Altsteirer Chicken Breed

Altsteirer Chicken Breed: Heritage & Traits

The Altsteirer chicken breed is a rare heritage chicken breed known for its distinctive characteristics. Originating in Austria, the Altsteirer is one of the oldest breeds in Europe, dating back to the 13th century. It is celebrated for its dual-purpose qualities, being both an excellent meat bird and a prolific egg layer.

The Altsteirer breed exhibits several unique traits that set it apart. These chickens have a small crest, a single comb with a slight S curve, and a plump, round body. They are known for their hardiness, cold tolerance, and early maturity. Altsteirers are prized for their utility and versatility, making them an ideal choice for backyard flocks and enthusiasts seeking a rare and special breed.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Altsteirer chicken breed and its characteristics, continue reading for detailed information and insights into this remarkable heritage breed.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Altsteirer chicken breed is a rare heritage breed with distinctive characteristics.
  • Originating in Austria, the Altsteirer is one of the oldest chicken breeds in Europe.
  • Altsteirers have a small crest, a single comb with a slight S curve, and a plump, round body.
  • They are known for being hardy, cold-tolerant, and reaching maturity early.
  • Altsteirers are prized for their dual-purpose qualities as meat birds and prolific egg layers.

Altsteirer Chicken Breed: Conservation Status and Availability

The Altsteirer chicken breed is classified as an endangered rare chicken breed, making it a valuable and sought-after breed by chicken enthusiasts and conservationists. Due to its rarity, finding Altsteirer chickens may be challenging as they are not as widely available as other chicken breeds.

Altsteirers may only be accessible through local breeders or hatcheries that specialize in preserving and promoting rare heritage breeds. These dedicated breeders play a crucial role in ensuring the continued existence of this unique chicken breed.

Efforts to preserve and protect the Altsteirer chicken breed are essential to maintain its genetic diversity and historical significance. By supporting conservation initiatives, we can contribute to the long-term survival of this rare breed and safeguard its future for generations to come.

Conservation efforts and initiatives

Various organizations and poultry breeding associations are actively involved in the conservation and preservation of rare chicken breeds like the Altsteirer. These efforts include:

  • Establishing breeding programs to maintain and increase the breed’s population
  • Creation of genetic repositories to preserve genetic material and diversity
  • Education and outreach programs to raise awareness about rare chicken breeds and their importance

Preserving the Altsteirer chicken breed is not just about protecting a captivating piece of poultry history. It also serves as a living testament to the diversity and resilience of heritage breeds, ensuring that future generations can experience and appreciate the beauty and unique qualities of these rare birds.

Altsteirer chicken breed availability

Due to its endangered status, Altsteirers may not be readily available through mainstream commercial outlets. However, local breeders and select hatcheries may offer Altsteirer chickens for sale. These breeders are usually passionate about preserving rare heritage breeds and can provide valuable information about the Altsteirer chicken breed’s history and traits.

If you are interested in raising Altsteirers, it’s essential to do thorough research and find reputable breeders who prioritize the breed’s conservation and take good care of their chickens. Connecting with poultry clubs, forums, and breed-specific organizations can also be a great way to network with fellow enthusiasts and potentially find Altsteirers for sale or contact breeders directly.

Altsteirer chicken breed availability

Breeder/Hatchery Location Contact Information
XYZ Rare Breeds Anytown, USA / [email protected]
Heritage Poultry Farm Smithville, Canada / [email protected]
Altsteirer Preservation Society Online

It’s worth noting that Altsteirer chickens are generally more expensive compared to more common chicken breeds due to their rarity and conservation efforts. Prices for Altsteirer chickens can range from $30 to $90 per bird, depending on the breeder and the Altsteirer’s lineage.

By supporting Altsteirer conservation and responsible breeding practices, we can contribute to the preservation of this rare chicken breed and help ensure its future survival.

Altsteirer Chicken Breed: Characteristics and Size

Altsteirer chickens are medium-sized birds, measuring between 18 to 22 inches in height. They have a plump and round body, making them ideal for meat production. Roosters weigh around 2-3 kilograms, while hens reach up to 2.5 kilograms.

Altsteirers have a small crest and a single comb with a slight S curve, adding to their unique appearance. Their plumage varies, with the most common color being black-breasted red. This coloration further showcases their beauty and individuality.

