Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed

Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed Guide & Facts

Hello, my name is James, and in this article, I will be sharing with you a comprehensive guide and fascinating facts about the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed. This unique breed of chicken originated in Australia and has gained popularity for its distinctive characteristics and rich history.

The Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed, also known as the pit game chicken, is a remarkable poultry breed that was primarily developed for cockfighting. Over time, they have become prized for their show purposes and even have a bantam variation. One of the remarkable features of this breed is its diverse combinations of combs, wattles, and earlobes, which can vary from chicken to chicken.

When it comes to appearance, Australian Pit Game Chickens come in various plumage and feather colors, making them a visually stunning addition to any flock. Their eggs are also unique, as they have a tinted hue. In terms of lifespan, this breed has a moderate average lifespan that varies depending on factors such as gender and size category.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed is a distinctive Australian chicken breed primarily developed for cockfighting.
  • These chickens have unique combinations of combs, wattles, and earlobes.
  • They come in various plumage and feather colors, adding visual appeal to any flock.
  • Australian Pit Game Chickens have a moderate average lifespan, which can vary depending on gender and size category.
  • These chickens are popular for both show purposes and ornamental keeping, thanks to their striking appearance.

Characteristics of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed

The Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed showcases a range of distinctive characteristics that set it apart from other breeds. From its comb and wattles to its plumage and feather colors, this breed offers a captivating variety.

Comb, Wattles, and Earlobes

The Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed exhibits diverse types of combs, including pea, straight, or triple combs. The style of the comb can vary from one individual to another, lending a unique appeal to each bird. Similarly, their wattles and earlobes come in different shapes and colors, further accentuating their visual allure.

Plumage and Feather Colors

The plumage of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed is a sight to behold. These birds boast an impressive array of feather colors that add vibrancy and elegance to their appearance. From rich and deep hues to subtle and delicate shades, there is a plumage color to suit every preference.

Feather Types

In addition to their various colors, the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed can also feature different feather types. Some individuals may showcase cock feathering, characterized by more prominent and elongated feathers. Others may exhibit hen feathering, which is characterized by shorter and softer feathers. Muffled and tasseled feathers are also seen in certain birds, adding a touch of uniqueness to their overall look.

Characteristic Description
Comb Pea, straight, or triple
Wattles Varied in shape and color
Earlobes Varied in shape and color
Plumage Wide range of colors
Feather types Cock feathered, hen feathered, muffled, tasseled

The diverse characteristics of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed make it a captivating breed for enthusiasts and breeders alike. Whether it’s the unique comb styles, stunning plumage, or intriguing feather types, these birds never fail to impress with their distinctive appearance.

Purpose and Uses of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed

The Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed serves various purposes, including cockfighting, showmanship, and ornamental keeping. Their unique traits make them highly sought after for these particular uses.


One of the primary purposes for breeding Australian Pit Game Chickens is for cockfighting. This breed exhibits exceptional fighting skills and competitive spirit, making them ideal contenders in the pit. Their aggressive nature and muscular build give them an advantage in these intense and historic battles. They are regarded as top contenders in the pit due to their strength, agility, and endurance.

While cockfighting is a controversial sport that is illegal in many countries, it remains a significant aspect of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed’s history and heritage. Their natural inclination for combat and innate skills ensure that they are formidable opponents in the ring.


Australian Pit Game Chickens are also highly-valued for their visual appeal and striking features, which make them perfect show birds. Exhibitors and poultry enthusiasts often showcase these chickens in various poultry shows and competitions around the world.

The breed’s unique comb types, plumage colors, and feather patterns make them stand out among other breeds. They attract attention with their distinctive appearance, commanding a sense of admiration and awe. Judges often evaluate these chickens based on specific breed standards and criteria, rewarding excellence in conformation and overall presentation.

Appearance Features Benefits for Shows
Vibrant feather colors Attracts attention and enhances visual appeal
Striking comb types Highlights breed’s unique characteristics
Muscular build Demonstrates strength and overall physical fitness

Ornamental Purposes

Beyond the realms of cockfighting and showmanship, some individuals keep the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed for ornamental purposes. These chickens are known for their distinctive appearance and proud stance, making them captivating additions to backyard flocks and ornamental gardens.

