to their flock.

Now let’s take a closer look at the fascinating traits and characteristics that make Bielefelder chickens stand out from the crowd.

Characteristics of Bielefelder Chickens

Bielefelder chickens are a remarkable breed known for their exceptional qualities. Let’s explore the key characteristics that make Bielefelders so popular among poultry enthusiasts.

1. Dual-Purpose Breed

Bielefelder chickens are classified as a dual-purpose breed, meaning they excel both in egg production and meat quality.

Whether you’re looking to enjoy a steady supply of fresh eggs or to raise chickens for flavorful meat, Bielefelders are an excellent choice.

2. Docile Disposition

Bielefelder chickens have a gentle and friendly nature, making them a joy to handle and interact with. Their docile disposition makes them well-suited for families with small children.

3. Jumbo Size

One of the distinctive features of Bielefelder chickens is their jumbo size. Males can weigh around 12 pounds, while females typically reach a weight of about 9 ½ pounds.

4. Cold-Hardy

Bielefelders are known for their cold-hardiness, making them well-adapted to various climates. They can brave colder temperatures without significant adverse effects on their health and well-being.

5. Egg Production

Bielefelders are consistent layers, producing around 220 to 280 large eggs per year. Their eggs are not only abundant but also visually appealing with their large size and brown color.

6. Visual Appeal

With their beautiful plumage and striking appearance, Bielefelder chickens are a delight to behold. Their intricate feather patterns add an aesthetic appeal to any flock.

Characteristics Description
Dual-Purpose Breed Excellent for both egg production and meat
Docile Disposition Gentle and easy to handle, suitable for families
Jumbo Size Males weigh approximately 12 pounds, females weigh around 9 ½ pounds
Cold-Hardy Tolerant of colder temperatures
Egg Production Average of 220 to 280 large eggs per year
Visual Appeal Beautiful plumage with intricate feather patterns

With their dual-purpose traits, friendly temperament, jumbo size, cold-hardiness, and prolific egg production, Bielefelder chickens are an excellent choice for any poultry enthusiast.

Bielefelder chickens

Autosexing and Feather Coloring of Bielefelder Chickens

One of the unique traits of Bielefelder chickens is their autosexing ability, which means that day-old chicks can be easily sexed based on their feather color patterns. Male and female chicks have distinct feather color patterns, making it easy to determine their gender from the moment they hatch.

As Bielefelder chicks mature, their complex feather coloring emerges, featuring patterns of orange, gray, black, white, and brown with pink tinges. The feather color patterns help them blend into their surroundings as a form of camouflage. This natural adaptation allows Bielefelder chickens to stay protected while foraging and exploring their environment.

To illustrate the diverse range of feather color patterns in Bielefelder chickens, refer to the following table:

Feather Color Pattern Description
Orange Rich, vibrant orange color with varying shades and gradients.
Gray Soft gray feathers that provide a subtle and elegant appearance.
Black Deep black feathers that create a striking contrast against other colors.
White Clean and pure white feathers that add brightness to the overall color pattern.
Brown with Pink Tinges Warm brown feathers with delicate pink undertones, creating a harmonious blend.

These feather color patterns not only contribute to the visual appeal of Bielefelder chickens but also serve as a practical feature to help them thrive in their natural environment.

Image: Bielefelder chickens showcasing their distinct feather color patterns.

Temperament and Behavior of Bielefelder Chickens

Bielefelder chickens are renowned for their friendly and docile temperament, making them an excellent choice for families with small children. Their gentle nature and calm demeanor make them easy to handle and interact with, creating a pleasant and enjoyable experience for owners.

One notable trait of Bielefelder chickens is the protective nature of their roosters. These roosters exhibit a strong sense of responsibility towards their flock and will bravely defend their hens from potential predators. This protective behavior ensures the safety and well-being of the entire flock, allowing owners to have peace of mind.

Despite their protective instincts, Bielefelder roosters remain amiable towards their owners and display a high level of socialization. They are known to form strong bonds with their human caretakers, demonstrating a friendly and docile demeanor. This makes them ideal pets and companions for families seeking chickens with a gentle and affectionate nature.

Bielefelder chickens also possess remarkable foraging ability, embracing their natural instincts to roam and explore. They thoroughly enjoy the freedom to forage and exhibit a keen eye for spotting potential threats while they search for food. Their alertness during foraging ensures their safety and adds an element of natural behavior to their daily routine.

The combination of a friendly temperament, protective roosters, and docile demeanor makes Bielefelder chickens a popular choice among chicken enthusiasts. Their natural foraging ability further enhances their appeal, allowing them to engage in their instinctual behaviors while providing valuable entertainment for owners.