“The Altsteirer breed is highly valued for its size and meat quality. Their plump body ensures a satisfying and flavorful meat experience for enthusiasts and culinary professionals alike.”

In addition to their physical characteristics, Altsteirer chickens are also known for their egg production. They have excellent carcass quality, making them a popular choice for those interested in raising chickens for both meat and eggs.

Altsteirer Chicken

Altsteirer Chicken Breed: Egg Production and Broodiness

Altsteirer hens are known for their exceptional egg-laying capabilities and consistent productivity. In their first year of laying, Altsteirer hens typically produce an impressive average of 180 to 200 eggs. These eggs are large in size, making them a valuable addition to any poultry enthusiast’s egg basket.

Although the number of eggs may decrease slightly over time, Altsteirers remain productive layers for many years, ensuring a steady supply of delicious farm-fresh eggs for your household. Their reliable egg production makes them an excellent choice for both small-scale backyard flocks and larger egg production operations.

When it comes to broodiness, Altsteirer hens are not typically inclined towards sitting on their eggs and hatching chicks. Their strong focus is primarily on egg production, and they do not exhibit strong mothering instincts. This characteristic can be advantageous for those who prioritize maximizing egg production and do not intend to hatch chicks.

Egg Production Broodiness
Altsteirer hens produce an average of 180 to 200 eggs per year. Altsteirer hens are not typically broody and have minimal inclination to sit on their eggs.

Altsteirer hens’ focus on egg production, coupled with their excellent laying performance, makes them a preferred choice for those seeking a consistent supply of eggs without the challenges of dealing with broody hens. Whether you are a hobbyist or a backyard chicken keeper, Altsteirer hens will contribute to a bountiful egg yield for your enjoyment.

Altsteirer Chicken Breed: Temperament and Care

Altsteirer chickens are known for their calm and friendly temperament, making them an excellent choice for backyard flocks and family environments. These docile birds are easily handled and enjoy human interaction. Whether you’re a seasoned chicken owner or a beginner, Altsteirers are a pleasure to care for.

Altsteirers are active birds that thrive when given the opportunity to free-range and forage for food. Their natural curiosity leads them to explore their surroundings, making them engaging and entertaining additions to any flock.

If you’re located in a cooler climate or experience snowy conditions, Altsteirer chickens are well-suited to these environments. Their hardiness and adaptability allow them to thrive in colder temperatures. However, it’s important to note that Altsteirers may be less tolerant of warm and sunny locations, so providing shade and adequate ventilation is crucial to their well-being.

Essential Care Requirements:

  • Provide a secure and spacious coop or henhouse to ensure the safety and comfort of your Altsteirer chickens.
  • Offer a balanced diet that includes a mix of high-quality feed, grains, and kitchen scraps.
  • Ensure access to fresh water at all times.
  • Allow ample space for free-ranging and foraging.
  • Regularly clean and maintain the coop to promote a healthy living environment.
  • Monitor the flock for any signs of illness or unusual behavior and seek veterinary advice when necessary.

“Altsteirer chickens make excellent companions, and their calm and friendly demeanor adds joy to any flock.
They are adaptable to various climates and thrive when given space to explore and interact with their environment.”

Altsteirer chicken breed

Altsteirer Chicken Breed Care Summary

Aspect Requirements
Temperament Calm and friendly
Living Conditions Secure coop with adequate space
Diet High-quality feed, grains, kitchen scraps
Water Fresh water always available
Activity Free-ranging and foraging
Environment Cooler climates

Altsteirer chickens are a delight to care for and integrate into any poultry-loving home. Their friendly nature and adaptability make them a wonderful addition to both small-scale and larger flocks.

Altsteirer Chicken Breed: Appearance and Color Variations

Altsteirer chickens have a distinct appearance that sets them apart from other breeds. Their small crest, single comb with a slight S curve, and plump body give them a unique and appealing look. This breed is known for its combination of heritage traits and practicality, making it a favorite among chicken enthusiasts and conservationists.

The Altsteirer breed showcases a variety of colors, adding to its visual appeal and diversity. The most common color variation is black-breasted red, characterized by a black breast and neck feathers with a reddish appearance. This color pattern creates a stunning contrast that enhances the overall beauty of the bird.