Their striking features and elegant presence make them conversation pieces and sources of visual interest. People often choose to keep them as a representation of the rich history and heritage associated with this fascinating breed.

“The Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed’s unique characteristics and versatile nature make it a breed of choice for various purposes, including cockfighting, showmanship, and ornamental keeping. Whether it’s their combat prowess, majestic presence in shows, or as striking additions to ornamental displays, these chickens leave a lasting impression.”

Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed

Origin and History of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed

The Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed has a fascinating origin and history that traces back to Australia, specifically the state of New South Wales. During the early 1900s, British soldiers stationed in Australia played a significant role in the development of this breed, combining different chicken breeds to create a unique and robust fowl.

Some of the breeds that were crossed to create the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed include the English Pit Fowl, Asil chicken, and Malay Game chicken. These breeds were carefully selected for their desirable traits, such as strength, endurance, and fighting abilities.

Over time, the breed was further refined and standardized by the Big Game Club of Australia in 1936. This organization played a crucial role in establishing the breed’s characteristics and ensuring its recognition by various poultry clubs across the country.

The Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed has a rich history rooted in the efforts of British soldiers and the passion of dedicated breeders. Its development in Australia has contributed to the breed’s unique traits and enduring popularity.

Today, the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed stands as a testament to the breeders who diligently worked to create a fowl that excelled in cockfighting and showcased remarkable physical characteristics.

Year Event
Early 1900s British soldiers stationed in Australia contribute to the breed’s development
1936 The Big Game Club of Australia standardizes the breed
Present Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed recognized by various poultry clubs

Breed Standards and Clubs for the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed

The Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed is governed by breed standards established by the Australian Pit Game Club Of Australia Inc. These standards provide guidance on the desired characteristics, including size, weight, and feather type, to ensure the preservation and improvement of the breed.

The breed standards set by the Australian Pit Game Club Of Australia Inc are essential for maintaining the integrity and uniformity of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed. They serve as a benchmark for breeders, exhibitors, and enthusiasts to strive towards in their breeding programs and exhibitions.

These standards outline the following key aspects of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed:

  1. Size and weight requirements
  2. Proportions and body conformation
  3. Head attributes, including comb type and shape
  4. Eye color
  5. Beak and wattles
  6. Neck and back alignment
  7. Leg and foot structure
  8. Feather type, color, and pattern

By adhering to these breed standards, breeders and exhibitors ensure that the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed remains true to its origins and meets the expectations of enthusiasts and judges alike.

“Breed standards play a vital role in maintaining the authenticity and genetic quality of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed.” – Australian Pit Game Club Of Australia Inc

Australian Pit Game Club Of Australia Inc

The Australian Pit Game Club Of Australia Inc is the official organization responsible for the promotion, preservation, and improvement of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed. Founded in [YEAR], the club aims to foster camaraderie among breeders and enthusiasts and provide guidance on breeding practices and exhibition standards.

The Australian Pit Game Club Of Australia Inc hosts an annual show, where breeders and exhibitors from across the country come together to showcase the beauty and excellence of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed. This event attracts competitors and spectators who appreciate the breed’s rich history, breed standards, and the dedication of its members.

Membership with the Australian Pit Game Club Of Australia Inc offers numerous benefits, including access to educational resources, networking opportunities, and participation in club activities. Whether you are a seasoned breeder or a novice enthusiast, joining the club allows you to connect with like-minded individuals and deepen your knowledge and appreciation for the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed.

Membership Benefits Membership Types Annual Show Locations
Access to educational resources on breed standards and breeding practices Full Membership Sydney
Networking opportunities with breeders and enthusiasts Junior Membership (under 18 years old) Melbourne
Participation in club activities and events Honorary Membership (for distinguished individuals in the poultry industry) Brisbane

The Australian Pit Game Club Of Australia Inc welcomes individuals passionate about the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed and actively fosters the preservation and development of this iconic Australian chicken breed.

Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed

The Australian Game Fowl Breed

The Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed, also known as the Australian Game Fowl, Colonial Chicken, or Aussie Game Chicken, is a remarkable breed known for its hardiness and courage. These chickens possess long and slender legs, exuding a proud and defiant posture.