Bielefelder chickens

Temperament Traits Description
Friendly Bielefelder chickens have a naturally friendly disposition, making them a great choice for families with small children.
Protective The roosters are protective of their flock and will fight off predators to keep their hens safe.
Docile Despite their protective behavior, Bielefelders are pleasant to their owners and interact well with small children.
Foraging Ability Bielefelders have a natural instinct for foraging and enjoy roaming and exploring their surroundings.

Egg Production of Bielefelder Chickens

Bielefelder hens are renowned for their exceptional egg-laying abilities, consistently producing a substantial number of large brown eggs throughout the year. On average, Bielefelders lay between 220 and 280 eggs annually, ensuring a bountiful supply of delicious and nutritious eggs for your enjoyment.

What sets Bielefelder eggs apart is their distinct brown-to-chocolate color with delicate pink undertones. This unique hue adds visual appeal to your egg cartons and adds an elegant touch to your culinary creations.

Unlike many other chicken breeds that experience reduced egg production in colder, darker winter months, Bielefelders continue to lay eggs consistently all year round. This remarkable trait makes them an invaluable addition to any flock, providing a reliable source of fresh eggs, even when other breeds may be taking a break.

Bielefelder chickens are ideal for those seeking a sustainable supply of eggs, whether you’re an avid baker or simply enjoy savoring a delicious omelette for breakfast. Their high egg production and stunning color contribute to their popularity among poultry enthusiasts and home cooks alike.

Comparison of Egg Production

Chicken Breed Average Number of Eggs per Year Egg Color
Bielefelder 220-280 Large brown with pink undertones
Rhode Island Red 200-300 Medium to dark brown
Leghorn 280-320 White
Plymouth Rock 200-250 Medium brown

Table: Comparison of egg production among various chicken breeds.

As shown in the table above, Bielefelder chickens rank high in terms of egg production, rivaling popular breeds like the Rhode Island Red and Leghorn. Their large brown eggs, with their unique coloration, offer a touch of elegance to your breakfast table and culinary creations.

So, whether you’re an egg aficionado, a passionate baker, or simply enjoy the taste of a fresh, farm-raised egg, Bielefelder chickens are an excellent choice for satisfying your egg production needs.

Meat Production of Bielefelder Chickens

When it comes to Bielefelder chickens, their exceptional meat quality is just as impressive as their egg-laying abilities. As a dual-purpose breed, Bielefelders are highly valued for both their flavorful meat and their egg production. The meat of Bielefelder chickens is known for its juiciness, tenderness, and rich flavor, making it a favorite among poultry enthusiasts.

Bielefelders have a large and meaty carcass, which contributes to the quality of their meat. At full maturity, Bielefelder roosters weigh around 12 pounds, while hens weigh approximately 9 ½ pounds. This substantial size, combined with their plump stature, ensures that Bielefelder chickens provide a generous amount of meat for consumption. Whether grilled, roasted, or used in various culinary preparations, the meat of Bielefelder chickens promises a delectable and satisfying dining experience.

The dual-purpose nature of Bielefelder chickens also makes them an excellent choice for sustainable meat production. In addition to their flavorful meat, Bielefelders are productive egg layers, offering a versatile and efficient solution for poultry enthusiasts. By raising Bielefelder chickens, individuals can enjoy a steady supply of both high-quality meat and delicious eggs, promoting self-sufficiency and sustainable farming practices.

Bielefelder chickens

Health and Well-being of Bielefelder Chickens

Bielefelder chickens are a hardy breed known for their ability to tolerate various weather conditions. They handle both cold and heat well, although they fare better in cold temperatures than sweltering heat. Bielefelders do not have any specific health issues associated with their breed, but they still require proper care, nutrition, and a clean living environment to ensure their overall health and well-being.

With their robust nature, Bielefelder chickens are well-suited for different climates, making them an ideal choice for poultry enthusiasts residing in diverse regions. These hardy birds can withstand colder temperatures, which is advantageous for regions that experience harsh winters. Their ability to handle the cold ensures that they remain healthy and continue to thrive even in freezing conditions.

When it comes to warm climates, Bielefelder chickens can adapt, but it’s essential to provide them with adequate shade and access to fresh water to prevent overheating. They are less tolerant of extreme heat compared to cold, so it’s important to monitor their well-being during hot summer months and take necessary precautions to keep them comfortable.

Bielefelder chickens generally have good resistance to common health issues, partly due to their hardy genetics. However, like any other breed, they still require proper care to maintain their well-being. Regular health checks, appropriate vaccination schedules, and a well-balanced diet are crucial for ensuring their optimal health.