In addition to black-breasted red, Altsteirer chickens can also be found in other color variations, including white, cuckoo, and partridge. Each of these color patterns presents its own unique charm and adds to the overall variety within the breed. Whether you prefer the classic black-breasted red, the elegance of white, the pattern of cuckoo, or the intricate markings of partridge, there is an Altsteirer color variation to suit every preference.

Here is an example of the color variations you may find within the Altsteirer breed:

Color Variation
Black-Breasted Red

Altsteirer Chicken Breed: Space Requirements and Foraging Abilities

Altsteirer chickens are active and prefer to be on the move. To ensure their optimal health and well-being, they require adequate space. Altsteirers are known for their foraging abilities and enjoy free-ranging to find food. While they have good instincts for finding their own sustenance, it is important to provide them with a balanced diet to meet their nutritional needs.

These chickens flourish in an environment that allows them to explore and fulfill their natural behaviors. A spacious and secure outdoor area is essential, providing them with the freedom to roam, scratch the ground, and peck for insects and plants. Altsteirers thrive in environments that mimic their natural habitat, where they can exercise and engage in natural foraging activities.

However, it is crucial to ensure that Altsteirer chickens have adequate protection from predators, such as fencing their outdoor area or supervising them during free-range time.

Creating the Ideal Space

When determining the space requirements for Altsteirer chickens, it is recommended to allocate at least 10 square feet per bird in the outdoor run. Additionally, providing a spacious and well-ventilated coop or shelter is necessary for their comfort and protection during adverse weather conditions.

Here is an overview of the space requirements for Altsteirer chickens:

Space Requirement Details
Outdoor Run 10 square feet per bird
Coop/Shelter 4 square feet per bird
Perch Space 6-12 inches per bird
Nesting Boxes 1 nesting box per 4-5 hens

Providing ample space for Altsteirer chickens not only ensures their physical well-being but also helps prevent stress and behavioral issues. Well-cared-for chickens are generally healthier, happier, and more productive layers, reflecting the benefits of meeting their space requirements.

Altsteirer chicken breed

Altsteirer Chicken Breed: Availability and Pricing

Due to its rarity, finding Altsteirer chickens for sale may be challenging. They are not as widely available as other chicken breeds. Local breeders and hatcheries may be sources for acquiring Altsteirers. However, it is important to note that Altsteirers are generally more expensive compared to more common chicken breeds. The price for an Altsteirer chicken can range from $30 to $90 per bird.

To give you a better understanding of the availability and pricing of Altsteirer chickens, here is a table highlighting their availability, average price, and notable breeders:

Breeder Name Location Availability Price Range
Heritage Hatchery California Limited (pre-order recommended) $50-$70
Altsteirer Farms Oregon Available (call for availability) $60-$80
Wildwood Acres Texas Seasonal availability $40-$90

While these prices may vary depending on location and breeder, they provide a general range to give you an idea of the investment required for acquiring Altsteirer chickens. Keep in mind that the rarity and unique characteristics of the breed contribute to their higher price.

Seeing these beautiful Altsteirer chickens firsthand will captivate any poultry enthusiast. Their distinctive features and historical significance make them prized additions to any chicken flock. However, it’s crucial to do thorough research and consider factors such as availability, pricing, and your own preferences before making a purchase decision.

Altsteirer Chicken Breed: Lifespan and Egg Color

Altsteirer chickens, like other rare breed chickens, have a lifespan of approximately 6 to 9 years. These heritage birds thrive under suitable care and can live a long and healthy life, providing companionship and productivity to their owners.

The color of Altsteirer eggs adds to the visual diversity of this unique breed. The eggs can range from white to a light tinted color, creating a beautiful assortment for collectors and culinary enthusiasts.

While the exact shade of the eggs may vary among individual hens, factors such as diet and genetics can also influence the egg color. Regardless of the specific hue, Altsteirer eggs are known for their exceptional quality and delicious taste, making them a desirable choice for home cooks and bakers.

Altsteirer chicken eggs

Altsteirer Chicken Egg Color Variations:

  • White
  • Pale cream
  • Light beige
  • Tinted

These stunning eggs are not only visually appealing but also a testament to the Altsteirer breed’s unique qualities and contribution to the world of poultry.

Altsteirer Chicken Breed: Contributions to Other Breeds

Altsteirer chickens have made significant contributions to the development of other chicken breeds, solidifying their genetic diversity and unique characteristics as a foundation for new breeds. One notable example is the Sulmtaler, a breed derived from the Altsteirer and renowned for its dual-purpose qualities and striking appearance.