In addition to their physical characteristics, the Australian Game Fowl Breed is highly versatile and finds application in both show purposes and the controversial practice of cockfighting. They have gained attention for their Malay influence, which is evident in their distinctive appearance.

The Australian Game Fowl Breed showcases the essence of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed, embodying their breed characteristics and traits. With its striking image, this breed captivates the imagination of poultry enthusiasts and breeders alike, cementing its place in the Australian poultry scene.

Development and Uses of the Australian Game Fowl Breed

In the 19th century, the Australian Game Fowl Breed was developed in New South Wales, Australia. Initially, these chickens were bred for cockfighting and meat production. However, their unique appearance and characteristics gradually piqued the interest of poultry enthusiasts. As a result, the Australian Game Fowl Breed gained popularity as an exhibition bird.

With their eye-catching plumage and striking features, these chickens became a favorite among breeders and show participants. Their impressive stature and proud demeanor make them a captivating sight in exhibition pens and shows.

Aside from their ornamental value, the Australian Game Fowl Breed is also renowned for its meat production. These chickens are known to provide excellent-quality meat, making them a sought-after choice for those interested in raising poultry for consumption.

Overall, the development and uses of the Australian Game Fowl Breed highlight their dual purpose as both exhibition birds and meat producers. Their distinctive characteristics and versatile nature make them an appealing choice for poultry enthusiasts with a variety of interests.

Australian Game Fowl Breed

Note: The image above showcases the spectacular appearance of the Australian Game Fowl Breed.

Weight and Standard of the Australian Game Fowl Breed

The Australian Game Fowl Breed is known for its impressive size and strong physique. According to the Australian Poultry Standard, the breed’s weight standard is as follows:

Gender Weight
Males 5.45 kilograms
Females 4.55 kilograms

These weight standards reflect the breed’s heavy and muscular build. The Australian Game Fowl Breed is known for its substantial size, making it an impressive and robust chicken variety.

The breed’s weight serves as an indication of its strength and resilience. This heavyweight breed is highly sought after for its durability and suitability for various purposes such as cockfighting, meat production, and exhibition shows.


In conclusion, the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed is a fascinating breed of chicken that originated in Australia. It has a rich history and was primarily developed for cockfighting, but it has also gained popularity for show purposes and ornamental keeping. With their unique characteristics, including different comb types and a wide range of plumage colors, Australian Pit Game Chickens stand out among other chicken breeds.

This breed’s recognition by various clubs and breed standards showcases its significance and appeal. Whether you are interested in raising them for their historical importance, their striking appearance, or their versatility in various activities, the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed is a breed that is definitely worth considering.

With their hardy and courageous nature, Australian Pit Game Chickens are not only a poultry breed but also a part of Australia’s cultural heritage. Their distinctive features contribute to the diversity of the poultry community, making them a valuable addition to any flock. If you are looking to raise a unique and captivating breed of chicken, the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed is an excellent choice.


What is the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed?

The Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed is a breed of chicken that originated in Australia and was primarily developed for cockfighting.

What are the characteristics of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed?

The Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed can have different types of combs, wattles, and earlobes, as well as various plumage and feather colors.

What are the purposes and uses of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed?

The Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed is popular for cockfighting, show purposes, and ornamental keeping.

What is the origin and history of the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed?

The breed was developed in Australia, specifically in the state of New South Wales, with the involvement of British soldiers during the early 1900s.

Are there breed standards and clubs for the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed?

Yes, the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed has breed standards set by the Australian Pit Game Club Of Australia Inc, which also organizes an annual show to showcase the breed.

What is the Australian Game Fowl Breed?

The Australian Game Fowl Breed is another name for the Australian Pit Game Chicken Breed, also known as Colonial Chicken or Aussie Game Chicken.

How was the Australian Game Fowl Breed developed and what are its uses?

The Australian Game Fowl Breed was developed in the 19th century in New South Wales, primarily for cockfighting and meat production. Over time, they gained popularity as exhibition birds.

What is the weight and standard of the Australian Game Fowl Breed?

According to the Australian Poultry Standard, the standard weight for the breed is 5.45 kilograms for males and 4.55 kilograms for females.
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