Common Health Issues

While Bielefelder chickens do not have specific breed-related health issues, there are a few common health concerns that all chicken keepers should be aware of:

  • Parasites: External and internal parasites can affect the health of chickens. Regular monitoring, proper hygiene practices, and administering appropriate treatments can help control and prevent parasite infestations.
  • Respiratory Infections: Chickens are susceptible to respiratory infections, especially in damp or poorly ventilated environments. Maintaining a clean and dry living space with good ventilation can reduce the risks of respiratory illnesses.
  • Impacted Crop: Crop impaction occurs when a chicken’s crop (a pouch in their digestive system) becomes blocked with undigested food. It can be caused by overeating or consuming long fibrous materials. Regularly inspecting and monitoring the crop can help detect and prevent impaction issues.

Providing a clean living environment, access to fresh water, a balanced diet, and appropriate veterinary care will help ensure the health and well-being of your Bielefelder chickens. These proactive measures and regular observation will help you detect any potential health concerns early on, allowing for timely intervention and maintaining the overall health of your flock.

Pros and Cons of Raising Bielefelder Chickens

When considering raising Bielefelder chickens, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of this unique breed. Bielefelders have several advantages that make them an appealing choice for poultry enthusiasts.

Pros of Raising Bielefelder Chickens

  • 1. Friendly Temperament: Bielefelders are known for their friendly and docile temperament, making them a great choice for families with small children. They are gentle and easy to handle, creating a positive and enjoyable backyard experience.
  • 2. Excellent Egg Production: Bielefelders are prolific egg layers, providing a consistent supply of large brown eggs throughout the year. With an average production of 220 to 280 eggs annually, these chickens are ideal for those seeking a reliable source of fresh and nutritious eggs.
  • 3. Dual-Purpose Breed: In addition to their exceptional egg-laying abilities, Bielefelders are a dual-purpose breed, meaning they are suitable for both egg production and meat consumption. This versatility allows owners to enjoy the benefits of flavorful meat, further enhancing the sustainability of raising Bielefelder chickens.

Cons of Raising Bielefelder Chickens

  • 1. Higher Cost: Compared to some other breeds, Bielefelder chicks may come at a relatively higher cost. However, this initial investment is often justified by the breed’s valuable traits and benefits.
  • 2. Slower Weight Gain: Bielefelders may have a slower weight gain compared to specific meat-focused breeds. This factor should be taken into account if raising chickens primarily for meat purposes.
  • 3. Higher Food Requirements: Due to their larger size and dual-purpose nature, Bielefelder chickens have slightly higher food requirements than some other breeds. Owners should ensure an adequate and balanced diet to support the chickens’ growth, health, and productivity.

Overall, despite a few considerations, the advantages of raising Bielefelder chickens, including their friendly temperament, excellent egg production, and dual-purpose capabilities, make them a worthwhile addition to any backyard flock.

Pros Cons
Bielefelders have a friendly and docile temperament, making them suitable for families with small children. Bielefelder chicks may come at a relatively higher cost compared to other breeds.
Bielefelders are excellent egg layers, providing a consistent supply of large brown eggs. Bielefelders may have a slower weight gain compared to specific meat-focused breeds.
Bielefelders are a dual-purpose breed, suitable for both egg production and meat consumption. Bielefelder chickens have slightly higher food requirements than some other breeds.

Tips for Successfully Raising Bielefelder Chickens

When it comes to raising Bielefelder chickens, providing them with proper nourishment and maintaining clean living conditions are vital for their health and well-being. Here are some essential tips to ensure success in raising these unique chickens:

1. High-Quality Feed for Proper Nourishment

Choose high-quality feed that meets the nutritional needs of Bielefelder chickens. Their diet should include a sufficient amount of protein to support their growth, egg production, and overall health. Consult with a poultry nutritionist or experienced breeder to determine the best feed options for your flock.

2. Foraging Opportunities for Enrichment

Bielefelder chickens enjoy foraging and finding their own food. Providing them with ample space to roam and access to grassy areas will allow them to scratch, peck, and forage for bugs, worms, and other natural treats. Not only does this help offset food costs, but it also provides enrichment and stimulates their natural behaviors.

3. Clean Living Conditions for Good Health

Maintaining a clean coop is essential for the health of Bielefelder chickens. Regularly clean the coop, removing any built-up waste or soiled bedding. Clean waterers and feeders regularly to prevent the growth of bacteria or mold. Additionally, provide adequate ventilation to ensure good air circulation and minimize the risk of respiratory issues.

“Proper nourishment, clean living conditions, and foraging opportunities are key to raising healthy Bielefelder chickens.”

By following these tips, you can create a healthy and thriving environment for your Bielefelder flock. Remember to monitor their health, observe their behavior, and consult with poultry experts or experienced breeders if you have any concerns or questions.