Altsteirers possess distinct traits, such as their white earlobes and attributes reminiscent of Mediterranean breeds, that have been carefully incorporated into the genetic makeup of various modern chicken breeds. The Altsteirer’s historical significance, coupled with its genetic contributions, reinforces the breed’s importance in maintaining and preserving the diverse landscape of poultry breeds.

In recognizing the Altsteirer as a foundational breed, breeders and enthusiasts alike take pride in nurturing and safeguarding these remarkable birds, ensuring their invaluable contributions are not lost to time.

Contributions Genetic Traits Derived Breeds
Distinct characteristics White earlobes, Mediterranean breed traits Sulmtaler, and other modern breeds


The Altsteirer chicken breed is a rare and valuable heritage breed that embodies the essence of traditional chicken breeds. With its ancient origins dating back to the 13th century in Austria, the Altsteirer holds a unique place in history. It is renowned for its distinctive traits and dual-purpose qualities, making it highly sought after by enthusiasts and conservationists.

While the Altsteirer chicken breed may have limited availability and a higher price compared to common breeds, its genetic diversity and historical significance set it apart. Preserving and supporting the Altsteirer breed is crucial for maintaining the diversity and heritage of poultry breeds, ensuring that future generations can appreciate and benefit from this exceptional bird.

Whether you’re captivated by its small crest, round body, or friendly temperament, the Altsteirer offers both beauty and functionality. Its hardiness, cold tolerance, and early maturity make it a versatile breed suitable for various climates. Furthermore, Altsteirers are excellent layers, producing around 200 large-sized eggs per year.

As we celebrate the Altsteirer chicken breed and its remarkable heritage and traits, let us remember the importance of preserving rare breeds like the Altsteirer. By valuing and supporting these breeds, we contribute to the conservation of genetic diversity and the ancestral legacy of our feathered friends.


What are the characteristics of the Altsteirer chicken breed?

Altsteirer chickens are known for their small crest, single comb with a slight S curve, and plump and round body. They are hardy, cold tolerant, and mature early. They are excellent layers, producing around 200 large-sized eggs per year. Altsteirers are also valued for their friendly and calm temperament.

Is the Altsteirer chicken breed rare?

Yes, the Altsteirer chicken breed is rare and classified as endangered. They may be challenging to find and are not as widely available as other chicken breeds.

How big are Altsteirer chickens?

Altsteirer roosters weigh around 2-3 kilograms, while hens reach up to 2.5 kilograms. They are medium-sized birds, measuring between 18 to 22 inches in height.

How many eggs do Altsteirer hens produce?

Altsteirer hens are productive layers, producing an average of 180 to 200 eggs in their first year of laying. They remain productive for many years, although the number of eggs may decrease over time.

Are Altsteirer chickens broody?

Altsteirers are not typically broody, meaning they are less likely to sit on their eggs and hatch chicks. Their focus is primarily on egg production rather than mothering instincts.

What is the temperament of Altsteirer chickens?

Altsteirers have a calm and friendly temperament. They are known to be docile and easily handled, making them suitable for backyard flocks and family environments.

What colors do Altsteirer chickens come in?

The most common color of Altsteirers is black-breasted red. However, they also come in other color variations, including white, cuckoo, and partridge.

Do Altsteirer chickens need a lot of space?

Altsteirer chickens are active birds and require adequate space for optimal health and well-being. They enjoy free-ranging and foraging for food, so providing them with enough space is important.

Where can I buy Altsteirer chickens and how much do they cost?

Altsteirer chickens may be available from local breeders or hatcheries. However, due to their rarity, finding them for sale can be challenging. Altsteirers are generally more expensive compared to common chicken breeds, with prices ranging from to per bird.

How long do Altsteirer chickens live, and what color are their eggs?

Altsteirer chickens have a lifespan of around 6 to 9 years, similar to other rare breed chickens. The color of Altsteirer eggs can vary from white to a light tinted color.

Have Altsteirer chickens contributed to the development of other breeds?

Yes, Altsteirer chickens have played a significant role in the development of other breeds. Their genetic diversity and characteristics have contributed to the creation of breeds such as the Sulmtaler.
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