Raising Bielefelder Chickens


Bielefelder chickens are truly a remarkable and unique breed. With their auto-sexing ability, friendly temperament, and prolific egg production, they have become highly sought after by poultry breeders and backyard chicken enthusiasts. Whether you are looking for a beautiful and gentle companion for your backyard flock, a reliable source of fresh eggs, or flavorful meat for your table, Bielefelder chickens have it all.

One of the key advantages of Bielefelder chickens is their dual-purpose nature. Not only do they excel in egg production, laying a significant number of large brown eggs per year, but they also offer delicious and succulent meat. Their jumbo size and plump stature contribute to the tenderness and flavor of their meat, making them an excellent choice for sustainable farming and meat production.

Aside from their practical benefits, Bielefelder chickens are known for their friendly temperament and docile disposition. They are a pleasure to have in the backyard and interact well with both adults and children. Their ability to forage and adapt to various climates further adds to their appeal as a versatile and rewarding breed to raise.

All in all, Bielefelder chickens are an ideal choice for poultry enthusiasts who value uniqueness, functionality, and a pleasant chicken keeping experience. With their auto-sexing ability, friendly temperament, prolific egg production, and flavorful meat, Bielefelders bring a touch of excellence to any poultry flock and farm.


What is the Bielefelder Kennhuhn Chicken Breed?

The Bielefelder Kennhuhn Chicken Breed is a large fowl dual-purpose breed known for its distinctive dark brown to chocolate-colored eggs and auto-sexing ability. It is a German chicken breed that combines several heritage breeds, including the New Hampshire, Wyandotte, Cuckoo Malines, and Amrock.

Where can I find Bielefelder chickens for sale?

Bielefelder chickens can be purchased from reputable poultry breeders. They may also be available for sale from local farms or hatcheries specializing in heritage breed chickens. Online platforms and forums dedicated to raising backyard chickens can also be a valuable resource for finding Bielefelder chickens for sale.

What are the characteristics of Bielefelder chickens?

Bielefelder chickens are docile and hardy with a jumbo size. The males typically weigh around 12 pounds, while the females weigh around 9 ½ pounds. They are cold-hardy, have a friendly temperament, and are known for their consistent egg production.

How can Bielefelder chicks be autosexed?

Bielefelder chicks can be autosexed based on their feather color patterns. Male and female chicks have distinct feather color patterns, allowing gender determination from the moment they hatch. The complex feather coloring emerges as they mature, with patterns of orange, gray, black, white, and brown with pink tinges.

What is the temperament of Bielefelder chickens?

Bielefelder chickens have a friendly and docile temperament, making them suitable for families with small children. The roosters are protective of their flock and interact well with their owners. Bielefelders are also known for their foraging ability and enjoy exploring their surroundings.

How many eggs do Bielefelder chickens lay per year?

Bielefelder hens are prolific egg layers, laying an average of 220 to 280 large brown eggs per year. They continue to lay eggs consistently, even during colder winter months.

Are Bielefelder chickens suitable for meat production?

Yes, Bielefelder chickens are a dual-purpose breed suitable for meat production. They have a large, meaty carcass, and their size and plump stature contribute to the meat’s juiciness and tenderness.

Are Bielefelder chickens a good choice for sustainable farming?

Yes, Bielefelder chickens are a popular choice for sustainable farming practices. As a dual-purpose breed, they provide both eggs and flavorful meat. Their consistent egg production and hardiness make them a valuable addition to sustainable farming systems.

What health considerations should I keep in mind when raising Bielefelder chickens?

Bielefelder chickens are a hardy breed that can tolerate various weather conditions. However, they still require proper care, nutrition, and a clean environment to maintain good health. Regular monitoring and veterinary care are important to ensure their overall well-being.

What are the pros and cons of raising Bielefelder chickens?

The pros of raising Bielefelder chickens include their friendly temperament, excellent egg production, and dual-purpose nature. However, some cons to consider are the relatively higher cost of purchasing Bielefelder chicks, their slower weight gain for meat production, and their higher food requirements compared to other breeds.

What tips can you provide for successfully raising Bielefelder chickens?

To successfully raise Bielefelder chickens, provide them with proper nourishment, a clean living environment, and access to foraging opportunities. High-quality feed that meets their nutritional needs, including sufficient protein, is essential. Regular cleaning of the coop, feeders, and waterers promotes good health and prevents disease.

Why are Bielefelder chickens a unique breed?

Bielefelder chickens are a unique breed due to their auto-sexing ability, friendly temperament, prolific egg production, and flavorful meat. They combine desirable traits, making them a favorite among poultry breeders and backyard chicken enthusiasts.
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